View Full Version : More lemon trees please?

11-05-13, 12:43 PM
My latest train delivery needs 11 lemons, 9 lemon tarts and 10 fried fish. That's a LOT of lemons!! I only get 5 every 16 (?) hours and they're never for sale in the newspaper.

Please can we have more lemon trees? Or could the growing time be halved?

11-05-13, 09:01 PM
Yes, I agree!

11-06-13, 12:36 AM
I ignore all those lemon orders for that reason! Not enough lemons!

11-08-13, 12:39 PM
Latest train delivery requires 8 lemons, 9 lemon tarts and 9 fried fish. C'mon guys. How is this fair? I can only harvest lemons twice in this time. I already have some lemon tarts and fish left from the last delivery I couldn't fill and there's still no way I'll make it :(

11-09-13, 02:22 AM
Alright, we got more sheep and pigs. Now it's time for us to get more lemon trees please! Either give us more lemon trees or just reduce the collection time. It's taking way too long to get some lemons.

11-09-13, 06:43 PM
Yes, please more Lemon trees or reduce harvest time.

11-10-13, 12:59 AM
You have been so generous to allow us more sheep and pigs...could you do us the honor of allowing more lemon trees or faster growing trees?

And why is the citrus juice so under priced considering what it is made of? Makes no sense.

Please and thank you so much again.

11-15-13, 10:45 PM
Has there been any consideration of this?

Also, is there a way to check if someone else has played my game? I know that support won't do anything but I logged in today to find that some things were different and I'm missing thousands and thousands of coins.

12-03-13, 12:44 PM
Yes, pleeeeeeaaaaassssee! Great suggestion. I think lemons are the only item I've never seen for sale. Clearly there's a major market shortage. More trees or a shorter harvest cycle would be great. And it was wonderful that the begging for more sheep and pigs was rewarded in the last update. Lemon tree very pretty and the lemons taste so sweet....anyone?

12-13-13, 04:57 PM
Agreed, need more lemon trees and add to that more blackberry bushes and herbs.... Oh how about honey too...

12-16-13, 08:04 AM
Yes, we definitely need more lemon trees. Also, on that note.... The train deliveries are frustrating to me when you are required to load items that you don't have the capability yet to make. So then you hope that someone sells them and end up spending thousands of "dollars" to only have a reward of 5 gems! I think the reward should be at least 10 gems to make it worth your time and "money". I know you need people to buy gems to make money, I understand that but for example, 1 shovel is 8 gems! I don't know about anyone else but very rarely do I ever get a shovel as a reward from deliveries or anything else. I personally then find myself using most of my gems to buy shovels! On a positive note, I really do enjoy this game and probably spend way too much time playing it. It is really a lot of fun and very engaging!

01-11-14, 12:40 PM
BTW, I just noticed that I can now buy up to 8 of each tree except blackberry bush. I am level 43....

01-13-14, 03:18 AM
Well, we got more lemon trees (thank you TL), now fingers crossed we get more honey and herbs.

01-27-14, 09:25 PM
I could still use more than eight lemon trees and still need more blackberry bushes, honey and herbs

02-03-14, 12:44 AM
So glad we have more trees but they cost too much, actually everything does😣😞