View Full Version : Neighbors List by Social Rating v. Alpha

10-20-13, 07:11 AM
Suggestion: It would seem much more fair if our neighbor lists sorted by social rating rather than coming up alphabetically by farm name. That would provide more incentive for time put in helping out on other farms!!

10-21-13, 12:33 PM
I've been thinking this would be a great feature to have in every TL game I've played. Pretty sure I've even suggested it a few times. Ultimately, I figure it doesn't benefit TL in any way to add it, so we'll never see it. If there was a way they could make you accidentally spend a bunch of gems while using it, they'd have implemented an idea like this already.

10-27-13, 07:10 AM
At least if you were being equitable and trying to give some love to the end of the alphabet, it would be nice if the Neighbor List would begin to come up alphabetically from the first one you selected each day rather than stubbornly returning to the a's and b's and farmers who scammed the alpha preference system by starting their farm names with spaces. I would have to imagine that farm names that begin with Y or Z must get only a tiny fraction of the visits the As and Bs get because of the system the designers set up. That makes no sense. Why wouldn't it benefit the developers to reward those who play most often?