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12-06-13, 02:35 PM
Please TL

kooky panda
12-06-13, 02:47 PM
Guys, I am sorry, but I did check on this .

It is already being worked on for improvements, so they can only turn it back on when the updates are completed. Sorry! :(

12-06-13, 02:49 PM
Guys, I am sorry, but I did check on this .

It is already being worked on for improvements, so they can only turn it back on when the updates are completed. Sorry! :(

This is ridiculous. Not even being told before hand... How long will this take?? :mad:

12-06-13, 02:56 PM
I'm so mad .... Now all food get flies and catalogs will expire and my goals regarding getting to certain level will expire

Tournament can't complete now
No need to fix a feature that's has been working correctly

I haven't seen no complaints on the feature not working for someone

Pls bring it back within 24hrs .... Pay your employees overtime so they can work on it

12-06-13, 02:58 PM
I'm so mad .... Now all food get flies and catalogs will expire and my goals regarding getting to certain level will expire

Tournament can't complete now
No need to fix a feature that's has been working correctly

I haven't seen no complaints on the feature not working for someone

Pls bring it back within 24hrs .... Pay your employees overtime so they can work on it

I agree 100000000000% I would have been happier if they had given us some notice. Absolutely ridiculous.

12-06-13, 03:02 PM
I agree 100000000000% I would have been happier if they had given us some notice. Absolutely ridiculous.
Yeah they didn't even let us chose which acct we wanted to keep
And if I complete tournament on other acct and then email tl to transfer acct it will be to late since they take 3-5 days to reply and the tournament has only 4 days left

I don't even remember exactly how much gems I had in order to make the transfer

12-06-13, 03:05 PM
Yeah they didn't even let us chose which acct we wanted to keep
And if I complete tournament on other acct and then email tl to transfer acct it will be to late since they take 3-5 days to reply and the tournament has only 4 days left

I don't even remember exactly how much gems I had in order to make the transfer

They have to turn it back on. It didn't need improving in the first place, I use it all the time and there was no problem with it.

All the food etc is going to spoil.

12-06-13, 03:07 PM
They could have put a pop up in the games saying they were doing this.. To let people prepare.

12-06-13, 03:16 PM
Are you seriously kidding me???????? I switch accounts on my ipad because it has a bigger screen, go out, and come back to find out I have no access to my main account?????. Really?????????

12-06-13, 03:17 PM
Please turn it back on until next reset and give people a chance to log in on other devices.

12-06-13, 03:19 PM
Tl I was going to purchase gems on my acct but now I can't since I can't access my acct?

Give us 4 more days with this feature

12-06-13, 03:20 PM
So let me see if I understand this. Christmas goals are about to be released but i won't be able to do them because teamlava removed my account without any warning. Wow.

12-06-13, 03:20 PM
I'm am so mad. They could have given us a warning.

12-06-13, 03:21 PM
This is totally ridiculous! NO WARNING AT!! I can understand needed updates but at least give us a heads up!!!! VERY UNPROFESSIONAL!!!!!!!!!

12-06-13, 03:24 PM
TL turn it on until next reset. Gives every player a chance to sort the devices out. Come on...

12-06-13, 03:37 PM
Like I'm reading with all the previous responses... this is very unprofessional. Hey, I realize this is JUST A GAME but this is also YOUR business which you make money off of and employ workers to maintain/update/create, etc. Just thought you all would have given us some notice before removing this wonderful ability to switch in and out of accounts on the same device. Obviously if we had a heads up, we would all have prepared accordingly. It's just really annoying!!! I hope this gets fixed soon and before any new goals come up.

Waiting anxiously... thank you.

12-06-13, 04:16 PM
I'm too upset ...SOME ..ANY WARNING ..should have been established ...I can't access all my games ....I'm in the middle of goals ..tournaments ...these will be over next week! should give a couple day notice ..minium. 48 hours that we would not be able to access them especially when talking about a week ...

12-06-13, 05:09 PM
I am like the rest of them give some notice I put my husband on so he could play on a new iPad I got for a early Christmas gift last night and you did not say anything so thanks for taking that away from me

12-06-13, 05:22 PM
I can't believe this I'm stuck in my 2nd account can't go back to my main one so as I wait all my food and catalogs are spoiling not to mention my nbrs are going to wonder were I have gone I tips and gift daily. Also I had 5 battles left in the dynasty dragon tournament and there is no way I will be able to finish. So I kiss the dynasty dragon good bye and for what because TL can't give any warning that they planed on doing maintenance. 😣

12-06-13, 05:30 PM
I'm still very upset about NO ADVANCED WARNING! You gave approximately a weeks notice when you were going to do maintenance on your servers. And that was only going to interrupt things for a couple of hours! AN ENTIRE WEEK!! I'm one of the lucky ones, I happened to have one ID logged in on my phone and the other on my husbands. It's not an ideal situation but I have access to all of my places. I really feel for those who don't.

12-06-13, 05:33 PM
I can't believe this I'm stuck in my 2nd account can't go back to my main one so as I wait all my food and catalogs are spoiling not to mention my nbrs are going to wonder were I have gone I tips and gift daily. Also I had 5 battles left in the dynasty dragon tournament and there is no way I will be able to finish. So I kiss the dynasty dragon good bye and for what because TL can't give any warning that they planed on doing maintenance. ��
Are you neighbors with yourself? It won't help you tip or gift where you're locked out if but you can at least let your neighbors know what's happened.

12-06-13, 05:44 PM
Are you neighbors with yourself? It won't help you tip or gift where you're locked out if but you can at least let your neighbors know what's happened.

Yes I have posted a message on my wall. The thing that is really bothering me though is I have worked so hard to get the dynasty dragon and now it will be gone when they do get this back up and running:(

12-06-13, 06:52 PM

Thank you TL

12-06-13, 07:01 PM
The only surprising thing is that anyone is actually surprised at this... at the fact that they're not switching it back on temporarily, or offering some other solution for the wrecks they've caused, and throwing a popup in the game with an apology and a time extension on goals for the lost hours. None of you are actually expecting anything you'd expect (and get) from a respectable company, are you? :(

12-06-13, 07:19 PM
Find another device to borrow (that doesn't have an ID set on it), download Racing Live on it, and transfer your second accounts onto that device. Then get on Racing Live on your own device, and go through that transfer process with your primary ID, that should get you back into your games.

Someone please correct me if this process won't help this problem, but from what I understand, it should work this way.

My version of transfer instructions:
Play Racing Live to level 2 (just keep hitting the "Do it!" buttons). It'll ask for your street name, make up whatever for that, and pick a class, blah, then hit:

Home > little gear icon > Storm8 tab > Start/Resume Transfer > select New Device > enter your current ID and password > Transfer > wait some seconds > go back to Home and make sure your ID is there > that's all there is to it > no really, it's that simple > I know right?!

Good luck you guys, this truly sucks. :-(

12-06-13, 07:24 PM
You're probably better off doing what they suggest in their sticky about it (i.e. contact support to get the account restored) rather than odd solutions that could leave you potentially worst off.

And I am, and remain, beyond furious. How dare they remove access to my main account, on which I just purchased gems, without warning. Just. Beyond. Furious.

kooky panda
12-06-13, 07:46 PM
I wanted to jump in an remind everyone that is is against the Terms of Service (http://forum.storm8.com/showthread.php?227-Terms-of-Service)to transfer your games to any device that you do not own.
Remember even if you use the login feature later to move your games back to your device, they still will remain on any device you transferred them to.

You may not sell, trade, or otherwise transfer or assign your Account to another party, except as expressly provided in Section E of these Terms of Use. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password and Account and agree not to provide your login information to any other party. You are fully responsible for all activities that occur under your password or Account with or without your knowledge. You agree to immediately notify Storm8 of any unauthorized use of your password or Account or any other breach of security.

You may transfer your Account or portions of the Service from one Device to another only as expressly authorized and enabled by Storm8 through the Service. You will be allowed to transfer the Service to a new Device so long as you are the owner of both the old and new Devices and the Account being transferred.

12-06-13, 08:26 PM
Find another device to borrow (that doesn't have an ID set on it), download Racing Live on it, and transfer your second accounts onto that device. Then get on Racing Live on your own device, and go through that transfer process with your primary ID, that should get you back into your games.

[COLOR="#FF0000"]Someone please correct me if this process won't help this problem, but from what I understand, it should
[SIZE=1]My version of transfer instructions:
Play Racing Live to level 2 (just keep hitting the "Do it!" buttons). It'll ask for your street name, make up whatever for that, and pick a class, blah, then hit:

Home > little gear icon > Storm8 tab > Start/Resume Transfer > select New Device > enter your current ID and password > Transfer > wait some seconds > go back to Home and make sure your ID is there > that's all there is to it > no really, it's that simple > I know right?!

Good luck you guys, this truly sucks. :-(

I dont think this will work I dont have a way to accses my main acct

12-06-13, 08:27 PM
I have no urge to keep playing the game. This has really ****ed my enthusiasm. Especially for the upcoming goals. So I'm off to play other games. That was unacceptable team lava.

12-06-13, 10:10 PM
I wanted to jump in an remind everyone that is is against the Terms of Service (http://forum.storm8.com/showthread.php?227-Terms-of-Service)to transfer your games to any device that you do not own.
Remember even if you use the login feature later to move your games back to your device, they still will remain on any device you transferred them to.

You may not sell, trade, or otherwise transfer or assign your Account to another party, except as expressly provided in Section E of these Terms of Use. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your password and Account and agree not to provide your login information to any other party. You are fully responsible for all activities that occur under your password or Account with or without your knowledge. You agree to immediately notify Storm8 of any unauthorized use of your password or Account or any other breach of security.

You may transfer your Account or portions of the Service from one Device to another only as expressly authorized and enabled by Storm8 through the Service. You will be allowed to transfer the Service to a new Device so long as you are the owner of both the old and new Devices and the Account being transferred.

So does this mean if I am currently stuck with one of my accounts on two of my devices, and TL gets back to me with the ability to transfer my second account to one of my devices, I will then have access to both of my accounts on my two separate devices?

12-06-13, 10:26 PM
Find another device to borrow (that doesn't have an ID set on it), download Racing Live on it, and transfer your second accounts onto that device. Then get on Racing Live on your own device, and go through that transfer process with your primary ID, that should get you back into your games.

Someone please correct me if this process won't help this problem, but from what I understand, it should work this way.

My version of transfer instructions:
Play Racing Live to level 2 (just keep hitting the "Do it!" buttons). It'll ask for your street name, make up whatever for that, and pick a class, blah, then hit:

Home > little gear icon > Storm8 tab > Start/Resume Transfer > select New Device > enter your current ID and password > Transfer > wait some seconds > go back to Home and make sure your ID is there > that's all there is to it > no really, it's that simple > I know right?!

Good luck you guys, this truly sucks. :-(

I tried this earlier...doesn't work :mad: I still haven't gotten any pop-up telling me what's going on either like some players did...all I knew was that I was logged on my second account this afternoon, went out for a while, came home, opened up the games, did maintenance, closed everything out, tried opening RS:Halloween, and RS:Thanksgiving kept opening. I had NO idea what was going on. Uninstalled one, then both RS's, reinstalled Halloween, still nothing. Tried the Racing Live transfer...no go! Figured I'd jump on the board and see if anything was being said only to find out that TL screwed us again! First, they can't even be bothered to write the program on the android platform (when it's an open source code!!), then they end the 'Thanksgiving/Black Friday' sale early, without warning, and once again, here we are...a lot of us are screwed out of a lot of time (and patience), money, etc., because we can't get back into our other account(s) to do anything! WOW! Just truly unbelievable!! Think I'll jump on the FB page and see how many people are posting there! Hope they plan to compensate each and every player fairly...and by fairly, I mean something that truly says 'look, we screwed up again...we sincerely apologize...and we thank you for hanging in there AND supporting us through-out all of our screw-ups'!! Oh, is that raucous laughter I hear?!! Wonder if it's coming from my fellow players, TL, or both...:eek:

12-06-13, 11:25 PM
My food will spoil anytime soon and i still can't change to my other account. Still theres no replies in my email. i already emailed teamlava. pls help me.

Update - 12/6/13: We need to temporarily disable this feature while we work on some improvements. We hope to have it back up and running as soon as possible (about 1 week).


Will this feature be added to other games?
Yes, we will be polishing this feature and integrating it into other games in the future.

What if I have more than one account because I have multiple devices?
As long as you create a password for each account, you can log into whichever account you want to play when you switch devices!

What's the Connect to Game Center option? (iOS only!)
You will be able to link one account to your Game Center ID. Tap Connect to Game Center to link the current account to your Game Center ID.

Once you have an account linked to Game Center, you can sign into Game Center on any Apple device and tap Connect to Game Center to recover your linked account to the device you're using!

What if I don't remember my password?
Our support team will need to help recover your account this time. Please email us depending on the game you need help with:


But once you get your account back, you can update your password so you can use this login feature in the future!

12-06-13, 11:30 PM
This is truly ridiculous!! to do this without any warning at all, leaving so many paying....yes paying customers in limbo for a week!!! I bought hubby a new ipad today for our anniversary, went through all the process of making sure he had passwords for all his storm 8 games, spent an hour or more backing things up and setting up, went to try and sign in on his new ipad for him and nope, not happening! for a week??? absolutely ridiculous!
Can someone tell me if he does play the now brand new restaurant story on the new ipad, in a week will he still be able to sign in to his old game to play it on the new ipad? or will that cause a problem? wow....just wow.

12-06-13, 11:35 PM
Is there any update to when this feature will be back? Hopefully some time today..

12-06-13, 11:39 PM
im stuck with my second account. suppppper feel bad about it.

12-06-13, 11:43 PM
Me too. And my partner had only just started his second account and he now can't get access to it.

Really hoping it will be back today. They can't keep us locked out for a week and with goals coming up soon.

12-07-13, 02:48 AM
Can we please have an update?

12-07-13, 02:54 AM
The feather to login with an other StormID I miss very much. It was realy a bad idea to remove this. I hope that this will implemented again as quickly as possible!!

12-07-13, 03:00 AM
Phew thank god but pls make is sure soon cox I want to login in my own account cox this time I have login with my friend account n I want my own back before holidays goals so pls make is sure soon 😭😭 I miss my account already 😂 but have wait for week Gosh 😱 at last u guys have to inform us u'r going to do this so go back to your accounts

12-07-13, 03:10 AM
Can we please have an update?

I don't know what's going on in the teamlava offices, but you asked at 1:48am Saturday morning teamlava time. The normal workday ended almost 9 hours ago. The developers will most likely return to their offices on Monday morning. So probably no change in status until late Monday or Tuesday at the earliest.

12-07-13, 03:19 AM
Oh.. I just, like others, want to log back onto my account.

12-07-13, 03:32 AM
So sad to watch my food stale ��������

12-07-13, 03:34 AM
I just wish that they could enable it again, so we can log into our games and then disable it.

12-07-13, 09:30 AM
Waiting for tl to transfer my games.. pls tl hurry time is running out fro tournament
im losing precious hours

is their any mod or staff i can give my ticket number and do the transfer fast?

12-07-13, 09:38 AM
Waiting for tl to transfer my games.. pls tl hurry time is running out fro tournament
im losing precious hours

is their any mod or staff i can give my ticket number and do the transfer fast?

How do you transfer the games?

12-07-13, 09:39 AM
How do you transfer the games?

i used to do throught restaurant story but cant now

i emailed support to see if they can transfer it for me

12-07-13, 09:42 AM
i used to do throught restaurant story but cant now

i emailed support to see if they can transfer it for me

Ahh I see. Dont think support work at the weekends.

12-07-13, 09:43 AM
Ahh I see. Dont think support work at the weekends.

i know im thinking of doing a factory reset on device
hey maybe it will even go faster after the reset lol

12-07-13, 09:46 AM
Ahh I see. Dont think support work at the weekends.

then why would tl disable the feature on friday right before the weekend if support doesn't work on weekends

12-07-13, 09:49 AM
i know im thinking of doing a factory reset on device
hey maybe it will even go faster after the reset lol

then why would tl disable the feature on friday right before the weekend if support doesn't work on weekends

Yeah I know. Pretty silly of them to be honest.

They should have announced they were doing this improvement on login and let us have the weekend to sort out our games.

I had a look at my restaurant and bakery and my food is starting to spoil on my other account. :(

12-07-13, 09:51 AM
I really wish someone could just come online and give us all an update to whats happening and how long to expect it to be like this.

12-07-13, 10:07 AM
How is doing a factory reset going to help wouldn't it just put you back into the same acct it's stuck in? Any help please someone I am also loosing precious hours to finish the tournament in dragon story. I have already tried transferring my game to a old phone I had that didn't work. I also emailed support last night doubt they will get back to me anytime soon. Someone anyone HELP:(

12-07-13, 10:16 AM
This is truly ridiculous!! to do this without any warning at all, leaving so many paying....yes paying customers in limbo for a week!!! I bought hubby a new ipad today for our anniversary, went through all the process of making sure he had passwords for all his storm 8 games, spent an hour or more backing things up and setting up, went to try and sign in on his new ipad for him and nope, not happening! for a week??? absolutely ridiculous!
Can someone tell me if he does play the now brand new restaurant story on the new ipad, in a week will he still be able to sign in to his old game to play it on the new ipad? or will that cause a problem? wow....just wow.
I did get a reply from another player in another thread on this, and by using the transfer your own games option I was able to move all his stuff from his old ipod to his new ipad for him perfectly! Doing a factory reset I think would work the same because your device would be completely wiped. I will go back and find the link to the detailed explanation and post it for anyone wanting to try it, or for anyone who has just had the bad luck like us to have bought a new device on the day they did this! really what are the chances? lol.....

12-07-13, 10:25 AM
I did get a reply from another player in another thread on this, and by using the transfer your own games option I was able to move all his stuff from his old ipod to his new ipad for him perfectly! Doing a factory reset I think would work the same because your device would be completely wiped. I will go back and find the link to the detailed explanation and post it for anyone wanting to try it, or for anyone who has just had the bad luck like us to have bought a new device on the day they did this! really what are the chances? lol.....


Here it is. This is for transferring to a brand new device. Unless you did a factory restore on your current device this won't work. I don't know I'd be willing to try it, make sure you do a thorough back up before you try anything!!

12-07-13, 10:29 AM
How is doing a factory reset going to help wouldn't it just put you back into the same acct it's stuck in? Any help please someone I am also loosing precious hours to finish the tournament in dragon story. I have already tried transferring my game to a old phone I had that didn't work. I also emailed support last night doubt they will get back to me anytime soon. Someone anyone HELP:(

Please read my reply's, I am one who would give this a go, but I am also pretty comfortable doing back ups and restores etc. Better to be without a game for a week, than without your whole device! Think about it carefully, maybe someone else will have some extra help?

12-07-13, 10:49 AM
My problem is I need to get my other account which isn't logged in anywhere transferred onto my iphone to replace my mums account. I used the login feature which was on restaurant until last night.

I just wish TL could have given us some notice.

12-07-13, 10:54 AM
My problem is I need to get my other account which isn't logged in anywhere transferred onto my iphone to replace my mums account. I used the login feature which was on restaurant until last night.

I just wish TL could have given us some notice.
tell me about it i have the same acct logged in on 2 devices
so i need this acct on one of those devices

12-07-13, 10:55 AM
oh i tried the factory reset maybe i did it wrong but i still h ave my acct on it

12-07-13, 11:56 AM
I did the factory reset and it worked. I am back into my main acct what I did was factory reset my iPad then downloaded racing live. Got to lv 2 and then went to settings / account transfer resume acct transfer and logged into my acct. hope this helps someone good luck all

12-07-13, 03:32 PM
Thank you Kooky. It fixed now. Yay!!! :)

12-07-13, 04:29 PM
I remember there used to be a udid transfer method
Does that still work? If so can I have the link?

12-07-13, 07:09 PM
it's back on post 304

12-07-13, 09:12 PM
Need help I rebooted. My tablet

12-07-13, 09:17 PM
it's back on post 304

Thanks I read that but that doesn't have the link to the page were you could transfer from udid to udid

12-07-13, 09:28 PM
Thanks I read that but that doesn't have the link to the page were you could transfer from udid to udid

They moved that thread to off topic. It used to be a Sticky but they removed it I guess because Sehanas thread was more popular. I guess you can look in off topic or maybe search on uuid

12-08-13, 12:04 AM
tell me about it i have the same acct logged in on 2 devices
so i need this acct on one of those devices

That's exactly my issue!!!

12-08-13, 12:41 AM
My problem is I need to get my other account which isn't logged in anywhere transferred onto my iphone to replace my mums account. I used the login feature which was on restaurant until last night.

I just wish TL could have given us some notice.

tell me about it i have the same acct logged in on 2 devices
so i need this acct on one of those devices

That's exactly my issue!!!

Everyone is in the same boat.. I suppose the only thing we can do is hope that they finish earlier than expected.

12-08-13, 07:53 AM
Need help I rebooted. My tablet

Do you still need help? What I did when I reseat my ipad was I firt downloaded racing live then get to lv 2 on it the lv indicator is in the top right corner. Once that was done I tapped home then settings ( gear button) then storm 8 / then account transfer / new device / then I logged into my acct. Hope this helps and good luck

12-08-13, 09:13 AM
I have an old account I was to access but can not locate the login/logout option in Fashion Story in my new account. Someone please help! :) Thanks!!

12-08-13, 03:22 PM
Still dont have any reply from teamlava support. im getting pissed off really!!!!!!!!

12-08-13, 04:02 PM
Still dont have any reply from teamlava support. im getting pissed off really!!!!!!!!

Yeah I'm still waiting for them to do the transfer
I don't think I'll have a chance beating dynasty unless I use gold

I think to should just put him in my storage since its their fault I don't have access to this acct since they could of at least gave a day notice

12-09-13, 07:32 AM
Ohh pls that's really reallyyyy baddd :mad: get this feature back I miss my second account my all food get spoil it's Make me so sick ForGods sake I want my account before holidays goals :mad:

12-09-13, 12:01 PM
Still haven't heard from to on transferring acct

Yet I've said my goodbye to dynasty dragon.
I would appreciate if someone would do the transfer for me quick

12-09-13, 12:24 PM
How long does it usually take to make the transfer?

12-09-13, 02:07 PM
Hi Team Lava, it's Monday and I sent my request on Thursday!! Waiting anxiously to hear from you on my transfer and can we please fix this inability to switch back and forth from accounts no the same device soon!!! Before any Christmas goals may come up?

Waiting anxiously...

12-09-13, 04:08 PM
Would LOVE an update on how things are progressing. Are you on track, ahead of schedule, or behind schedule?

12-09-13, 07:43 PM
When I can log in to a different storm 8 id from restaurant story again

12-09-13, 11:37 PM
Thank you so much for transferring my games TL. You are stars! :)

12-10-13, 04:46 AM
Congrats rebel

I'm still waiting. Can't wait till they put this feature back.

Since it was working perfectly I think the only thing that needed fix was when you sign in acct in one device that same acct shouldn't stay on the other device.( but let me shhh so they don't get any ideas and take longer)

12-10-13, 04:52 AM
Congrats rebel

I'm still waiting. Can't wait till they put this feature back.

Since it was working perfectly I think the only thing that needed fix was when you sign in acct in one device that same acct shouldn't stay on the other device.( but let me shhh so they don't get any ideas and take longer)

Thank you.

But then the problem with that is, if you wanted to log in on another device, if that same account wasn't on the device you would be able to log into the other account on that device.

I'm hoping the improvement they are making is so you can log and put through other apps like bakery etc.

12-10-13, 04:55 AM
Thank you.

But then the problem with that is, if you wanted to log in on another device, if that same account wasn't on the device you would be able to log into the other account on that device.

I'm hoping the improvement they are making is so you can log and put through other apps like bakery etc.
Yeah true or then everyone can make new storm I'd over and over if everytime they start at level 1

12-10-13, 05:37 AM
Yeah true or then everyone can make new storm I'd over and over if everytime they start at level 1

Yeah that is a good idea. I have seen loads of people saying they would love to start again.

12-10-13, 08:27 AM
I can't believe the feature to log in and recover my game is disabled! We are in the middle of times quests which are going to run out before I get the chance to recover my game :( I've contacted the support but clearly they are taking their time getting back to most people. This isn't fair. Please help.

12-10-13, 12:08 PM
Quando sera que a op?ao de fazer loguin volta ? Esta demorando muito =(

12-10-13, 02:40 PM
Thank you so much for transferring my games TL. You are stars! :)


12-10-13, 03:32 PM
This is my first time emailing to to do a transfer and wanted to know if this is normal?

I received a reply asking if I still want the transfer ? ( hello I did email asking for transfer so yes I want to transfer)
In the reply they also stated that they will not be transferring accounts back and forth?( I never asked them to plus this is my first time transferring games)

So is this response normal?

kooky panda
12-10-13, 03:39 PM
This is my first time emailing to to do a transfer and wanted to know if this is normal?

I received a reply asking if I still want the transfer ? ( hello I did email asking for transfer so yes I want to transfer)
In the reply they also stated that they will not be transferring accounts back and forth?( I never asked them to plus this is my first time transferring games)

So is this response normal?

Sometimes with transfers, members may end up doing the transfer themselves, but forget to cancel out their support ticket.
When an agent gets to your email, they are just making sure you still need the transfer before they start working on it.
The back and forth comment is a normal reminder.
Make sure you respond back and answer all their questions to keep your ticket active.

12-10-13, 03:40 PM
Sometimes with transfers, members may end up doing the transfer themselves, but forget to cancel out their support ticket.
When an agent gets to your email, they are just making sure you still need the transfer before they start working on it.
The back and forth comment is a normal reminder.
Make sure you respond back and answer all their questions to keep your ticket active.
thanks kooky for you fast reply

12-10-13, 04:30 PM
so unfair, i never get any reply after 1 email from teamlava. so very unfair. still waiting for update to get back the log in to other acct.

12-10-13, 08:19 PM
I got a new iPod yesterday and had no idea they were doing maintenance. Downloaded Candy Blast Mania and tried to login and kept getting this strange warning telling me I haven't created a storm ID. I can't remember the exact wording but it was frustrating because I couldn't figure out why it wasn't logging me in. So I took it to mean that I need to create a new storm ID to migrate the old account into it. That ended up locking me out of the iMobster method of transferring my account because it's impossible to log out. So I email teamlava, they email me back saying they attempted to transfer the account but nothing has changed. So bummed right now. :(

If there had been a pop up saying they were turning off the feature I wouldn't have tried to troubleshoot it myself and I would have just waited. When they turn login feature back on will I be able to switch to my old account if I created a new account?

12-11-13, 12:01 PM
thanks finally got my transfer..
but still luv for this feature to be available as soon as possible
hope you fix it fast

12-11-13, 02:18 PM
thanks finally got my transfer..
but still luv for this feature to be available as soon as possible
hope you fix it fast

Aw congrats, glad you finally got your transfer :)

12-11-13, 02:37 PM
If you restore as a new device, your device will be completely wiped clean with no ID on it.
This will help you transfer your progress with the ID you do want with the storm8 app (ei. racing live).

BUT other apps won't get saved unless there is a back option for that app or the app gets backed up on the company's servers or there is a log in method.

12-11-13, 03:18 PM
I am pretty upset that the christmas goals are here and I haven't had my account restored yet. I sent in a ticket last friday and have not had a response. I just purchased gems on this account and I have to say this is really putting a damper on the whole game for me. I feel like I can't trust team lava to have the best interest of its *paying* customers in mind.

12-11-13, 08:19 PM
I am pretty upset that the christmas goals are here and I haven't had my account restored yet. I sent in a ticket last friday and have not had a response. I just purchased gems on this account and I have to say this is really putting a damper on the whole game for me. I feel like I can't trust team lava to have the best interest of its *paying* customers in mind.

I also have not have my old account restored. These games need time to build and delaying our time truly dampen the feelings.

I am quite upset with the support team. It has been days since I last email them.

12-12-13, 06:35 AM
I also have not have my old account restored. These games need time to build and delaying our time truly dampen the feelings.

I am quite upset with the support team. It has been days since I last email them.

Is there any update? Any new information??

I am PATIENTLY waiting for TL to get their ish together and RESTORE the log in feature. They advertised a week without the log in feature and it is getting very close to that deadline. I have rotted food in my main accounts and want to get started working on the new goals released.

I am fairly new to the forum, but finally see that all the frustration and negative feelings expressed are WARRANTED. I thought TL was finally moving in the right direction with their fancy new log in feature (most games have this feature) so I purchased a whole bunch of gems for my games. Now that they have taken the log in away, I am feeling really let down by them. I am happy with the updates for RS and BS but I am very unhappy that I cannot play on my main accounts WITHOUT an email to TL.

12-12-13, 06:37 AM
Rebooted tablet. Can't login need help
I'd lauramichelee

12-12-13, 07:06 AM
Do you still need help? What I did when I reseat my ipad was I firt downloaded racing live then get to lv 2 on it the lv indicator is in the top right corner. Once that was done I tapped home then settings ( gear button) then storm 8 / then account transfer / new device / then I logged into my acct. Hope this helps and good luck

Lauramichelee I replyed in this thread how I got back in after rebot did you try this?

12-12-13, 09:51 AM
Same for me. I sent an email on the 7th and again on the 10th, provided ID that's on both devices.
And yep, Xmas goal is here. No updates either on when the feature will be back.. at least if they said on the 14th it will be back, we won't be so upset.

Why do some people get responses and some don't? Very odd.

kooky panda
12-12-13, 10:57 AM
Rebooted tablet. Can't login need help
I'd lauramichelee
Can you give more details?
Are you on the same device? Have you tried deleting the game and redownloading it from the app store?

12-12-13, 11:25 AM
Can someone please give an update to when the login feature will be back for those who haven't been able to transfer their games?

12-12-13, 01:05 PM
I agree with some other posts...why do some people get responses, while the majority of others get absolutely NO response to their questions, concerns? You guys took a feature down that was, by all accounts, working fine for everyone that was using it...you took it down with ABSOLUTELY NO WARNING...AND you have yet to give a single update on when we can expect it to be returned! You've left a tremendous amount of people locked out of their main accounts (me included) with our only recourse being to either open a ticket to have you transfer our main account back, OR to factory reset our phones (a ridiculous solution being that we have more than one app on our phones...many people have done a lot of work to set our phones up the way we want them, and DON'T want to have to set them up all over again). You do have MANY PAYING customers...you owe it to us to give us updates on a daily basis (which I'm sure won't happen), but at the very least, give us at least ONE update! And I don't mean, 'they're still working on it' kind of update...I mean a detailed update on WHEN we can expect a resolution to the mess you've put us in with our games! Come on TL, do the right thing!!

12-12-13, 04:58 PM
I agree with some other posts...why do some people get responses, while the majority of others get absolutely NO response to their questions, concerns? You guys took a feature down that was, by all accounts, working fine for everyone that was using it...you took it down with ABSOLUTELY NO WARNING...AND you have yet to give a single update on when we can expect it to be returned! You've left a tremendous amount of people locked out of their main accounts (me included) with our only recourse being to either open a ticket to have you transfer our main account back, OR to factory reset our phones (a ridiculous solution being that we have more than one app on our phones...many people have done a lot of work to set our phones up the way we want them, and DON'T want to have to set them up all over again). You do have MANY PAYING customers...you owe it to us to give us updates on a daily basis (which I'm sure won't happen), but at the very least, give us at least ONE update! And I don't mean, 'they're still working on it' kind of update...I mean a detailed update on WHEN we can expect a resolution to the mess you've put us in with our games! Come on TL, do the right thing!!

I agree 100%. A week later and I am still really upset about losing my main account with NO WARNING. I put in a ticket a week ago and they don't even understand the problem! Come on! We deserve better treatment than this!

12-12-13, 05:16 PM
but this will not work for Kindle devices will it, cause I tried to look on my kindle fire hd, and I didn't see anything like this, and on my son's kindle fire.

I'm wanting to swap accounts names from one device to the other.. I didn't know if I could do it so I had created a new account on my Kindle Fire HD, and I want to log out on my games so I can log my "Pikafan12" ID number to my kindle fire HD from my old kindle fire which my son has now. he wants to be able to play the games, and he's gonna have this name "pikapom83" cause I haven't done much on the games, and I really want my Dragon story from "Pikafan12" ID number and my Bakery story and the other ones..

kooky panda
12-12-13, 06:57 PM
but this will not work for Kindle devices will it, cause I tried to look on my kindle fire hd, and I didn't see anything like this, and on my son's kindle fire.

I'm wanting to swap accounts names from one device to the other.. I didn't know if I could do it so I had created a new account on my Kindle Fire HD, and I want to log out on my games so I can log my "Pikafan12" ID number to my kindle fire HD from my old kindle fire which my son has now. he wants to be able to play the games, and he's gonna have this name "pikapom83" cause I haven't done much on the games, and I really want my Dragon story from "Pikafan12" ID number and my Bakery story and the other ones..

You will need to send an email to support@teamlava.com for assistance since you are trying to transfer the storm IDs.

12-12-13, 07:30 PM
I haven't been able to access my games in about a week on my iPad because my sister was logged into her TL game on my device, and now the log on feature that was on RS is gone. I want my games back, when will the log on feature be back??? I spent money on gems before the log on feature was shut down. But more important, I just want to be able to play my games on my own fricking device!!!

12-12-13, 08:18 PM
****** I FIXED IT MYSELF *******

After submitting a ticket a week ago and getting no help what-so-ever, I decided to take the plunge with the do-it-yourself method. Now I wish I had done it a week ago rather than trust team lava to get around to it. And it worked. I backed up my iPad on itunes (also transfered all my photos separately from the device as an extra precaution), and restored the device to the "new" setting. Then downloaded Racing Live and did the account transfer option as described in this thread:


There is a specific instruction for Kindle users as well, for the poster above who didnt know if it would work.

12-12-13, 08:42 PM
I think it's reprehensible that Team Lava would remove access to people's accounts and not provide appropriate levels of support. All these paying customers, who, like me, bought gems and then were locked out of their accounts, just as the holiday goals began! Shame on you TL. I went ahead and fixed it myself. (Post #357).

12-13-13, 06:00 AM
Since I got no game to play. So just come in here & post...free time. Just make full us

12-13-13, 08:17 AM
****** I FIXED IT MYSELF TEAM LAVA !!! *******

After submitting a ticket a week ago and getting no help what-so-ever, I decided to take the plunge with the do-it-yourself method. Now I wish I had done it a week ago rather than trust team lava to bother to care. And it worked. I backed up my iPad on itunes (also transfered all my photos separately from the device as an extra precaution), and restored the device to the "new" setting. Then downloaded Racing Live and did the account transfer option as described in this thread:


There is a specific instruction for Kindle users as well, for the poster above who didnt know if it would work.

your saying I click on my kindle and hit reset or something, and re download the one game and try to switch my name from my son's kindle to my kindle fire hd.. I don't have a problem with starting anew again, I haven't done much. I guess I'll go threw the friends list and post to each one telling them to add my other account. cause I did send an email yesterday with information, but they are taking for ever, but I'm sure there are tons of people emailing them with issues like I am having.

I was stupid I guess and didn't look this up before hand to do it, I didn't even know I could have done it on my own. Thanks, I guess I'll try, I hope I don't need my husband to log his email and stuff back in for his Amazon.com account, cause if so I'm gonna have to wait until he gets off work at 2:30p today.. I don't want to be playing and not able to play cause he can't log into it for me. it is connected to his Amazon.com account.

12-13-13, 09:45 AM
I think it's reprehensible that Team Lava would remove access to people's accounts and not provide appropriate levels of support. All these paying customers, who, like me, bought gems and then were locked out of their accounts, just as the holiday goals began! Shame on you TL. I went ahead and fixed it myself. (Post #357).

Im on android andit doesnt work if we 'reset' phones - but seriously having to reorganise my folders, settings, ringtones just because some genius didnt THINK to inform users....

I used the same method on my friend's device and it works. But it still isnt my device is it!
I cant keep borrowing his phone off him!

I spent 500+ gems over halloween. Meh! Oh, and no response still.

12-13-13, 10:06 AM
so today is the 1 week aniversary of this feature being disabled..any news when it will be up?

and you did say about a week

12-13-13, 12:55 PM
Please flip the switch back on! It has been a week without the log in feature. I was so happy to have access to my old games only to STUCK in them now! I want my MAIN/LARGE account back PLEASE!!!!

12-13-13, 04:28 PM
Im on android andit doesnt work if we 'reset' phones - but seriously having to reorganise my folders, settings, ringtones just because some genius didnt THINK to inform users....

I used the same method on my friend's device and it works. But it still isnt my device is it!
I cant keep borrowing his phone off him!

I spent 500+ gems over halloween. Meh! Oh, and no response still.

According to the link it works for android too. (http://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?54910-ID-Transfer-Storm8-Method&p=675489&viewfull=1#post675489) A factory reset would remove all your information from the device, so I'm not sure why it wouldn't work. The post says they've done in 20+ times on android.

12-13-13, 07:33 PM
The login feature has been re-enabled for Restaurant Story 1.7 (https://itunes.apple.com/app/id394807905?mt=8&at=10l3QL&ct=forum) on iOS! We're still working on the updates for Android users. Thanks for your patience!

12-13-13, 07:42 PM
The login feature has been re-enabled for Restaurant Story 1.7 (https://itunes.apple.com/app/id394807905?mt=8&at=10l3QL&ct=forum) on iOS! We're still working on the updates for Android users. Thanks for your patience!
Thanks for bringing it back
I hope next time they give us at least a days warning

12-13-13, 09:38 PM
Thank you for the update. I am very happy that iOS users can log their accounts, but I am on android, and all my games are played on droid; so that means no joy for me :(:(:(

12-13-13, 11:38 PM
The login feature has been re-enabled for Restaurant Story 1.7 (https://itunes.apple.com/app/id394807905?mt=8&at=10l3QL&ct=forum) on iOS! We're still working on the updates for Android users. Thanks for your patience!

Thank you :)

12-14-13, 03:01 AM
The login feature has been re-enabled for Restaurant Story 1.7 (https://itunes.apple.com/app/id394807905?mt=8&at=10l3QL&ct=forum) on iOS! We're still working on the updates for Android users. Thanks for your patience!

Thank you, But I'm not able to update !!! I clicked the update icon popup says "restaurant story cannot be downloaded at this time"

12-14-13, 04:24 AM
Still could not be downloaded ! I uninstalled the game and now can't download it!?

12-14-13, 11:31 AM
The login feature has been re-enabled for Restaurant Story 1.7 (https://itunes.apple.com/app/id394807905?mt=8&at=10l3QL&ct=forum) on iOS! We're still working on the updates for Android users. Thanks for your patience!

okay. i guess android users know for sure that they are a distant second to teamlava in terms of importance. But since 'it will take longer' for android i would suggest having the login feature in the regular version of restaurant story that gets updated from time to time instead of a holiday version like Halloween.

12-14-13, 03:00 PM
Great for iOS users! But I'm on android. It would serve TL well to remember that we are paying customers/players too! Please get it up & running for the rest of us before you lose anymore paying players. It would also serve you well to give us an update on ET (estimated time)

12-16-13, 10:18 AM
I would LOVE to hear an update on a time estimate for android users. We were given a one week time frame and we are well passed that now. If it's going to be ANOTHER week, then please pass on that information. It's better to know than to be left wondering about a company that I have dumped money in.

I have paid more into these games than buying a game for a new console and feel betrayed for doing so. This is NOT the way to build brand recognition and customer loyalty for the future of this game!

PLEASE Give back the login feature you gave then took away!! With sugar on top! Thank you

12-17-13, 05:36 PM
Hey everyone! Just wanted to update you all that Restaurant Story Android with the login feature should be available later this week. We've also added support for Candy Blast Mania 1.1.8 (https://itunes.apple.com/app/id680022952?mt=8&at=10l3QL&ct=forum) (iOS)!

12-17-13, 11:51 PM
Thank you sooooo much. The update is very much appreciated!!!!

If possible could you let us know which version it will be on....thx again!!!!

12-18-13, 02:33 AM
Will this be or has it been enabled for bakery story also? thanks in advance :)

12-18-13, 04:08 AM
Will everyone be compensated for the inconvenience of the weeklong absence of the login feature for iOS users, and the HUGE inconvenience of 2 weeks for the android users? I just checked my main account from my 2nd account, and all the sparkles (from neighbors/players visits) on my habitats that have been there for the last 1 1/2 are gone...does that mean that the gold that everyone sent me during this 2 week time period will also be gone? An actual response to my inquiry would be appreciated.

12-18-13, 08:32 AM
Yahoo & Hurry up!!!!!!

Hey everyone! Just wanted to update you all that Restaurant Story Android with the login feature should be available later this week. We've also added support for Candy Blast Mania 1.1.8 (https://itunes.apple.com/app/id680022952?mt=8&at=10l3QL&ct=forum) (iOS)!

12-18-13, 08:52 AM
Hey everyone! Just wanted to update you all that Restaurant Story Android with the login feature should be available later this week....

Thank you very much for this much anticipated info. Please do hurry. It's hard to not feel like a step child when we, as android users, currently have no login value while there are 2 for iOS.

I agree with the above poster in there should be compensation because of this. Especially concerning an extended goal time and rotted food. I know something can be done about this because on my old account I was cooking 24 hour dishes, I break my tablet, then months later when I logged in those same dishes were ready to serve. Please, if possible, give this and extended time for the holiday goals. Thank you

12-18-13, 04:33 PM
Hey everyone, Restaurant Story (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.teamlava.restaurantstory) (Android) and Hidden Objects: Mystery Crimes 1.2.1 (https://itunes.apple.com/app/id674105088?mt=8&at=10l3QL&ct=forum) (iOS)are now available with the new Login feature!

12-18-13, 04:43 PM
I checked both Halloween and the regular restaurant story. Neither are showing the login under social-->invite friends. Checked the versions on the play store, only is released. Will there be an update to

Hey everyone, Restaurant Story (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.teamlava.restaurantstory) (Android) and Hidden Objects: Mystery Crimes 1.2.1 (https://itunes.apple.com/app/id674105088?mt=8&at=10l3QL&ct=forum) (iOS)are now available with the new Login feature!

12-18-13, 05:01 PM
I checked both Halloween and the regular restaurant story. Neither are showing the login under social-->invite friends. Checked the versions on the play store, only is released. Will there be an update to

Keep checking! was just released, so it may take some time for it to populate the Google Play Store. :)

12-18-13, 07:48 PM
I was just at the google play store, what I did was clicked on the link the mod posted, it asked if I wanted to open it with the web or google play, I clicked google play, it stated I had the game download but there was an option to update, so I tried it. I updated and then opened the game and went to the invite section and the choice was there to get into the other games you had on other devices. wahoooooo it is back.

12-18-13, 08:25 PM
Hey everyone, Restaurant Story (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.teamlava.restaurantstory) (Android) and Hidden Objects: Mystery Crimes 1.2.1 (https://itunes.apple.com/app/id674105088?mt=8&at=10l3QL&ct=forum) (iOS)are now available with the new Login feature!

:) is bakery story for ios7 coming soon?

12-18-13, 10:06 PM
thanks a million this worked now i have to catch up :)

12-19-13, 09:34 AM
Thank you very much! I am sure I speak for the majority when I say this is highly appreciated!


12-19-13, 07:34 PM
Hey everyone, Candy Blast Mania: Christmas (https://itunes.apple.com/app/id765968888?mt=8&at=10l3QL&ct=forum) (iOS) and Jewel Mania: Christmas (https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/jewel-mania-christmas/id766146115?mt=8&at=10l3QL&ct=forum) (iOS) are now available with the new Login feature!

12-21-13, 09:11 AM
Got a problem! Just tried several times to go to my other account through RS -after I get the screen to proceed to go to the other account I keep getting a message that RS is an online game and requires internet access etc etc etc then it takes me back to the original account. What is happening? Takes several tries before it switches over!!!

kooky panda
12-21-13, 04:22 PM
After doing your login, close out all your games or restart your device. See if this helps .

12-22-13, 08:41 AM
After doing your login, close out all your games or restart your device. See if this helps .

Have done that, nothing helped :-(

12-23-13, 02:17 AM
Have done that, nothing helped :-(

Try doing it again :p

12-23-13, 05:31 PM

First I need to confirm that we can play the same castle story on two devices...

I have an iPad 3 which contains all of my main TL games and I have an iPhone 5 which has the same games that I play when I'm out and about without my iPad... I would like for my iPhone to be able to continue playing the games from my iPad and most specifically CS.

When I setup my phone with a storm id, I had to create a new one so not too sure what to do...

What I am looking for is step by step instructions on how to have the same CS to play on both devices. This way I can play with the device that is convenient. Please help!!!!

12-23-13, 05:49 PM
I had an Samsung Galaxy Gio and changes for Samsung S III Mini.
How can transfer my old World War account ??

I downloaded the game to new phone, but i can?t see where can i make the transfer.

Help me !!
I am 153 level and very much $ in bank.
Thank you

kooky panda
12-23-13, 06:08 PM
Got a problem! Just tried several times to go to my other account through RS -after I get the screen to proceed to go to the other account I keep getting a message that RS is an online game and requires internet access etc etc etc then it takes me back to the original account. What is happening? Takes several tries before it switches over!!!

Have done that, nothing helped :-(
You will need to send an email to support@teamlava.com for assistance.

kooky panda
12-23-13, 06:11 PM

First I need to confirm that we can play the same castle story on two devices...

I have an iPad 3 which contains all of my main TL games and I have an iPhone 5 which has the same games that I play when I'm out and about without my iPad... I would like for my iPhone to be able to continue playing the games from my iPad and most specifically CS.

When I setup my phone with a storm id, I had to create a new one so not too sure what to do...

What I am looking for is step by step instructions on how to have the same CS to play on both devices. This way I can play with the device that is convenient. Please help!!!!
Post 1 gives a step by step of how to login to your games.
Make sure you have a password for each storm ID. You can pull your games over to you iPad, then you can take them back to you iPhone.
Even if you have two storm ID's that is okay. You will only be able to play a set of games under one storm ID at a time.

kooky panda
12-23-13, 06:12 PM
I had an Samsung Galaxy Gio and changes for Samsung S III Mini.
How can transfer my old World War account ??

I downloaded the game to new phone, but i can?t see where can i make the transfer.

Help me !!
I am 153 level and very much $ in bank.
Thank you
If you still have the old device, make sure you have set up a password for your storm ID. Then you can follow the steps in post one to login to your game

on your new device.

12-24-13, 04:10 AM
Post 1 gives a step by step of how to login to your games.
Make sure you have a password for each storm ID. You can pull your games over to you iPad, then you can take them back to you iPhone.
Even if you have two storm ID's that is okay. You will only be able to play a set of games under one storm ID at a time.

It worked! Thank you Kooky Panda...

kooky panda
12-24-13, 09:52 AM
It worked! Thank you Kooky Panda...

Glad to hear!! Have fun!

12-24-13, 03:52 PM
Transfer my ID PLZ:I want to transfer my teamlava game (such as "Castle Story" and "Dragon Story") data to my new ipad , My teamlava id is "Fanqingzhou"

kooky panda
12-24-13, 09:10 PM
Transfer my ID PLZ:I want to transfer my teamlava game (such as "Castle Story" and "Dragon Story") data to my new ipad , My teamlava id is "Fanqingzhou"

Check on post 1 for the steps. Make sure you have set up a password for you Storm ID.

12-25-13, 03:34 PM
Check on post 1 for the steps. Make sure you have set up a password for you Storm ID.

That's regret ,I forgot set up my password for my ID before lost my game data, so I have no idea on the steps.
I have send email to support@teamlava.com for many days, Help me PLZ! Thanks

kooky panda
12-26-13, 11:36 AM
That's regret ,I forgot set up my password for my ID before lost my game data, so I have no idea on the steps.
I have send email to support@teamlava.com for many days, Help me PLZ! Thanks
Since you do have a password set up, you will need to wait on support.
It can take 5 business days before an agent can respond to your request.
(Wed was a US holiday.)

12-27-13, 12:31 PM
Just got ipad air for christmas and i started a new DS game on it but old android game is level 53 so really want to play my more advanced games on my air too, instead of android tablet. None of the games are showing the login access on my air at all....not under social/invite tabs inside the game nor the storm 8 menu "(
I know my id and passwords....also sent emails to support so waiting to hear from them in the holiday madness

I found the storm8 login under restaurant story, but it identifies my new id and not as guest. Can I still login to change to a different id without waiting for TL response? Somewhere I read that once new id is on device you have to change out games and that you lose the new one "(

12-27-13, 01:20 PM
Just got ipad air for christmas and i started a new DS game on it but old android game is level 53 so really want to play my more advanced games on my air too, instead of android tablet. None of the games are showing the login access on my air at all....not under social/invite tabs inside the game nor the storm 8 menu "(
I know my id and passwords....also sent emails to support so waiting to hear from them in the holiday madness.

Anybody know when dragon story will have this login feature?

There's no ETA when Dragon Story will have the login feature, but you can still use the other games to login for now.

Will this feature be added to other games?
Yes, we will be polishing this feature and integrating it into other games in the future. The feature is currently available in:

iTunes: Restaurant Story 1.7 (https://itunes.apple.com/app/id394807905?mt=8&at=10l3QL&ct=forum)
iTunes: Hidden Objects: Mystery Crimes 1.2.2 (https://itunes.apple.com/app/id674105088?mt=8&at=10l3QL&ct=forum)
iTunes: Candy Blast Mania 1.1.8 (https://itunes.apple.com/app/id680022952?mt=8&at=10l3QL&ct=forum)
iTunes: Candy Blast Mania: Christmas (https://itunes.apple.com/app/id765968888?mt=8&at=10l3QL&ct=forum)
iTunes: Jewel Mania: Christmas (https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/jewel-mania-christmas/id766146115?mt=8&at=10l3QL&ct=forum)
Google Play: Restaurant Story (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.teamlava.restaurantstory)

You can use this feature in our games to log into the Storm8 you want to use, which will affect all games linked to the account!

12-27-13, 02:35 PM
Here's one: What happens with the other-game goals? If one shows up, and the account you're logged into isn't your primary one, can you switch accounts so your primary game gets the reward instead? Or is that other-game goal instantly stuck to whichever account happens to be logged in when it shows up? Since those goals only show up once per device... ???

I don't know if this was asked already, but I want to throw it out there if it hasn't been. I haven't had time to browse thread titles beyond my subscribed section, and this thread is on it's 11th page with my 40 posts per page settings, and that's just too much to wade through.

12-27-13, 02:36 PM
Oh, and this feature is on that Fruit Splash game too, btw. :-)

kooky panda
12-27-13, 02:37 PM
Here's one: What happens with the other-game goals? If one shows up, and the account you're logged into isn't your primary one, can you switch accounts so your primary game gets the reward instead? Or is that other-game goal instantly stuck to whichever account happens to be logged in when it shows up? Since those goals only show up once per device... ???

I don't know if this was asked already, but I want to throw it out there if it hasn't been. I haven't had time to browse thread titles beyond my subscribed section, and this thread is on it's 11th page with my 40 posts per page settings, and that's just too much to wade through.
I have not seen the goals transfer over. The goals seem to stay with the original storm ID that they came with.

12-27-13, 03:03 PM
I have not seen the goals transfer over. The goals seem to stay with the original storm ID that they came with.
I meant the new ones that haven't come out yet, or that someone may not have gotten yet. Since they only show up once per device, would both accounts get the goal to play the game on the same device? Or would it be a matter of chance, and if one happened to pop up, you'd just have to hope you were logged in with the one you wanted the gems on?

12-28-13, 02:01 AM
Sorry to interrupt, but I do have a question.

I am able to access the forum on my main acct (this one) but am unable to log in to the forum with my old acct. I am trying to start an "add me" thread but not able to on my older device nor can I log in on this device to my old acct even with changing the password to log in. My question is am I only able to log into the forum on my main acct?

12-28-13, 02:12 AM
As an Android user I have found that I need to download new versions per storm id in order to get credit ,for example downloading Bakery Story Xmas, I used this acct & downloaded then opened the new version. I then opened all the games. I then uninstalled. I then switched the storm id & repeated and got all the gems offered as rewards.

When DS Winter came out, I downloaded on my main , left it installed then switched storm ids...I didn't get my gems.

Not sure if that helps & in my experience, its downloading the new versions PER storm id.

12-28-13, 07:22 AM
I have to say that this feature is wonderful. I got an ipad mini for Christmas and it took less than five minutes to have all my games up and running on the new device :D

12-28-13, 12:10 PM
If I already have a game on a device can I log on to a different account?

12-28-13, 12:58 PM
If I already have a game on a device can I log on to a different account?

Yes as long as you have your password and storm I'd for other acct

12-28-13, 05:03 PM
Aye somebody pls help. My ID is sheeda2468 on my old account from restaurant story and I didnt
create a password. How can I log back into my old account?

12-28-13, 06:51 PM
As an Android user I have found that I need to download new versions per storm id in order to get credit ,for example downloading Bakery Story Xmas, I used this acct & downloaded then opened the new version. I then opened all the games. I then uninstalled. I then switched the storm id & repeated and got all the gems offered as rewards.

When DS Winter came out, I downloaded on my main , left it installed then switched storm ids...I didn't get my gems.

Not sure if that helps & in my experience, its downloading the new versions PER storm id.
Hmm. Should probably be the same with iOS then. Thanks! :D

kooky panda
12-28-13, 08:49 PM
Aye somebody pls help. My ID is sheeda2468 on my old account from restaurant story and I didnt
create a password. How can I log back into my old account?
You will need to send an email to support@teamlava.com so they can retrieve your old account.

12-29-13, 12:34 AM
Hmm. Should probably be the same with iOS then. Thanks! :D

As an Android user I have found that I need to download new versions per storm id in order to get credit ,for example downloading Bakery Story Xmas, I used this acct & downloaded then opened the new version. I then opened all the games. I then uninstalled. I then switched the storm id & repeated and got all the gems offered as rewards.

When DS Winter came out, I downloaded on my main , left it installed then switched storm ids...I didn't get my gems.

Not sure if that helps & in my experience, its downloading the new versions PER storm id.

I haven't had that problem. I just make sure that I completely close down each of the games before I switch ID's...then I open up DS under the 2nd ID, open the other 'gold earning' apps one at a time going back to DS to make sure it's picking them up. You shouldn't have to uninstall/reinstall each app for each ID. I'd ask TL about it.

12-29-13, 11:36 AM
I already have new id on my iPad so it comes up instead of guest under storm 8 tab. Can I still login under different id without messing up the new game?

kooky panda
12-29-13, 12:04 PM
I already have new id on my iPad so it comes up instead of guest under storm 8 tab. Can I still login under different id without messing up the new game?
Yes you can login with another storm ID and password and pull those games over.

Then you can login in with the iPad storm ID and password to bring those games back over to the iPad.

Make sure you have a password set up for each storm ID.

12-29-13, 01:50 PM
Last night I had switched to my old account (not the main one on my phone) to visit neighbors since it goes much faster. I tried to switch back to my main acct & it said "bad username or password". I switched back & forth approx 2 hours prior. This has happened a couple of times before & support fixed in less than an hour.

I understand it's the holiday & it's limited support (being Sunday probably doesn't help), but it's been about 15 hours. I'm not worried about food spoiled or clothes ruined but with limited time to breed dragons I'm going bonkers, lol. I only had a couple hours left last night for hatching/breeding...& now I'm losing valuable breeding time.

Should I resend the email they sent me or will that just make it take longer & be more of a pain for support?

kooky panda
12-29-13, 02:48 PM
Last night I had switched to my old account (not the main one on my phone) to visit neighbors since it goes much faster. I tried to switch back to my main acct & it said "bad username or password". I switched back & forth approx 2 hours prior. This has happened a couple of times before & support fixed in less than an hour.

I understand it's the holiday & it's limited support (being Sunday probably doesn't help), but it's been about 15 hours. I'm not worried about food spoiled or clothes ruined but with limited time to breed dragons I'm going bonkers, lol. I only had a couple hours left last night for hatching/breeding...& now I'm losing valuable breeding time.

Should I resend the email they sent me or will that just make it take longer & be more of a pain for support?
I am sure support is behind due to the Christmas holiday.
When support gets you back, I would suggest going into your game and changing your password, and setting up an email to recover it, if this happens again.
Have you tried again? I will sometimes get this message, if I accidentally type in the wrong storm ID or password (missing one letter)

12-29-13, 02:54 PM
I do have n email set up....should I type in my email instead of password?

kooky panda
12-29-13, 02:55 PM
I do have n email set up....should I type in my email instead of password?
no, but go back and retype in your storm ID and password. You may of missed a letter or number the first time.

12-29-13, 03:00 PM
I have typed my storm id & password numerous times being very careful....dang you responded quick...lol.

Kooky needs a raise!!!!

12-29-13, 04:41 PM
Hi forum, on the new login feature on 1 device can I Login from one account to another on the same device? I was trying it out but got the message 'overwrite progress' so I stopped I have 2 accounts now so was just wondering(:

12-29-13, 04:45 PM
of course you have to overwrite to use another account. make sure that your old account has a storm id and password to prevent losing it.

12-30-13, 03:14 AM
Am playing Jewel Mania, and i was never able to CONNECT TO FACEBOOK... Even with latest version 1.2.1...
It is allowed in facebook, but when I press in facebook screen to accept, than window is open and its blank... Just see cancel in top left corner....

Better make that games are connected with game center...

kooky panda
12-30-13, 06:00 AM
Hi forum, on the new login feature on 1 device can I Login from one account to another on the same device? I was trying it out but got the message 'overwrite progress' so I stopped I have 2 accounts now so was just wondering(:
That is okay. You want to override so your games will transfer over to your device. Then you can get your other storm ID and games back to the device by doing the same steps.
Just make sure you have password set up for both of your storm IDs.

12-30-13, 08:45 AM
Hi, I'm trying to do this on Fashion Story but I can't find my account settings

12-30-13, 03:45 PM
Ok Kooky, I got in using my forum password...that makes no sense but I got into my main account. This has happened to me 3x before when I spend over an hour in my old account. I wonder if there is a glitch & wondering if I had used my forum password I would not have needed all the resets.

Support did respond with an automated email that had nothing to do with resetting my password... lol.

So, if you can't get back into the main account, try using your forum password before sending an email to support.

Thanks for all your help Kooky!

12-30-13, 03:52 PM
Hi, I'm trying to do this on Fashion Story but I can't find my account settings

I do believe you will have to go to the updated regular version of Restaurant Story to be able to switch. You may need to read thru this thread as there are other games (but I don't play them) that you can switch in.

kooky panda
12-30-13, 03:53 PM
Hi, I'm trying to do this on Fashion Story but I can't find my account settings
You need to be a certain game to do the login. See post 1 for the games you can use for android and IOS devices.

kooky panda
12-30-13, 03:55 PM
Ok Kooky, I got in using my forum password...that makes no sense but I got into my main account. This has happened to me 3x before when I spend over an hour in my old account. I wonder if there is a glitch & wondering if I had used my forum password I would not have needed all the resets.

Support did respond with an automated email that had nothing to do with resetting my password... lol.

So, if you can't get back into the main account, try using your forum password before sending an email to support.

Thanks for all your help Kooky!
If your storm ID is Trixie6969 then your forum password is the password for that storm ID.

12-30-13, 04:08 PM
If your storm ID is Trixie6969 then your forum password is the password for that storm ID.

I'm confused....so the password I created in help/FAQ for the forum is the same password created when you go to Main/Social/invite friends/account settings/change password?

kooky panda
12-30-13, 06:23 PM
I'm confused....so the password I created in help/FAQ for the forum is the same password created when you go to Main/Social/invite friends/account settings/change password?
If you storm ID for the forum is trixie6969 then yes, the password you credited for this storm ID is also you forum password.
So if you change the password in your game for trixie6969 then you forum password will also change.

12-31-13, 02:11 AM
Anyone having notifications issue after transferring from a iOS device to an android device? I've tried various methods but my notifications is still not working. And it's been 3 days already. :(

kooky panda
12-31-13, 06:09 AM
Anyone having notifications issue after transferring from a iOS device to an android device? I've tried various methods but my notifications is still not working. And it's been 3 days already. :(

Try going into you games and turning your notifications off then on again, then restart your device. If still issues, uninstall the games and reinstall them.
(If you are on kindle fire, I do not think the kindle fires have the feature of notifications)

12-31-13, 09:59 AM
I thought that the forum password was different. Thanks. I keep the box checked to keep me signed in to the forum. I changed my password in my game, switched to other acct. I visit the forum logged into the other acct and it seems to revert to the forum password. Now that makes sense.

Thx Kooky! You are da bomb diggity!!!

12-31-13, 10:55 AM
Try going into you games and turning your notifications off then on again, then restart your device. If still issues, uninstall the games and reinstall them.
(If you are on kindle fire, I do not think the kindle fires have the feature of notifications)

I've tried that methods, sadly it's still not working. :( I've already emailed the support team for help. But till now there's no solution for it. *sigh*

01-02-14, 03:30 AM
I've tried that methods, sadly it's still not working. :( I've already emailed the support team for help. But till now there's no solution for it. *sigh*

Finally after 6 days, I've managed to solve the notification issues on my device by myself. *phew* :D

01-03-14, 07:54 AM
This not apply to farm story 2.

kooky panda
01-03-14, 11:07 AM
This not apply to farm story 2.
You can only do the login with one of the games listed on post 1 for IOS, but when you move your storm ID over all the games under that storm ID will also move over.

01-03-14, 12:17 PM
Hey everyone, we've just added the Login feature in Bakery Story: Christmas (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.teamlava.bakerystory32) (Android)!

01-03-14, 12:35 PM
Hey everyone, we've just added the Login feature in Bakery Story: Christmas (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.teamlava.bakerystory32) (Android)!
Thanks for this! I switch at least twice a day and was hoping BS would get a login button! This will save time and my fingers lol :-)

01-05-14, 06:54 PM
trying to transfer my restaurant story can you please Help getting aggravated and I gave all my information no one do not want to help not been on this over a year that's crazy

01-05-14, 07:01 PM

kooky panda
01-05-14, 07:10 PM
trying to transfer my restaurant story can you please Help

Since your storm ID is the same as your forum name, then you already have a password set up.
Follow the steps in post 1 to move your storm ID over to your new device.

01-06-14, 11:50 AM
Just to make sure I am correct, I download the game to my new ipad, then login with my current id and password? I really only play dragon story , and castle story for the gold reward at the moment. I do no see dragon story listed on the first post, I could download the other game if needed first. Thanks, Loren

kooky panda
01-06-14, 12:02 PM
Just to make sure I am correct, I download the game to my new ipad, then login with my current id and password? I really only play dragon story , and castle story for the gold reward at the moment. I do no see dragon story listed on the first post, I could download the other game if needed first. Thanks, Loren

That is correct. You will need to download and use restaurant , (or any of the games for IOS shown in post 1) to do the login. When you login , all games under that storm ID will also move over.

01-08-14, 01:04 AM
I have got a doubt.

I have two accounts, one in ios and one android. If I transfer my android account to my ipad and trade dragons, or buy a gol dragon...Will I lose the gems and the dragons when I go back to the android phone or they Will be kept in the server until I go back to the ipad and recover them?

And.. The game I have in he ipad Will be kept in the server and Will be easily recovered when I want?


kooky panda
01-08-14, 06:13 AM
I have got a doubt.

I have two accounts, one in ios and one android. If I transfer my android account to my ipad and trade dragons, or buy a gol dragon...Will I lose the gems and the dragons when I go back to the android phone or they Will be kept in the server until I go back to the ipad and recover them?

And.. The game I have in he ipad Will be kept in the server and Will be easily recovered when I want?


You will be able to keep IOS only features, on both devices, but on the android device, they will be decorations only.

01-08-14, 01:12 PM
Perfeito, assim poupa o tempo de todos ^^

01-08-14, 02:33 PM
You will be able to keep IOS only features, on both devices, but on the android device, they will be decorations only.

Thank You! I have done it and it is quite easy. In the next months I Will have my own ipad ( now I am using My husband's ) and I want to trade commons while I wait to have it. :)

01-09-14, 07:56 PM
Me gusta perro :o

01-11-14, 07:58 AM
if you have two bakeries on one device how do you switch between them? I have an old account I'm thinking of transferring over but I don't want it to replace the new bakery I have already

kooky panda
01-11-14, 02:56 PM
You cannot have two different bakeries on one device.
If you have have two devices and games on each device(storm ID) then you can move your storm ID and games over to your devices by using the login feature as described on post 1.

01-12-14, 02:49 AM
I hope you could develop the login feature all the TeamLava games. It really useful!

01-12-14, 09:25 AM
Hi, I just bought a new ipad, and managed to transfer and upload all the games from my old iphone except FARM STORY 2. My current stage/status of level playing didn't appear in my ipad. Anybody can help?

kooky panda
01-12-14, 03:21 PM
Hi, I just bought a new ipad, and managed to transfer and upload all the games from my old iphone except FARM STORY 2. My current stage/status of level playing didn't appear in my ipad. Anybody can help?

Try force closing out farm 2 game (or restarting your device).

01-12-14, 05:39 PM
Thanks Kooky Panda.. I managed to recover my Farm Story 2 account.

kooky panda
01-13-14, 05:45 AM
Thanks Kooky Panda.. I managed to recover my Farm Story 2 account.
Oh good!!! :)

01-13-14, 11:53 PM
Hi, I have an issue with trying to get back to my new restaurant on my phone. I had logged into an existing account without first making a storm ID and pass for my new restaurant. Now when I go to "Account Settings" I cannot see an option to log off or to switch to my new restaurant. Is there any way I can log into my new restaurant now :\? (I hope I'm being clear about this...)

Thanks in advance!

kooky panda
01-14-14, 05:32 AM
Hi, I have an issue with trying to get back to my new restaurant on my phone. I had logged into an existing account without first making a storm ID and pass for my new restaurant. Now when I go to "Account Settings" I cannot see an option to log off or to switch to my new restaurant. Is there any way I can log into my new restaurant now :\? (I hope I'm being clear about this...)

Thanks in advance!
If you did not have a storm ID and password for the account you are trying to get back, you will need to send and an email to support@teamlava.com to get your games back.
Make sure you have set up a storm ID and password for your other games so you will be able to log back into that storm ID later.
Also if one of your devices in android, you will need to use one of the games that offer this feature shown in post 1.

01-15-14, 11:37 AM
:( You guys still haven't solved my problem. :( I want my other id back on my android device. I have tried to solve it on my own but it is not letting fix the problem. I've tried as kooky recommended but that hasn't worked. I've written your support a email with a picture of the problem but still nothing done. Please put my Mahina6878 id back on Android phone. :(

01-16-14, 09:08 AM
I just got a new iPad mini and I could transfer Fruit Splash using the steps mentioned in post 1 but couldn't do the same for Bakery Story and Castle Story. Why is that so?

kooky panda
01-16-14, 10:44 AM
:( You guys still haven't solved my problem. :( I want my other id back on my android device. I have tried to solve it on my own but it is not letting fix the problem. I've tried as kooky recommended but that hasn't worked. I've written your support a email with a picture of the problem but still nothing done. Please put my Mahina6878 id back on Android phone. :(
If it has been over 5 business days since you sent in your email to support, reply back to the automatic email you received to check on the status of your request.

I just got a new iPad mini and I could transfer Fruit Splash using the steps mentioned in post 1 but couldn't do the same for Bakery Story and Castle Story. Why is that so?
Once you transfer your storm ID using Fruit Splash, all your games under that storm ID will also transfer. Close out your bakery and castle games and you should see your transferred games.

01-16-14, 04:20 PM
Hi Kooky, or whoever can help me with this :-)

I have moved all my games successfully from device 1 to device 2 by using login feature.
The problem is, now I have all my games (same storm ID) running on both devices.

I want to give device 1 to my sister and she wants to start playing the games from beginning (level 1) and I also don't want her messing around with my games as well.
So please let me know how to delete all my games from device 1 so my sister can play fresh from the start and make her own storm ID?

All devices are using iOs 7 if this info maybe useful?

Many thanks x

01-16-14, 07:23 PM
If it has been over 5 business days since you sent in your email to support, reply back to the automatic email you received to check on the status of your request.- kooky
Kooky I have been trying sense the end of December and gotten no email reply at all from you guys. Sent a email ages ago with a picture and nothing has been to fix my problem. :(

01-16-14, 08:08 PM
Yes I had sent you a request when my tablet reset I lost all progress on games the I would love to get access to is dragon story halloween my storm 8 id was dreamland34 my island name was laos island I know I was on level 42 I think about []neighbors gold and money not sure I would like to get access to that island back please I have now started a new island my storm8 id for it is dreamland35 island name wishful island how and what can I do to get koas island storm8 id dreamland34 back please please help I had great dragons and a lot of time invested

01-17-14, 04:17 PM
If you did not have a storm ID and password for the account you are trying to get back, you will need to send and an email to support@teamlava.com to get your games back.
Make sure you have set up a storm ID and password for your other games so you will be able to log back into that storm ID later.
Also if one of your devices in android, you will need to use one of the games that offer this feature shown in post 1.

Hi Kooky, thanks for your suggestion! I had e-mailed support and after quite a few back and forth (to clarify what my issue was) I finally got this reply

{removed support email (http://forum.storm8.com/showthread.php?15033-Do-not-post-Support-emails-or-private-communications-in-the-forum)]
Sigh :(. Do you know if someone with a similar issue got theirs resolved? Is there a specific agent I should try to speak with instead?

kooky panda
01-17-14, 07:38 PM
Hi Kooky, thanks for your suggestion! I had e-mailed support and after quite a few back and forth (to clarify what my issue was) I finally got this reply

{removed support email (http://forum.storm8.com/showthread.php?15033-Do-not-post-Support-emails-or-private-communications-in-the-forum)]
Sigh :(. Do you know if someone with a similar issue got theirs resolved? Is there a specific agent I should try to speak with instead?

My understanding is you are trying to get your another storm ID and games over to your device right?

If so, sounds like support thinks you are asking to a storm ID removed from your device so you can start over.

If it is the first one, reply back to your support email and explain that you are trying to login into your other storm ID, by using the login feature, but you do not have a password for that storm ID.

kooky panda
01-17-14, 07:42 PM
Yes I had sent you a request when my tablet reset I lost all progress on games the I would love to get access to is dragon story halloween my storm 8 id was dreamland34 my island name was laos island I know I was on level 42 I think about []neighbors gold and money not sure I would like to get access to that island back please I have now started a new island my storm8 id for it is dreamland35 island name wishful island how and what can I do to get kolas island storm8 id dreamland34 back please please help I had great dragons and a lot of time invested
It can take support 3-5 business days to respond you your email request. If it has been over 5 business days, reply back to your automatic email to check on the status of your request.

If you set a password for your dreamland 34 you can use that storm ID and password to login into your old storm ID.
See post 1 for steps on how to to this.

kooky panda
01-17-14, 07:48 PM
Hi Kooky, or whoever can help me with this :-)

I have moved all my games successfully from device 1 to device 2 by using login feature.
The problem is, now I have all my games (same storm ID) running on both devices.

I want to give device 1 to my sister and she wants to start playing the games from beginning (level 1) and I also don't want her messing around with my games as well.
So please let me know how to delete all my games from device 1 so my sister can play fresh from the start and make her own storm ID?

All devices are using iOs 7 if this info maybe useful?

Many thanks x

To do this , you would need to have third device. (maybe an old iPod, phone? Maybe a parent's iPhone or iPad?) It would have to be a device that has never had a storm ID set up.
If you can find a third device you can transfer your storm ID and games off your old device by using a storm 8 game.
Transfer Thread (http://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?54910-ID-Transfer-Storm8-Method&p=675489&viewfull=1#post675489)

Then your sister and download new games .

You can also try sending an email to support@teamlava.com explaining that you are giving away your old device and you would like your storm ID removed so no one else can play your games.

kooky panda
01-17-14, 07:52 PM
If it has been over 5 business days since you sent in your email to support, reply back to the automatic email you received to check on the status of your request.- kooky
Kooky I have been trying sense the end of December and gotten no email reply at all from you guys. Sent a email ages ago with a picture and nothing has been to fix my problem. :(
Please send me your support ticket number by private message.

kooky panda (http://forum.storm8.com/member.php?46-kooky-panda)

01-18-14, 03:33 AM
To do this , you would need to have third device. (maybe an old iPod, phone? Maybe a parent's iPhone or iPad?) It would have to be a device that has never had a storm ID set up.
If you can find a third device you can transfer your storm ID and games off your old device by using a storm 8 game.
Transfer Thread (http://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?54910-ID-Transfer-Storm8-Method&p=675489&viewfull=1#post675489)

Then your sister and download new games .

You can also try sending an email to support@teamlava.com explaining that you are giving away your old device and you would like your storm ID removed so no one else can play your games.

Thanks very much for your reply Kooky, unfortunately I don't have a device without storm ID in it including my parents' devices they all also got TL games! :-)
I will send email to support then and hope they can give me a new storm ID.

Thanks again and have a good weekend x

kooky panda
01-18-14, 02:14 PM
Thanks very much for your reply Kooky, unfortunately I don't have a device without storm ID in it including my parents' devices they all also got TL games! :-)
I will send email to support then and hope they can give me a new storm ID.

Thanks again and have a good weekend x

I have not tried this, but some IOS players have said that they have gotten rid of a storm ID on their device, by doing a total reset(back to factory) of their device.
You can try that to see if that works. (If it does, let me know!)

01-18-14, 06:32 PM
ok im still having issues..it doesnt give me the opts to change to my old id which is kandiebunz and it said i had to create a new id which i did (kandielady) in order to get my old games stores back...pls help

kooky panda
01-19-14, 09:36 AM
ok I'm still having issues..it doesn't give me the opts to change to my old id which is kandiebunz and it said i had to create a new id which i did (kandielady) in order to get my old games stores back?pls help
Since kandiebunz is your also your forum name, then you have a password for that Storm ID( it is the same as the password you use to login to the forum)

Look at post 1 and it will list games that have the login feature. (IOS and Android- kindle fire devices cannot use this login feature).
Pick one of the games listed on post 1 for your device then you should be able to login into your games by using your Storm ID and password.

01-22-14, 09:01 PM
Hi there,

I want to transfer info from old device to new device. My Storm8 Id is ecorazzi_9x. I remember my password and already contacted with Storm8 support but haven't received anything yet
I could not find the account settings in the Dragon Story as instruction. It does not appear.1209912099

Please help. Thank you very much ^^

kooky panda
01-23-14, 06:00 AM
Hi there,

I want to transfer info from old device to new device. My Storm8 Id is ecorazzi_9x. I remember my password and already contacted with Storm8 support but haven't received anything yet
I could not find the account settings in the Dragon Story as instruction. It does not appear.1209912099

Please help. Thank you very much ^^
Login feature is only offered in specific games. Check post 1 for the games you can use.
For example if you play on IOS, then you will need to use Restaurant story to login to your games.
Once you login in all the games under that storm ID will also pull over to your new device.

01-24-14, 09:31 AM
I had the login feature on mystery crimes hidden objects, but it updated yesterday and went away on all my accounts? I now loaded restaurant story it should stay there right?

01-30-14, 01:12 AM
If I transfer to my new phone and leave them on my old phone too, will i be able to play them same with the same progress on both devices?

01-30-14, 04:23 AM
If I transfer to my new phone and leave them on my old phone too, will i be able to play them same with the same progress on both devices?

Using the storm8 transfer moves your account from one device to another. The login in feature allows you to log into an account on a different device but leaves your account on the original device.

01-30-14, 03:49 PM
I used the restaurant story option and it transferred my game over. I thought my game was still on my old device but I just had to restart my old phone and it was off it. So I downloaded restaurant story on my new iPad, signed in and my game was transferred, my storm I'd was transferred a well, for other games.
I think that is what happened, I'm confirming with TL lol

02-02-14, 02:39 AM
I used the transfer through restaurant
I get the screen with both ids and both games
But then can't find transferred game

kooky panda
02-02-14, 09:19 AM
I used the transfer through restaurant
I get the screen with both ids and both games
But then can't find transferred game
when you have the screen with both IDs hit the proceed button at the bottom.
Then close out your games to see the transferred games.

02-02-14, 09:57 AM
when you have the screen with both IDs hit the proceed button at the bottom.
Then close out your games to see the transferred games.

Sorry to sound stupid but how do I close out my games

kooky panda
02-02-14, 10:19 AM
Sorry to sound stupid but how do I close out my games

For IOS see this thread
How to force close out your games (IOS) (http://forum.storm8.com/showthread.php?61422-How-to-force-close-out-your-games-(IOS))

For android - Use back arrow and exit out of the game.

02-02-14, 10:31 AM
For IOS see this thread
How to force close out your games (IOS) (http://forum.storm8.com/showthread.php?61422-How-to-force-close-out-your-games-(IOS))

For android - Use back arrow and exit out of the game.

Got it

02-05-14, 03:49 PM
I just noticed that this feature is now on Restaurant Story Valentine's too! :)

02-05-14, 06:04 PM
The feature is now available in the games below! See the original post for all the games you can use it in.

Candy Blast Mania: Valentine 1.2 (https://itunes.apple.com/app/id801072884?mt=8&at=10l3QL&ct=forum)
Fruit Splash Mania 1.1.2 (https://itunes.apple.com/app/id712692308?mt=8&at=10l3QL&ct=forum)
Google Play
Restaurant Story: Valentine's (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.teamlava.restaurantstory33)

02-05-14, 06:05 PM
@Frozen Turtle is this feature planned to be added to Dragon Story anytime soon?

02-06-14, 08:27 AM
Love this! Just put on my android phone & works great...now can take it with me instead of carrying iPad around!
Thank you, TL!

02-07-14, 09:31 PM
So my girlfriend and I started playing Bakery story on the tablets we received for christmas, but the tablets were pieces of garbage and either malfunctioned or broke within a month. My tablets charger prong broke, rendering it useless, and i had never saved a password or linked it to facebook. I just restarted my bakery, no big deal. Her tablet however still works, but its already starting to act up. I spent the better part of an hour on here tonight reading this thread and trying to log into her main bakery [The Mix-Up, Level 32] on her iphones Bakery Story app. The account settings does not exist on her phones app version, however it exists on the soon to be useless tablet. Also, my iphone app allows me to connect to facebook, but the tablet version will not. I first thought the use of storm accounts was a great idea in order to back up your games, but its failing me at the moment i need it most. help please! If she cant get her old bakery shes spent so much time on already to work on her phone, I doubt she'll start over, and we both very much enjoy this game. Respond asap. Sincerely - Brian

02-07-14, 10:13 PM
So my girlfriend and I started playing Bakery story on the tablets we received for christmas, but the tablets were pieces of garbage and either malfunctioned or broke within a month. My tablets charger prong broke, rendering it useless, and i had never saved a password or linked it to facebook. I just restarted my bakery, no big deal. Her tablet however still works, but its already starting to act up. I spent the better part of an hour on here tonight reading this thread and trying to log into her main bakery [The Mix-Up, Level 32] on her iphones Bakery Story app. The account settings does not exist on her phones app version, however it exists on the soon to be useless tablet. Also, my iphone app allows me to connect to facebook, but the tablet version will not. I first thought the use of storm accounts was a great idea in order to back up your games, but its failing me at the moment i need it most. help please! If she cant get her old bakery shes spent so much time on already to work on her phone, I doubt she'll start over, and we both very much enjoy this game. Respond asap. Sincerely - Brian

The log in method isn't on Bakery Story, it's on Restaurant Story :)

02-08-14, 07:04 PM
We're excited to announce a new Login feature currently available in a limited number of games! Use the Account Settings option to set up your Storm8 ID and password to access your account on multiple devices.

Directions for Restaurant Story 1.7:

1. On your main account on your OLD device, create a password in the Help/FAQ within any game.


2. Download and install Restaurant Story 1.7 (https://itunes.apple.com/app/id394807905?mt=8&at=10l3QL&ct=forum) from the iTunes App Store.

3. Look for Account Settings on the NEW device or device you want to use in the Storm8 menu or the Social tab.

http://i.imgur.com/Vd1Pzyy.png http://i.imgur.com/TyvrJnY.png

4. Login with your Storm8 ID and password and... voila! You will be able to access all of your games linked to the Storm8 ID!


Directions for Candy Blast Mania 1.1.8:

1. On your main account on your OLD device, create a password in the Help/FAQ within any game.


2. Download and install Candy Blast Mania 1.1.8 (https://itunes.apple.com/app/id680022952?mt=8&at=10l3QL&ct=forum) from the iTunes App Store.

3. Look for Account Settings on the NEW device or device you want to use in the Storm8 menu or the Settings menu (cog icon).

http://i.imgur.com/IucbbxV.png http://i.imgur.com/M95zfQb.png

4. Login with your Storm8 ID and password and... voila! You will be able to access all of your games linked to the Storm8 ID!



Will this feature be added to other games?
Yes, we will be polishing this feature and integrating it into other games in the future. The feature is currently available in:

Restaurant Story 1.7 (https://itunes.apple.com/app/id394807905?mt=8&at=10l3QL&ct=forum)
Hidden Objects: Mystery Crimes 1.2.2 (https://itunes.apple.com/app/id674105088?mt=8&at=10l3QL&ct=forum)
Candy Blast Mania 1.1.8 (https://itunes.apple.com/app/id680022952?mt=8&at=10l3QL&ct=forum)
Candy Blast Mania: Christmas (https://itunes.apple.com/app/id765968888?mt=8&at=10l3QL&ct=forum)
Jewel Mania: Christmas (https://itunes.apple.com/app/id766146115?mt=8&at=10l3QL&ct=forum)
Candy Blast Mania: Valentine 1.2 (https://itunes.apple.com/app/id801072884?mt=8&at=10l3QL&ct=forum)
Fruit Splash Mania 1.1.2 (https://itunes.apple.com/app/id712692308?mt=8&at=10l3QL&ct=forum)

Google Play

Restaurant Story (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.teamlava.restaurantstory)
Bakery Story: Christmas (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.teamlava.bakerystory32)
Restaurant Story: Valentine's (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.teamlava.restaurantstory33)

You can use this feature in our games to log into the Storm8 you want to use, which will affect all games linked to the account!

What if I have more than one account because I have multiple devices?
As long as you create a password for each account, you can log into whichever account you want to play when you switch devices!

What's the Connect to Game Center option? (iOS only!)
You will be able to link one account to your Game Center ID. Tap Connect to Game Center to link the current account to your Game Center ID.

Once you have an account linked to Game Center, you can sign into Game Center on any Apple device and tap Connect to Game Center to recover your linked account to the device you're using!

What if I don't remember my password?
Our support team will need to help recover your account this time. Please email us depending on the game you need help with:


But once you get your account back, you can update your password so you can use this login feature in the future
Bakery Story: Christmas (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.teamlava.bakerystory32)

What if I have more than one account because I have multiple devices?
As long as you create a password for each account, you can log into whichever account you want to play when you switch devices!

What's the Connect to Game Center option? (iOS only!)
You will be able to link one account to your Game Center ID. Tap Connect to Game Center to link the current account to your Game Center ID.

Once you have an account linked to Game Center, you can sign into Game Center on any Apple device and tap Connect to Game Center to recover your linked account to the device you're using!

What if I don't remember my password?
Our support team will need to help recover your account this time. Please email us depending on the game you need help with:


But once you get your account back, you can update your password so you can use this login feature in the future

Thx so much! Worked like a charm and I'm back in business on dragon story. Woohoo!

02-11-14, 01:49 PM
Thank you so much for posting this. My iPod was stolen last year, and I finally bought a replacement. My games transferred over perfectly, and I'm glad to be back!

02-14-14, 01:33 PM
Any way to change storm ID on old device?

kooky panda
02-14-14, 02:06 PM
Any way to change storm ID on old device?
You will need to send an email to support@teamlava.com for assistance.

02-15-14, 09:43 AM
This is a great & wonderful, yet slow to come about, update. However, when will you be covering the rest of the games, as in Castle Story (iOS)? As this does not help me right now. My screen was shattered, and it's $200-$250 for a new one (5c)
I SOOOOOO REGRET ever buying this[]. So now, I am going to a new 5s (it's cheaper!). But I still can't transfer my accounts to my iPad or new phone.