View Full Version : Alliance Portal graphics should reflect its level

11-03-13, 02:31 PM
Just as everything else, where you can tell its level right away, I think the portal should look the same (even a color change will do). In some cases it matters.

11-07-13, 06:58 AM
Absolutely, it matters. When we read a defense, we look at the level of the walls and weapons. Portal level should also be evident so that we can hedge our bets about the type and number of alliance troops that may be present.
When the portal couldn't be upgraded, it didn't matter. Now it can, so it does. Just change the color of the dragon scales inside the stone frame.

Now if your artists really want to get creative, throw in some animation. Get the floral plate and dragon scales to retract with an iron-grating sound effect when the alliance troops emerge!

11-11-13, 07:34 PM
DONE! The Level 3 & 4 portals look hot! Armor on the dragon's head is a nice touch. Thanks, FireMocha!

11-12-13, 08:10 PM
They can be upgraded! Yay