View Full Version : bakery question

09-12-13, 09:17 PM
Can some one tell me how much it is and if you have one, is it worth buying or should I just keep buying more animals?

09-12-13, 10:35 PM

I can't remember how much, but it is definitely worth getting, you will have lots of orders for bread, apple pies and lemon tarts as you level up.

09-13-13, 07:07 AM
The bakery is $6900 for me so its gonna take me a long time to be able to buy that thing since I'm not even half way there now. Plus I like to have a little cushion before I throw all my hard earned cash at something. Why so high, TL?

09-13-13, 10:36 AM
The bakery is $6900 for me so its gonna take me a long time to be able to buy that thing since I'm not even half way there now. Plus I like to have a little cushion before I throw all my hard earned cash at something. Why so high, TL?

Because all the machines is so expensive. Wait till you got to the forge which cost 120,000coins. Till now I still haven't got it yet. :(