View Full Version : Buying more land?

11-17-13, 01:26 PM
Ever since I reached Level 37 I can't buy more land. I completed both the goals to increase the home value. Is there a certain level you have to get to before you can buy more land again. I can buy more rooms, but I need more land. Thanks!!!

11-17-13, 01:41 PM
There is a max expansion for the games. If you don't see the expand indicators outside your house or there are no more expansions in the Expand tab, then you are at the max expansion.

11-29-13, 09:11 AM
I'm having the same problem. But if there is a max expansion, why do some of my neighbors have a lot more land than I do? (I'm also at 37)

11-30-13, 09:09 AM
Is there a chance the max will be expanded at some point?

11-30-13, 01:03 PM
I am also at the max, but it seems that others have more land than I do. Please add more extensions! I love the game but am getting tired of storing furniture to place new items...

12-06-13, 10:27 AM
Try starting completely over! Store all your rooms and build a completely new home! I've done dozens and it never gets boring. Obviously, there are always favorite pieces of furniture I go back to, but the different combinations are countless! Hope this suggestion helps!