View Full Version : School Lunch Recipe

11-16-13, 07:49 PM
I'm a bit puzzled by this recipe. It shows up on my daughters' android (Stove) on the 5th page over (between Chocolate Fondue and Burritos). Beings she is only level 8 and its unlocked, I'd have to say this a Level 5 or Level 6 recipe.

On my son's device (he's Level 12) and on mine they don't appear anywhere. All three have Android's Halloween version

http://i899.photobucket.com/albums/ac196/sharpguy32/schoollunchtest_zps0e79d3fe.png (Sorry for bad screenshot, it was taken with a camera, phone doesn't do screenshots).

Does anyone else have this recipe? The only thing I can figure out is maybe when she gets to at least Level 12 (like son is) that this will disappear out of the recipe book? She rarely plays, so it's be forever before I could confirm this myself. So seeing if anyone else has an idea. This wasn't in my db either, so this is actually the first time I've ever seen this one. :confused:

11-16-13, 08:29 PM
try playing "back to school" edition. Also do you have the bookworm decoration? it's also from there.

11-16-13, 08:31 PM
oops it's called "School time", not back to school.

11-16-13, 08:35 PM
This turned up at the start of my recipe book one day weeks and weeks ago, then moved to it's current spot (as new recipes do)
I'm level 69 so it doesn't disappear, and I have the version for iPad. I'm not sure where it came from or why, I didn't do anything different to just playing normally. An airline dinner and airline lunch also appeared at the same time.

11-16-13, 09:21 PM
Heres a link about school lunch update:


Here's a link to the airline update:

11-16-13, 10:05 PM
See, that's the thing. I'm the one that installed RS on the phone, about two weeks ago. It was Halloween version. This phone has never had School Time version installed, nor was any version installed prior to 2 weeks ago. I just uninstalled and reinstalled Halloween version. Sure enough the recipe is still showing same place.

I just uninstalled/reinstalled the Halloween version on both mine and son's phone. They still do not appear anywhere. I've been playing this the longest, do all the goals, their accounts are semi recent and have done absolutely no goals.

Mystery, 3 Android phones, all three with current installs of Halloween version, but only one has this recipe show. :confused:

11-16-13, 11:13 PM
This dont really help you but if I download Halloween from the amazon app store, I have mustache cupcake recipe. I unistall that and install Halloween from google play I dont have that recipe availabe, and Im on the same device! Yes, of course if I reinstall the amazon app it comes back, ya never know what your going to get I guess :confused:

11-17-13, 02:29 AM
amazon versions are different. they also buy gems via amazon store)))

11-17-13, 03:10 AM
Still confused. I've never downloaded an app off Amazon in my life. All three versions were downloaded from Google Play Store.

11-17-13, 05:13 AM
mustache cupcake is from Carnivals edition. because they haven't made that edition for amazon, they've included these items later in amazon's version.
and Apple has got these items just added to the game without any special edition.
it's a real mess really, they don't update all 3 app stores with the same edition so some items get left off here and there

11-18-13, 12:51 PM
Just download the school time one and you'll get it. I don't know why it's not showing up.

11-18-13, 10:02 PM
Yes, I understand that I would get the recipe on Story Time (which I have no interest in doing, I don't forsee ever using that one recipe).

My whole point was that it appears on Halloween version on my daughter's android but not mine nor my son's android. The responses that I was really hoping for was "I have Halloween 2013 on Android and I do or do not have that recipe.

I started in September. Regular Restaurant Story. That recipe was not on there. I upgraded to Halloween version, still not on there. Exact same thing on my son's phone, started with regular restaurant, then installed Halloween. Daughters phone. Started out on Halloween version (account only 2-3 weeks old). I'm not 100% sure, but I don't think that recipe was originally on there. It seems it just appeared out of no where one day, as another poster said on here. So, puzzled why it hasn't just magically appeared on the other two phones. Even a reinstall doesn't do it. We all have the exact same version from Google play store.

I guess its not really important, but I really wanted to know if I'm the exception to the rule. Does other android players (or even IoS) have this recipe. Do most of you have it or don't have it?

If I grab the school edition, then that recipe would only be on there while I have that installed. If I ever uninstall it and go back to Halloween version, or regular Restaurant story, then it will disappear.

11-18-13, 10:16 PM
no if you grab the school edition it will turn the recipe on. you'll have it in the school edition forever AND in ALL other editions until January.
maybe your daughter has played the school edition. they give 6 gems for that.

11-18-13, 11:20 PM
Ah hah! See I didn't know that. I assumed you would have to keep playing the same version to use that. And now it just dawned on me, that I think I did see School something on her phone a long while back. I didn't really pay it no mind, and it just dawned on me when you said she might have had it installed.

But it took a couple of steps, but finally, its now showing on my Halloween version.

Heres the steps I had to do to get it show:
I installed school time, it showed up in the right spot (of course) when playing the game.
Exited, then started Halloween Version. It did not show up in recipes.
So, I then restarted the device, just in case (since I see that phrase hundreds of times a day on forums ;)
Still didn't show up in Halloween version. So I uninstalled both of them, then reinstalled Story time again, only. Launched it, then exited, then uninstalled again.
Then reinstalled Halloween story, then it showed up.

Sounds complicated, eh? But I'm assuming maybe cuz I had two versions at same time at first. So only repeating those long steps, because if I uninstalled Halloween first, then installed School story (launch, exit, uninstall), then go back to Halloween, that probably would've worked.

So thanks guys, I'm glad that mystery is solved. I didn't know those extra recipes would work on other versions, assumed you had to keep playing that version to keep seeing it :D
So with that said, that kind of answers something else I always wondered about. I've seen people installing different versions to get those certain appliances/recipes that are obsolete on other version (ie Halloween 2012, XMas version 2012). I said to myself, but why, you're only going to see that appliance/recipe while you're playing that version. Soon as a new version comes out, you're gonna ditch it. But if said appliances/recipe carries over to other version, now a light bulb goes off in my had ;)

So I guess I'm gonna hit up Amazon (for first time, wish me luck) and hunt down some other versions and see if I can't get some other goodies to show up now, lol.

11-19-13, 12:16 AM
you don't have to reinstall, it eventually shows up anyway, maybe later, maybe next day.
but. if the special edition is older than this year (like thanksgiving'12, etc) the stuff would be accessible only from that edition.
because they turn off all the old special stuff on servers in January.

11-19-13, 12:55 AM
I installed x-mas 2012 a few days ago and got the turducken appliance (1 recipe), chestnut roaster (1 recipe), holiday drink machine (2 recipes), and the gift box stove (3 recipes). I puchased all these like I said with x-mas 2012 x-version. Not sure when they stopped showing up but there not in Halloween 2013 version. All of these appliances and recipes show up in the haloween version to use like normal.
There are numerous recipes for the oven and 1 I think for the stove if you play the old x-mas version, these however do not show up in the haloween current version. I have been playing the x-mas version for past few days to master those new recipes. When playing x-mas 2012, the current candy corn, mud pudding are there, I don't see candy corn pizza though. Oh well, easy enough to click on the proper icon to choose which version to run. After a few more days I can get rid of x-mas 2012 but keep the 4 appliances.

11-19-13, 12:58 AM
I installed x-mas 2012 a few days ago and got the turducken appliance (1 recipe), chestnut roaster (1 recipe), holiday drink machine (2 recipes), and the gift box stove (3 recipes). I puchased all these like I said with x-mas 2012 x-version. Not sure when they stopped showing up but there not in Halloween 2013 version. All of these appliances and recipes show up in the haloween version to use like normal.
There are numerous recipes for the oven and 1 I think for the stove if you play the old x-mas version, these however do not show up in the haloween current version. I have been playing the x-mas version for past few days to master those new recipes. When playing x-mas 2012, the current candy corn, mud pudding are there, I don't see candy corn pizza though. Oh well, easy enough to click on the proper icon to choose which version to run. After a few more days I can get rid of x-mas 2012 but keep the 4 appliances.

A recipe that shows up on a speciality version will never show up on a newer update of the game. Unless it's already cooking on a stove and then you will be able to see it, to serve it.

11-19-13, 03:27 AM
Good to know, so basically, anything from Specialty 2012 will be gone in January. And anything specialty (if any) would remain until possibly Jan 2014? Is that how its basically been working so far?

11-19-13, 03:28 AM
*Any anything Specialty 2013 (if any)...

11-19-13, 05:56 AM
On the regular version of the game they will remove seasonal content. But let's say you still play the Halloween or valentines versions from last year, those recipes will still be on that one only. On my android device I still order things from the Xmas, thanksgiving, Halloween and valentine games. Even though they are not on the latest version of the game.

01-14-14, 10:15 PM
Right now I just noticed that there is a new? recipe on the basic stove...7 hr. school lunch on the 2nd or 3rd page. Is this new? Or was it just moved from another spot in the recipes? Because I know it wasn't there before....

01-14-14, 10:42 PM
Right now I just noticed that there is a new? recipe on the basic stove...7 hr. school lunch on the 2nd or 3rd page. Is this new? Or was it just moved from another spot in the recipes? Because I know it wasn't there before....

It came out end of August or beginning of September. It was at the beginning at the beginning of September and then moved over.

01-14-14, 11:05 PM
It came out end of August or beginning of September. It was at the beginning at the beginning of September and then moved over.

Oh. Okay! Thank you!

01-15-14, 07:19 AM
I was so hoping there was a new recipe lol. :p

01-15-14, 07:16 PM
I was so hoping there was a new recipe lol. :p

I know! sorry!! ;) I guess there is a new recipe from the update though! :)

04-25-14, 05:09 AM
Didnt find in srping time version, had to open older version to cook it.

04-25-14, 07:17 AM
Didnt find in srping time version, had to open older version to cook it.

I still have that dish available to cook. On iPad air

04-25-14, 07:20 AM
Didnt find in srping time version, had to open older version to cook it.

Apparently some versions (android) do not have everything, including recipes and decor. Not sure why. The porcelain chairs, tables and display case are not available for me in st patrick's day version of bakery either but are available on an earlier version.

04-25-14, 07:23 AM
thanks for replying, im on android and it doesnt have that dish anymore. I havent mastered it in one of my accs.

04-26-14, 09:39 AM
thanks for replying, im on android and it doesnt have that dish anymore. I havent mastered it in one of my accs.

There is still a School Time version of RS on the Google Play store. Try downloading and using that to get the recipe back.