View Full Version : Can't find Zombie Escape Boarded Up Window.

10-03-13, 01:48 AM
Hi everyone, it is halloween again!
Now I remember doing the halloween goals the previous years and we had to buy the zombie escape window as one of the goals. Now I can't find it in my inventory. Does anyone remember this item and have it?

10-03-13, 03:01 AM
It's in the wall decoration tab - next to the pink goo lamps if you bought them last Halloween.

10-03-13, 02:53 PM
I can't find it in the wall decoration tab, hence this post. And I definitely bought at least 1 window last Halloween so that I can complete the Halloween goals!

I am not trying to get a free zombie attack window but I DID complete the Halloween goals (you can see I have got the goal items in my restaurant) and I definitely did not use my gems to skip this step

Please, is it possible to get my zombie attack window back?

10-03-13, 03:23 PM
Email support@teamlava.com Give them your ID and what's happening, and they can look into it for you.