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View Full Version : Troop promotion

10-28-13, 11:39 AM
My Mage just went from 19 hrs to go to 9 days and 19 hrs to go. What is changing now?

10-28-13, 11:44 AM
ugh that was tough. my plane went from 6h to 1d6h. also, the prices for promotion are changed

10-28-13, 01:03 PM
Me too...plus my levels dropped. I'm putting this in bugs :(

10-28-13, 01:12 PM
Same thing happened to me I had about 7 hrs left for white Mage now I have 10 days

10-28-13, 01:12 PM
My summoners should have been finished promoting to level 2 at 3:30 eastern time today. With an hour to go, they decide to promote themselves to Level 3 w a two day wait (I did NOT even open the screen so I didn't press it myself. Plus they weren't even done yet for L2).

So fine, I decide to just wait. Then an hour later, they show the 2 days is already half done, which it is wrong obviously.

Now I check and they have dropped a level which I had already bought and waited for. They should be at Level 2, but it has changed once again and now they are promoting to L2 once again, instead of 3.

I really hope this is a display issue, but I'm also not happy about waiting for things I didn't upgrade.

PS also if I have any summoners when attacking my troop numbers at the bottom immediately drop to zero for all, so I am unable to see what I have left to release.

10-28-13, 01:34 PM
My mage just did the same thing. Went from 1 day to 9 days. I imagine they could be changing things midstream again. Lots of others reporting the same.

10-28-13, 02:36 PM
I've passed this on for you

10-28-13, 03:58 PM
I've noticed the price for upgrading looks cheaper. I bet the cheaper upgrades and longer promotion time are actually a game play tweak to slow the game's progression down. I wish they would let us know when they were doing this stuff. I already had saved x amount of resources for my current promotion and the one that was going to be available in a couple hours. Then all of a sudden my mage goes to 10 days. Same thing happened with a RH7 upgrade when they removed some of the things that were unlocked in midstream. It shouldn't affect things already started. It unilaterally changes the terms of the purchase. It's like I bought a dinner that was $10 and while I was already eating it, it jumped to $15 dollars. That is a major problem to me and others.

Ugh. I really want to play this game, but there are other options that are becoming more tempting.

10-28-13, 04:04 PM
Come back online this morning to find I've been attacked by another hacker and if that wasn't bad enough I find that to upgrade my healers to level 2 its going to cost me 7.1m. What the hell!!! They were under 2mil yesterday!!! How can the game justify quadrupling the cost of these troops. It’s unrealistic and impossible to catch the higher players. Why do noobs and others have to pay so much more for upgrades when other players have already done this for a fraction of the cost? Please can you revert the cost of troops back to where they were or at least match battles by level not crowns! How much is it to upgrade a healer from level 4 to 5? How often do you find a player with more than 200k. Army’s cost more than that to build so most of the time you going backwards. I would have bought gems to do this upgrade but after this corruptedate I won’t bother wasting any more money on this game, you’ve made it too expensive to do the simplest things when you can’t even control the hacker situation.

10-28-13, 07:26 PM
I had a couple hours to go on my Demolitionist upgrade to Level 4, and now all of a sudden I have FOUR days to go. Storm8 would never let the reverse happen and give players a break if the times were adjusted down, so why should they screw everyone over in the other direction?

Completely unfair, but completely par for the course.

10-28-13, 07:53 PM
I had a couple hours to go on my Demolitionist upgrade to Level 4, and now all of a sudden I have FOUR days to go. Storm8 would never let the reverse happen and give players a break if the times were adjusted down, so why should they screw everyone over in the other direction?

Completely unfair, but completely par for the course.

The same with my Bears upgrade. Hackers, troop upgrades, frequent crashes, no confirmations before gem purchases, and a lot of unhappy players

10-28-13, 08:01 PM
I would also like to comment on jacobvanbourne's post above. I too have spent a lot of money on this game over months and to change the rules without notice or a grandfather for those active upgrades etc is completely unjust. I too will not be spending more money on this game which makes me sad as I was okay with doing so to this point. Gem purchases should also be prompted before confirmed. Upgrading something that will hacks another to stop should also be a prompt such as the Armory upgrading and the effect on any troops currently in progress.

10-29-13, 12:16 AM
I had a couple hours to go on my Demolitionist upgrade to Level 4, and now all of a sudden I have FOUR days to go. Storm8 would never let the reverse happen and give players a break if the times were adjusted down, so why should they screw everyone over in the other direction?

Completely unfair, but completely par for the course.

Same thing happen to me on my level 4 bears. Lost 3 days of upgrading! The least they could do Is give some kind of warning. I'm a paying player things like this would make me rather play clash of clans

10-29-13, 03:31 AM
So are the new upgrade timers correct or what? Seems a little ridiculous when you can upgrade RH to lvl 10 in quicker time than you can upgrade a troop.

10-29-13, 06:23 AM
This most recent updated has been most disastrous for my upgrading. Without prior warning, I was awaiting the completion of my level four bear upgrade with only 1 day do to. I was dismayed to discover that after the updated I had to wait and additional 6 days for my bears to finish upgrading. This makes no sense to me what so ever. United that had already been paid for, should have completed under the previous time frame. Why penalize users who have already made the investment?

I would also like to add, that the massive increase in unit upgrade costs creates an imbalance in the game that favors users who have been playing for some time and already completed most of their upgrades. It seem out right unfair to all new players.

10-29-13, 06:47 AM
Same problem here. My archer were some hours away from upgrading to the highest level. And zzzzoooommmm... 6 days! Hello?!?

New players are penalized massively. If the game needs adjustment, than everybody should suffer the same IMHO. My suggestions:

- New players get higher costs / times -> Old players should lose a level of the same unit.
- Same conditions for all players: Same amount of defence, army, resources and decor.

There ain't no justification for older players to have different conditions.

10-30-13, 11:21 AM
Sorry for the delay in responding, everyone! This is not a bug, but a change our Game Design team thought was necessary to improve the balance in the game for some of the higher level units. I've included this, and more items in our most recent patch notes. I posted it today, but the changes were applied on Monday:


If you have any feedback on any of those changes, please leave them there.

10-30-13, 12:26 PM
Sorry for the delay in responding, everyone! This is not a bug, but a change our Game Design team thought was necessary to improve the balance in the game for some of the higher level units. I've included this, and more items in our most recent patch notes. I posted it today, but the changes were applied on Monday:


If you have any feedback on any of those changes, please leave them there.

Er... you haven't really addressed this in the PATCH NOTES, Turtle. We'd like to know exactly what to expect in terms of the pricing and armory times for troop promotions. A list, maybe. Troop - Level - Cost - Time?
And now, I'm gonna go there: Are all players being charged the same amount of spellstones/coins and wait times for promotions/upgrades? Or are we getting that multi-tiered, variable-rate thing you folks so often implemented in TeamLava games? Do tell.