View Full Version : Tapping techniques

10-27-13, 02:40 PM
What is your strategy to efficiently plant/harvest/plow your goodies?

When I first started, I'd just use my index finger. This worked well while I was just dabbling with a very small farm.

Now that I have the maximum size and I'm trying to master all of the 3-hour crops, I've found that my finger actually gets fatigued (!) and is just not as efficient at tapping 500 squares 3 times every 3 hours. I've tried switching hands, using my middle or ring fingers (ring finger actually works well since I can leave my hand flat instead of extending a single finger), etc.

Right now I've actually settled on using my thumbs. I zoom so that I can do about 12 squares of a row at a time (top half of an entire row), and alternate tapping one thumb and then the other, outside to inside. So, plot 1 and plot 12, plot 2 and plot 11, 3 and 10, etc.

I do one whole pass of this across the top half of my farm, 12x24, and then the bottom so that my entire 24x24 is done in two passes. I find that it takes only about 8 minutes to get the whole thing done with this technique. (About halfway through, I tap into Social to get the game caught up to me, since I get pretty far ahead of the queue)

This is much easier on my poor fingertips, esp since I have recovered from RSI in the past from being in a full-time typing job.

10-27-13, 09:39 PM
I use a stylus to tap. Works way better than my fingers or thumbs.

10-28-13, 05:57 AM
Before I quit this game Id plow, plant etc squares at a time. I would use two fingers, one on each hand to tap.

10-28-13, 06:33 AM
I never thought about the way I tap, so after reading the post - but I use either my thumb or one of my fingers. Don't have really hard time with it and never had, as I just replant a piece at a time. Never really the entire farm size plot.

Also just a thought - not sure you want to do all the 3 hour crop at one time. Now I have left only a few 36 hours and 2 day crop and have mastered everything else, but I still plant the 3 hours crop so my neighbors can water. Looking back, I should had mixed it up back then and not rush one crop at a time. Master the long term together with the really short term one. Oh well, too late now. :-)