View Full Version : do material requests expire?

09-26-13, 01:58 PM
sorry if this is asked & answered somewhere, i couldn't find it. if i send out a request to a neighbor, and that neighbor neither declines nor accepts it, just lets it hang out (or is on vacation or whatever), does it hang around? or does it auto-accept or auto-decline after a certain time period, the way tips eventually auto-clear?

i just really hate having extras of unusual parts, and i don't want to ask stormie for the last item i need if the neighbor i requested it from is suddenly going to realize they have a request and then i end up with one more than i need.

related question: why do I not always get the "xxx responded to your request"? because i've noticed i can send out 5 requests, only get 3 messages like that, but still have 5 more parts than i did before. i wonder if "xxx left a tip" msgs are also missing.

thx for any assistance!

09-26-13, 02:21 PM
I believe the request expires after a while. Not sure how long though.

09-26-13, 04:58 PM
I believe they expire after about 7 days. I know I've seen 5 day old ones.

09-30-13, 10:14 AM
The oldest request I've ever gotten from a neighboughr was 7 days old, so I'm guessing that they expire after a week from when they're sent.