View Full Version : Level 52 Gummy Bear

10-15-13, 12:41 PM
I thought when the candy got the numbers that it represented how many that counted for, so a purple gumdrop with a 3 counted as a 3 purple gumdrops...
That is not happening on level 52 and I am not able to pass it because I am running out of moves before I can defeat the gummy bear. Can someone tell me if I have misunderstood this.

10-15-13, 01:37 PM
Yes, you are right about the numbers. However, I think that on the evil gummy bear levels, the percentage life he has is not always directly equal to the number of candies you need. For example, 100% may be equal to 50 candies, which means that each candy is 2 percentage points. On the other hand, 100% may be equal to 150 candies, which means that each candy is only 2/3 of a percentage point.

At least that what I think I've observed. I have not been watching that closely. But I remember some levels when I thought I had just enough candies to defeat the gummy bear, but fell a couple of percentage points short.

10-15-13, 02:17 PM
MiniLaura is correct. The GummyBear King will have different amounts of HP in each level, but it will always total 100%. 5 Purple candies may count for 5% of HP on one level, but only 1% on another. You'll have to watch the HP bar for each level to make sure. Good luck! :)

10-15-13, 06:52 PM
Genius! Thank you guys so much. I am HATING this level ��. Darn evil Gummy Bear!

10-31-13, 05:03 PM
Hating this gummy bear level? Wait till you get to 136. And 137 seems impossible.

10-31-13, 11:18 PM
Hating this gummy bear level? Wait till you get to 136. And 137 seems impossible.
I'm 20-ish levels behind you, where getting a dozen barely takes one percent, and I've pretty much given up. You're magic. O_O

11-03-13, 02:09 PM
My brother lvl50 and he say it to hard to get lvl51

12-02-13, 01:46 PM
I'm also stuck on 51...

02-08-14, 05:28 PM
For Level 51, make sure you start with a board that has purple and green candies, and a flat (horizontal) match--preferably in green or purple--against the jawbreakers. Even though jawbreakers aren't part of the goal, it's important to clear them so you have lots of room to create special spaces (from 4, 5, & up candy matches.) Those help you create & collect high number candies. If you don't see good moves when you start the round, press pause, then back arrow button to restart the level (doesn't use an energy if you don't touch anything.) Each move, look for high number target candy matches. If you don't have them, try to make Sugar Scoops or Sugar Blasts...or find ways to clear more jawbreakers. If you find you're getting close, but not quite there, use your free boosts (that regenerate over time.)

Good luck!

02-08-14, 05:46 PM
For Level 52, make sure you start with lots of your target candies (orange & purple for this level,) as well as at least one good target candy match in that Sprinkle Cannon zone (higher points!) Restart the level if you don't get a good starting board (see last post.) Make your highest number candy matches, always being on the lookout for opportunities to make special spaces (made with 4- & especially 5-candy matches.) Don't let the Gummy Bear goop-up your board too much...try to clear goop while collecting candies/making special spaces. Also, keep the sprinkle cannon area open for new target candies to fall in & get higher numbers) by clearing other candies below. Look for moves that clear two colors at once (I'll try to add some screenshots as examples later.)

Good luck!

06-05-16, 10:55 PM
What do you mean by candies falling in to sprinkle candy area? Not sure what to do with that area. Thanks.

[] My question was regarding the Sprinkle candy area. Not sure what it is or how you use it. Could you explain? Thanks.

Could someone explain the candie sprinkle area in level 52? I'm not sure what it is or what to do with it. Thanks. I really want to move on from this level once and for all!

06-06-16, 10:00 AM
What do you mean by candies falling in to sprinkle candy area? Not sure what to do with that area. Thanks.

[] My question was regarding the Sprinkle candy area. Not sure what it is or how you use it. Could you explain? Thanks.

Could someone explain the candie sprinkle area in level 52? I'm not sure what it is or what to do with it. Thanks. I really want to move on from this level once and for all!

The sprinkle cannons increase the value of a "target" candy by one for one move.

Suppose you are collecting purple candies, and a purple candy is in the sprinkle cannon area. The cannon will fire right before you make your move and the purple candy will now have a value of 2. To get those two purple candies, you have to match it in your next move.

If more than one sprinkle cannon hits a target candy, the value of the candy will go up by however many cannons hit it (up to a value of 9).

06-06-16, 10:04 PM
Thanks so much for the clear and concise response. You've made it easy to understand.