View Full Version : old missions keep popping up

10-25-13, 04:26 AM
Hello everyone.I hope someone out there can shed some insight on an issue that keepings happening to me. Firstly, I plat RS on my Nook Color. The problem that I'm having is this...everytime I go more than a few hours without logging in I receive ALL of the past challenges that I've completed as pop ups. They pop up on my screen starting the most frequent and going allllllll the way back to the very first ones where you make your first meal and buy the stoves and whatnot. This is getting very frustrating the higher level I get. I havelimited time to play and I literally spend 10 mins closingout these notifications. I'm only level 15 or so right now and icant imagine doing this at a much higher level. Any ideas? Thanks in advance

- Kitty

kooky panda
10-25-13, 05:14 AM
Try restarting your device. If still issues, try uninstalling and reinstalling the game.

11-03-13, 05:31 AM
The best way to deal with that is to force close the game. On my device to foreclose you press and hold the home key till you see the running tasks, then you hit delete all running tasks or just rs. Then click on the rs app again and that mission thing is gone.hope this helps

11-03-13, 09:22 AM
I have the same problem on a Samsung galaxy note ii. It happens after the update the game.

01-09-14, 07:15 PM
Hi everyone,
I also keep having this problem with RS and other games I play. Bakery Story & Pet Shop Story.
I don't know if this is due to them not having my information correct. The other day when I got an email back from Teamlava, they don't seem to be answering the question at all. I don't know if they dont understand the question?
The only thing we are trying to ask about is if they have my email address correct for my account.
That is because when trying to login the other day to the forums & we hit forget password, when we put in my email address, it says it doesnt recognize it as being an account.

01-09-14, 07:48 PM
You can check your email in "forum actions - edit profile" above. This is where it sends the password.
If you haven't set it there yet, it won't recognize.

01-09-14, 09:50 PM
thank you very much for all the help.
I tried to do that but it thinks I want to change my password.
I dont need the password to be changed. Just the email address regustered for my account.

01-09-14, 10:15 PM
it asks for the password in order o set up the email. to verify that it's you.
to prevent others changing the email if you leave the computer unattended or something

01-10-14, 08:19 AM
how are you doing ?
Thank you very much for the help.
It seems like something is not correct or maybe I'm not understanding something.
Here is the exact message that comes up

The password you have entered does not match your current one. Please press the back button, enter the correct details and try again. Don't forget that the password is case sensitive. Forgotten your password? Click here!
i dont understand why I get that message. I am logged in to the forums right now with the password I typed in the box where it says for giving them the correct email address.
They don't seem to have my email address correct, since if you hit forget password, & I put the email address in to send the password to, it doesnt seem to have the correct email address showing up for my account.

01-11-14, 01:05 AM
Happens to me every now and then. SO ANNOYING! but I just exit out and reopen and usually that'll make it stop

01-11-14, 10:45 AM
the other thing that happens is they don't seem to have the correct email address listed for my account.
When I hit forgot password, so they can send it to me, when I enter in my email address, I get a message saying my email address doesnt match. It cant find
I keep trying to email them & they dont seem to understand my question. We are trying to find out what do they have listed for my email address. It seems this must be alot of the cause for things such as the challenges or goals, keep disappearing & also challenges I have already completed, show up again for me to do again.

I dont know if this is being caused by changes going on with all our devices. Like maybe they have my Mom's email address listed somehow or someone else in my family. Seems like with my kindle, it kept having my Mom's email listed whenever I would look it seemed to have her name, so like this hername@kindle.com
also it seems everytime a tech does something to things, it causes problems too. Over the years, repairmen who we have used, never correct the original problem, plus things working correct before they took the computer, are not working, such as being locked out of accounta that were working before they took the computer. Yes, locked out because says my password is not correct.
We even have tried Remote Access, which seems to cause new problems too. In August of 2009, this one guy, did a bunch of things we didnt need done or want done by anyone. He did it anyways. Even tried to lie about some things. Then one day he emails me & says not been giving the details. Said yes, he logged into all accounts with my usernames & passwords.
The only thing we needed done was help on getting files backed up. He somehow accessed my Mom's acomputer & files, email. Some of the files he sent were from her email. Since it has a picture of things she purchases. Since we have not been able to fix things he did. He also was getting annoyed on having to backup certain things too & said he would write a script to strip things out. Also he renamed index files. Said he must rename all the index.html files to imdex2 or something similar. Tried to stop him & kept asking why this must be done, since backing files up work just fine without renaming the files. Plus some of the files he renamed already had files with those names, so it just overwrites what was there previous.
If he renames a picture, then the picture maybe still there somewhere, but with whatever new name it has, & he wont say what he named it. I was just backing up files without renaming, which is why I know that step doesn't need to be done.
The reason I need help is due to handicaps I have. After awhile of doing certain repeatitive things I cant anymore. Henever backing up you have to test things too, to make sure it will work on other computers. You have to finalize the discs & all.
Then go to another computer. Physically I cant do that for long.

01-11-14, 04:28 PM
omg. well that email doesn't matter anyway. it's only for the case if you've lost your games account (your games reset to level 1) AND you forgot the password. you can send it to email then.
if you have your games, you can always change the password from any of the games. it's the same for games and forum.

old goals pop up when it loses the connection right after you open it. just close it and reopen.

01-12-14, 05:55 AM
I've been having the same problem. I recently got a new Kindle, transferred the games via the Storm8 method, and ever since then, I have had to go through all the goals every single day on Restaurant Story (some days on Bakery Story as well) -- meaning every goal from the beginning of the game. Very annoying! I've already tried uninstalling and reinstalling the game, force-closing the device, and so on.

01-12-14, 03:35 PM
Yes, I am also trying to complete the Magic of Christmas goal.
Only 23 hrs left.
Not sure what to do.

01-14-14, 07:22 AM
I just sent an email to support yesterday about all of the pop ups. They happen everyday, sometimes twice a day for me in RS, BS & Fashion. The worst one is RS; literally dozens of pop ups in that one. I really hope TL can fix this bug; I don't want to have to force close or reinstall everyday. I play on a Kindle HDX.