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View Full Version : Castle Story: Jousting Arena

09-12-13, 01:58 PM
Note from SpiritWind - you must have Thurston walking around and have finished building his Fort to trigger these goals. Added 13 April, 2015.

Hi All!

Today we released a big update for Castle Story (I'm sure you all have seen it by now!)
We want to thank you all for playing the game and we hope you have as much fun playing it as we had making it.

Here is a summary on the update:
- New Quest Series regarding the one year birthday of the Kingdom
- New Asset: Jousting Arena (cool thing about this asset is that it'll change visually when you update it, give it a try!)
- Thurston will redeem himself in this story (will he win the Jousting Tournament in your honor?!)
- 7 New Fortunes have been added to the Fortune Teller Building

Here are some photos of the Jousting Arena upgrade states:


We have lots of new updates coming for the game, so stick around! I'll try to post regularly with sneak peaks into new content =)

Have a good weekend all! And thank you again for your support!!


09-12-13, 02:00 PM
will move over goal pics to this main thread :)

http://s23.postimg.org/duj3a2lmv/2013_09_12_13_21_07.png (http://postimg.org/image/duj3a2lmv/)

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http://s23.postimg.org/srw5oto93/2013_09_12_13_30_07.png (http://postimg.org/image/srw5oto93/)

I did not take screenshot of the mats to upgrade the building but since I had them I assume it wasnt anything too rare

http://s23.postimg.org/61x0vu51j/2013_09_12_13_30_37.png (http://postimg.org/image/61x0vu51j/)

http://s23.postimg.org/526q04pvr/2013_09_12_13_30_56.png (http://postimg.org/image/526q04pvr/)

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http://s23.postimg.org/gid4y641z/2013_09_12_13_31_26.png (http://postimg.org/image/gid4y641z/)

Enjoy the new building, drops are unknown, it dropped a sword once

For the people judging because i speeded up a few things In my defense I have NEVER complained about the lack of updates, what I do complain though, is about people WANTING updates.

09-12-13, 02:06 PM
As I was trying to post in the other thread....A Big Thanks to mikado (hope I got that right) for all the pics.:cool:

09-12-13, 02:06 PM
This is a message from the other post:


I have only just be*** reading all of the dialogue, but, let's draw it out a bit!!

I agree. These things are meant to take time and be savored, to lead up into the next update. I used gems for ALL of the Sabina goals and grew bored quickly. I then whined for the T&T. I'd have finished the golden one if not for my daufhter using my gold nuggets. Now this one is here and the same day complaints are being made. It's obvious from how intricate some goals are that they take time. I know I complain sometimes but they can't win for anything. We get something, its too hard. We get something, its too easy. We get the Sabina goals and its too much, we don't have mithril to make scissors. We get goals and in Under three hours, its said its not enough.

As far as expansions, I have two of every building and four libraries, to make room if need be, I can throw a few buildings me chop down some trees to make room. I'd love to expand to the little jewel building with the crown, but ill take what I've been given and run with it. Because when the next huge update comes I feel it'll be a doozy.

Savor and enjoy folks. Savor and enjoy.

I adore how the building changes with the upgrades. I'm making my feasts and royal blocks at the moment. Gives me more to do than just making spicy feasts for adventures.

09-12-13, 02:08 PM
i hope new content's coming soon ....

09-12-13, 02:11 PM
Oh and welcome to to Castle Story forum Aggwynn :)

09-12-13, 02:18 PM
Lot of story on this one, none of the "missions" are too tough

09-12-13, 02:42 PM
We're happy you all are enjoying it!

October will be a big month ;D We'll release some photos of that later this month! Stay tuned!

kooky panda
09-12-13, 02:51 PM
Welcome Aggwynn!!

Thanks for the update!!

09-12-13, 03:11 PM
I am excited about the rollout of the anniversary updates. Love the Jousting Arena! Can't wait to see what is next and how it all comes together. Thanks. :cool:

09-12-13, 03:18 PM
I'm disappointed the dialogue box graphics don't take into consideration the male/female status of the player. That's either a clear omission or a cheap shortcut.

09-12-13, 03:19 PM
I've gotto admit it doesn't feel like a year - I've obviously had a lot of fun so it seems like less time. The game has evolved so much in this time. I love the dialogue in this game and how the characters have such great personalities. I can't wait to see how it's all going to evolve further.

Aggwynn if you're going to give us regular sneak peaks of future content, I think I might just have to call you the oracle.

09-12-13, 04:41 PM
Thank u for update hopefully we will get some expansions to put the stuff on soon:)

09-12-13, 05:30 PM
Congrats for the anniversary,but we need expansions,too

09-12-13, 05:37 PM
Congratulations, TL, for a year of Castle Story!

09-12-13, 05:56 PM
Congratulations on one year!

Looking forward to the updates!

09-12-13, 06:46 PM
Congratulations on one year! Thanks for the update. I still very much enjoy playing this game!

09-12-13, 06:47 PM
Do luvcupines not count as a beast? After receiving the dialog and goal from Thomas, i was collecting from my pink animals and a luvcupine popped up. After beating it the goal didn't update. Off to try to get another beast!

09-12-13, 06:56 PM
Congrats on your first anniversary! Love this game!

09-12-13, 09:09 PM
Glad to be part of the first anniversary, and look forward to seeing what more you have in store for us! Only thing I am not sure about is Thurston redeeming himself... in a few years some judges will do a magical analysis on him and realize he used a performance-enhancing potion and take his trophy away! :)

09-12-13, 09:19 PM
Do luvcupines not count as a beast? After receiving the dialog and goal from Thomas, i was collecting from my pink animals and a luvcupine popped up. After beating it the goal didn't update. Off to try to get another beast!

My luvcupine didn't count either.

09-12-13, 09:28 PM
The "PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER", goal hasn't popped up for me, it said new but nothing showed up. Why??

09-12-13, 10:13 PM
Question on the Tavern Etiquetti goal, it says visit the tavern to negotiate with the craft master,
Upon clicking, it brings me to buying a tavern, but I already have a tavern.
Why didn't it bring me to my existing tavern instead but require me to build another one?

09-12-13, 10:17 PM
Question on the Tavern Etiquetti goal, it says visit the tavern to negotiate with the craft master,
Upon clicking, it brings me to buying a tavern, but I already have a tavern.
Why didn't it bring me to my existing tavern instead but require me to build another one?

You got to "collect" from it, I dont know the correct answer to your question since I did not designed it but thats what you got to do.

09-12-13, 10:26 PM
WooHoo! This new update is awesome, thanks TL! I'm enjoying working my way though the challenges.

09-12-13, 10:30 PM
Question on the Tavern Etiquetti goal, it says visit the tavern to negotiate with the craft master,
Upon clicking, it brings me to buying a tavern, but I already have a tavern.
Why didn't it bring me to my existing tavern instead but require me to build another one?
His happened with another past goal/building. Usually you can just ignore the buy step if you already have the building and just collect from it to fulfill the requirements.

However, I think mine may be glitching. I collected from my existing tavern but it didn't complete so I purchased and built a new one and it completed but when I reopen the game the goal reappeared with all the check marks filled except the last one. When I clicked it, again it requested I buy another tavern. Since money and supples are not an issue, I bought it again in hopes of getting rid of the goal. Again it disappeared and I now have 3 taverns. Will report back if the goal reappears again.

09-12-13, 10:31 PM
"This" not "His"

09-12-13, 11:01 PM
Thx. that's exactly what I worry might happen, so check here first.
I still have 2 hr+ to collect. Will report what happen. Resource is not an issue
But just feel a bit uneasy that the program can't catch if there is any existing building or not.

09-12-13, 11:36 PM
Jousting Arena:

5 super glue
2 Royal block
2 Royal beam
7 purple dye

Lev 2
3 builder's paste
5 long sword
4 Royal block
4 Royal beam

3 enchanted block
3 enchanted beam
3 lumin essence
150.000 coin.

09-12-13, 11:49 PM
Jousting Arena:

5 super glue
2 Royal block
2 Royal beam
7 purple dye

Lev 2
3 builder's paste
5 long sword
4 Royal block
4 Royal beam

3 enchanted block
3 enchanted beam
3 lumin essence
150.000 coin.

thanks a bunch TL for giving me something to use my 99 purple dyes on! This is going to be really cool!

09-12-13, 11:50 PM
Can anyone recall what we are waiting for in the "wait for everyone else to be ready " stage?

09-12-13, 11:53 PM
Lol! I just deleted the game yesterday! =_=
I wonder why Dragon STory never get an anniversary updates!

09-12-13, 11:55 PM
Happy Birthday, CS, and thanks for giving me so much to look forward to!

09-13-13, 12:01 AM
Lol! I just deleted the game yesterday! =_=
I wonder why Dragon STory never get an anniversary updates!
All your data should still exist: if you download the game again and log in with the same team lava id as before you should still have all your stuff in your kingdom.

09-13-13, 02:39 AM
Do luvcupines not count as a beast? After receiving the dialog and goal from Thomas, i was collecting from my pink animals and a luvcupine popped up. After beating it the goal didn't update. Off to try to get another beast!

My luvcupine didn't count either.

I've reported this over

His happened with another past goal/building. Usually you can just ignore the buy step if you already have the building and just collect from it to fulfill the requirements.

However, I think mine may be glitching. I collected from my existing tavern but it didn't complete so I purchased and built a new one and it completed but when I reopen the game the goal reappeared with all the check marks filled except the last one. When I clicked it, again it requested I buy another tavern. Since money and supples are not an issue, I bought it again in hopes of getting rid of the goal. Again it disappeared and I now have 3 taverns. Will report back if the goal reappears again.

I didn't have an issue with my existing tavern. If you're still having this issue I'll report it over too.

09-13-13, 04:58 AM
Thanks for the aNniversary update.Congrats!!

09-13-13, 05:23 AM
I have the same problem. I have no idea what I'm waiting for and how long it's gonna take. Do I need to do something?

09-13-13, 05:24 AM
Can anyone recall what we are waiting for in the "wait for everyone else to be ready " stage?

I have the same problem. I have no idea what I'm waiting for and how long it's gonna take. Do I need to do something?

09-13-13, 06:51 AM
Thx. that's exactly what I worry might happen, so check here first.
I still have 2 hr+ to collect. Will report what happen. Resource is not an issue
But just feel a bit uneasy that the program can't catch if there is any existing building or not.
I waited to collect from my tavern and that satisfied the goal. It went to the next step. I would give it a few minutes after you collect for the action to hit the server. Don't go buy another tavern right away, give it a bit to sync.

09-13-13, 07:24 AM
Okay I'm really annoyed now. I got the tavern etiquette goal early this morning. Loaded the items (ore, chicken and hides) but since I had just collected I had to wait for the tavern. No problem. I go back in later and the games being a little jumpy, so I stop collecting stuff and leave the game. Force close it and restart my device. I log back on and got a sign up that said new goal. Then I get the dialogue again and I go in and it wants all the same items again. I check my inventory and it's gone. The game has taken it all off my inventory but no longer registers it.
I'm going to get told this is a sync error but how? I was using this on a wireless network. I was in and out of the game at least twice before it started getting jumpy and I had to reset it. Long story short DON'T trust that your progress is saved on the servers because mine clearly wasn't.
I am so irritated. :mad:

09-13-13, 07:26 AM
Can anyone recall what we are waiting for in the "wait for everyone else to be ready " stage?

Do you have both of the waiting quests available yet? One comes from Thomas' line (Jousting Materials List) and the other comes from Ivy's (Jousting Food List). Once you complete both (by clicking on the green "Wait" button), then the next quest unlocks (Putting It All Together).

09-13-13, 08:22 AM
No need to bother about buying new Tavern if you already hv one. Just collect from existing Tavern when time is due.

09-13-13, 08:26 AM
Do you have both of the waiting quests available yet? One comes from Thomas' line (Jousting Materials List) and the other comes from Ivy's (Jousting Food List). Once you complete both (by clicking on the green "Wait" button), then the next quest unlocks (Putting It All Together).

ah. seems like I'm not the only one stuck after completing 2 waits

09-13-13, 08:43 AM
ah. seems like I'm not the only one stuck after completing 2 waits
I'm also stuck on "waiting"

09-13-13, 09:20 AM
Thanks for the update! Just when u get bored u guys come thru. Thanks
Could we get an expansion somewhere in there.... Please..

09-13-13, 09:26 AM
Do we need to finish the T&T goal first to get this one? The kingdom I have in this account still hasn't gotten the popup for the goal. I've already finished it on my larger and maxed out on everything one.

09-13-13, 10:44 AM
The arena is too small for it's name "Arena"
I hope the reward is woth for 5 troll escence i spent.

09-13-13, 11:01 AM
The "PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER", goal hasn't popped up for me, it said new but nothing showed up. Why??

i'm experiencing the same issue. i'll report this over.

09-13-13, 11:06 AM
Do luvcupines not count as a beast? After receiving the dialog and goal from Thomas, i was collecting from my pink animals and a luvcupine popped up. After beating it the goal didn't update. Off to try to get another beast!

My luvcupine didn't count either.

We're working on a fix for this. We'll update you when it's fixed!

I have the same problem. I have no idea what I'm waiting for and how long it's gonna take. Do I need to do something?

I have the same problem. I have no idea what I'm waiting for and how long it's gonna take. Do I need to do something?

You should only have to tap on the "Wait" button. Is this not working for you?

09-13-13, 11:38 AM
You should only have to tap on the "Wait" button. Is this not working for you?

No goals (except for the one related to Farm story 2) showing after tapping on "Wait" button. Still waiting...

09-13-13, 12:43 PM
No goals (except for the one related to Farm story 2) showing after tapping on "Wait" button. Still waiting...

I'm still waiting since 3:43... After tapping the wait button, nothing happens.

09-13-13, 02:08 PM
Okay I'm really annoyed now. I got the tavern etiquette goal early this morning. Loaded the items (ore, chicken and hides) but since I had just collected I had to wait for the tavern. No problem. I go back in later and the games being a little jumpy, so I stop collecting stuff and leave the game. Force close it and restart my device. I log back on and got a sign up that said new goal. Then I get the dialogue again and I go in and it wants all the same items again. I check my inventory and it's gone. The game has taken it all off my inventory but no longer registers it.
I'm going to get told this is a sync error but how? I was using this on a wireless network. I was in and out of the game at least twice before it started getting jumpy and I had to reset it. Long story short DON'T trust that your progress is saved on the servers because mine clearly wasn't.
I am so irritated. :mad:

Sorry i cant help with that. What i can suggest is that If you're game is getting a bit jumpy and you feel there's a chance of a sync error, make sure you visit a neighbour or post and delete on your wall before exiting. This will force your game to save on the server.

09-13-13, 02:24 PM
So now I have the quest to buy the arena. I look and the arena isn't in my buildings as an option to buy. I'm tired am I missing something?

09-13-13, 02:34 PM
Never mind I found it.

09-13-13, 02:38 PM
I'm still waiting since 3:43... After tapping the wait button, nothing happens.

I am waiting too. Clicked the wait button, both goal lines have disappeared from my Kingdom goals box and arena still locked.

09-13-13, 03:01 PM
AND I did force close and restart my device to no avail.

09-13-13, 03:12 PM
I am waiting too. Clicked the wait button, both goal lines have disappeared from my Kingdom goals box and arena still locked.

I had the same problem and have still been playing the Valentines Day edition. I went back into the original game and the next quest came up yet if I go back into Valentines it's not there - don't know if this helps or not but worth a try if people still have both versions.

09-13-13, 03:21 PM
I had the same problem and have still been playing the Valentines Day edition. I went back into the original game and the next quest came up yet if I go back into Valentines it's not there - don't know if this helps or not but worth a try if people still have both versions.

Thank you! Managed to get around this problem in your way!

09-13-13, 03:25 PM
We just fixed an issue with the goal, Putting It All Together.

If you already have this goal in your goal book, you'll need to select it to start the story dialog, since it did not start automatically after completing 2 goals, Jousting Materials List and Jousting Food List. But if you haven't reached Putting It All Together yet, the story dialog will automatically appear as soon as you unlock it.

Thanks for letting us know about this! :D

09-13-13, 03:33 PM
So is the arena just a coin building or will we be able to have actual jousting? HaHa (fingers crossing)

09-13-13, 03:57 PM
So is the arena just a coin building or will we be able to have actual jousting? HaHa (fingers crossing)

Just coins, and swords, I assume it drops armors as well but I havent seen any

09-13-13, 04:20 PM
I used to get rat tails regularly , but since I have been trying to save for the Chill out potion my skunkupine has become extinct . Also I why a new fortune of a golden egg ,now I have 16 why not golden apples they are far harder to obtain!

09-13-13, 04:30 PM
We just fixed an issue with the goal, Putting It All Together.

If you already have this goal in your goal book, you'll need to select it to start the story dialog, since it did not start automatically after completing 2 goals, Jousting Materials List and Jousting Food List. But if you haven't reached Putting It All Together yet, the story dialog will automatically appear as soon as you unlock it.

Thanks for letting us know about this! :D

Once I hit WAIT on two different goal lines I lost those goals completely under "Kingdom Goals". I force quit again since you said you had fixed one issue, but I am still stuck. What should I do next? Since the goals have disappeared I can't tell you what they were titled. I had gone to the tavern and gone to see Thurston. I was so excited to have a goal that wasn't reliant on random drops or gems (can't afford the fortune teller and still waiting on gold for the the perfect gift). I would appreciate any help.

09-13-13, 05:10 PM
Sorry i cant help with that. What i can suggest is that If you're game is getting a bit jumpy and you feel there's a chance of a sync error, make sure you visit a neighbour or post and delete on your wall before exiting. This will force your game to save on the server.
Sync errors are REALLY common in this game. maguar's advice is best: visit a neighbour to force save to the server. You know it's worked when you get a pop-up from the Baron telling you to install another game (this happens if it is the first save in a few hours).

09-13-13, 05:22 PM

Can someone tell me if you have to finish other goals before we get this one?

I'm on level 24. Restarted twice and there is still nothing. I may be behind in the goals. My gosh, I'm JUST now getting the cooking caravan popup.

09-13-13, 05:34 PM
We just fixed an issue with the goal, Putting It All Together.

If you already have this goal in your goal book, you'll need to select it to start the story dialog, since it did not start automatically after completing 2 goals, Jousting Materials List and Jousting Food List. But if you haven't reached Putting It All Together yet, the story dialog will automatically appear as soon as you unlock it.

Thanks for letting us know about this! :D

Thanks for your reply...
But our situation is: after completing the Jousting Materials List and Jousting Food List goals (that means tapped on the "wait"), there is no more new goal on our goal book except the farm story 2...
I'm still waiting... Over 24 hrs!!!

09-13-13, 07:10 PM
Same here. I completed the goals, the tavern etiquette, given the food and ice cream, and have pressed both wait "buttons". All goals have disappeared. There is nothing to tell me what I'm waiting or or how long I have to wait. I collected food, I collected from all my buildings, I used workshops and potion shops. Still nothing has happened. I have no "putting it all together" goal, nothing to select. I have forced closed the game, visited neighbors... Still nothing. ????

My friend reports the same problem.....

09-13-13, 07:21 PM
Which game version is everyone who's having problems using?

09-13-13, 07:40 PM
Which game version is everyone who's having problems using?

I still have my Love Shack so I assume I am on the Valentine version. It is the only version I have used.

09-13-13, 07:50 PM
I still have my Love Shack so I assume I am on the Valentine version. It is the only version I have used.

If you download the regular version, the Love Shack will still be there. The regular version is the most up to date version, and the one recommended to be using.
If you have the pretty pink backgrounds (trees and such), that's the Valentines version :)

09-13-13, 07:59 PM
I have never seen or found any update to remove the eye-popping PINK Valentine's Edition! It has not been for lack of trying! I would love to be rid of the pink forest! Where is that update? It's not in the App Store, nor have I found it anywhere else!

09-13-13, 08:04 PM
If you download the regular version, the Love Shack will still be there. The regular version is the most up to date version, and the one recommended to be using.
If you have the pretty pink backgrounds (trees and such), that's the Valentines version :)

I don't have the pink backgrounds just the love shack so I must be in the regular version. It is how I started months ago. I have not done any change to it. Again, thanks for any help you can give me.

kooky panda
09-13-13, 08:11 PM
Check in your game under menu-help- the small number at the bottom of the screen should be 1.1.5
This is the most current version number for the regular game.

09-13-13, 08:15 PM
Check in your game under menu-help- the small number at the bottom of the screen should be 1.1.5
This is the most current version number for the regular game.

I am only at 1.1.2 If I go to the app store and try to load the update that is there I am told my operating system isn't high enough. Am I not going to be able to continue with the game at 1.1.2? I am not in the position to upgrade my IOS right now. I have the very first version of the iPad. Thanks

09-13-13, 08:19 PM
I am only at 1.1.2 If I go to the app store and try to load the update that is there I am told my operating system isn't high enough. Am I not going to be able to continue with the game at 1.1.2? I am not in the position to upgrade my IOS right now. I have the very first version of the iPad. Thanks

I guess I should also say I have been at level 30 for a while now and my game has functioned well outside of many of the same glitches others have written about such as sync errors. Everything outside of the current goal lines seems to be working just fine. And the goals were working great until I got to the WAIT part of each one.

kooky panda
09-13-13, 08:24 PM
I am only at 1.1.2 If I go to the app store and try to load the update that is there I am told my operating system isn't high enough. Am I not going to be able to continue with the game at 1.1.2? I am not in the position to upgrade my IOS right now. I have the very first version of the iPad. Thanks
What is the highest OS for the ipad 1?

09-13-13, 08:24 PM
You should upgrade the IOS on your iPad. What is the reason you haven't? Updates include fixes so it runs better. Just go to settings, and tap software update on the right to see if your iPad is unto date.

09-13-13, 08:24 PM
Up to date

09-13-13, 08:26 PM
What is the highest OS for the ipad 1?

Should be 6.1.3. All versions get the same up date info.

kooky panda
09-13-13, 08:28 PM
Should be 6.1.3. All versions get the same up date info.
I think apple stopped updating the ipad 1 so I think its highest OS version is under 6.0.

09-13-13, 08:31 PM
Ah... Then the latest version is most likely 5.0

09-13-13, 08:53 PM
You should upgrade the IOS on your iPad. What is the reason you haven't? Updates include fixes so it runs better. Just go to settings, and tap software update on the right to see if your iPad is unto date.

It isn't that easy with the first iPad. It requires syncing with the computer and using iTunes. We tried once and it failed. Worker at Apple store said I could lose photos, etc so I've become hesitant to try again. I will have to give it another go this weekend.
I don't know that even if I do update my iPad (the highest I can go with this version is IOS 5) that my game will magically give me the goal line again. It would be a happy occurrence though!

09-13-13, 10:37 PM
I also same problem Let put together.I have Valentine Verison .i read all this post.I try install regular Castle story.Next quest pop up,unlock goal and new quest up.On valentine one goal was unlock but none quest show up.

09-13-13, 10:46 PM
It isn't that easy with the first iPad. It requires syncing with the computer and using iTunes. We tried once and it failed. Worker at Apple store said I could lose photos, etc so I've become hesitant to try again. I will have to give it another go this weekend.
I don't know that even if I do update my iPad (the highest I can go with this version is IOS 5) that my game will magically give me the goal line again. It would be a happy occurrence though!

I am also on iPad1 (on maximum update available for this early version - IOS 5.1.1).

The goal has so far remained in place for me,currently finishing off the hearty feasts.
If you have not already done so it may be worth force restarting the iPad to see if that helps. I have had to do this a few times in the last few months & thankfully has worked.

I can only imagine it must be very frustrating & hope that these goals re-appear for you.

09-13-13, 11:25 PM
Sorry i cant help with that. What i can suggest is that If you're game is getting a bit jumpy and you feel there's a chance of a sync error, make sure you visit a neighbour or post and delete on your wall before exiting. This will force your game to save on the server.

But I was in and out of the game before it decided to do this. Does it not save when you leave?

09-14-13, 12:03 AM
I completed all the goals in order to unlock the jousting arena, but it won't unlock. I've tried closing everything down to see if it would work, but its still locked. Do you have any idea why this is happening?

09-14-13, 12:21 AM
But I was in and out of the game before it decided to do this. Does it not save when you leave?

Not always, just listen to maguar and do the recomendations

09-14-13, 12:26 AM
Should be 6.1.3. All versions get the same up date info.

You're wrong! The highest OS for iPad 1 is iOS 5.1.1
I know because I have been using for a year and it has been deactivated 3 months ago for some reason! :(
Most current is iOS 6.1.4 (iPhone 5 only[and maybe iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C]) and iOS 6.1.3 for iPad 2 - iPad Mini
iOS 7 coming on September 18 2013 and DO NOT upgrade it! If you do this....There's a 94% chance on getting your data removed until TL approves it

09-14-13, 01:09 AM
Nevermind, I finally got it to work.

09-14-13, 02:00 AM

Thread: Castle Story: One Year Anniversary Update

Special Thank You to mikado86 for posting so quickly it is very much appreciated.

This goal text is compiled from the photos provided by mikado86 in post #2.

MUST TAP> GIVE to take item from your inventory/storage
or GO> takes you to the buildings you need to collect from to advance the storyline.

JOUSTING ARENA GOALS (September 12, 2013 Update)

1. One Year Anniversary
. STRIKE a pose for Old Thomas!
(beat up any monster)
REWARDS 310 coin 2xp

2. Just Jousting You!
. APPROVE Thurstons request
REWARDS 300 coin 1xp

3. Preparing The Heart
. MAKE (2) Hearty Feast(Lv.15) for the tournament GIVE
(kitchen 2hr each> 1 hearty stew. 1 pasta. 1 breaded fish)
REWARDS 1,400 coin 5xp

4. Rumor Has It
. FIND the scroll at Old Thomas? Home GO
(looking for Scroll J872)
REWARDS 310 coin 2xp

5. Thomas? Grand Blueprint*
. PREPARE (2) some Royal Blocks(Lv.14) for construction CRAFT
(each >2 fancy block. 3 jewel. 3 silver ore)
. PREPARE (2) some Royal Beams(Lv.14) for construction CRAFT
(each >2 fancy beam. 3 jewel. 3 silver ore
. PREPARE (5 ) some Super Glue for construction CRAFT
(each>1 simple glue. 4 glimmer dust. 5 sap
REWARDS 1,400 coin 5xp

*FYI:goal#5 counts only what you have in storage & will automatically complete goal, if you have the required quantities. You will only see the Congratulations notice. (does not reduce your inventory)

6. Tavern Etiquette
. GIFT (30) bags of Iron Ore to the craft masters GIVE
(collect from mines)
. GIFT (30) some beautiful Hides to the craft masters GIVE
(collect from cows/stables)
. GIFT (30) some tasty Roast Chickens to the craft masters GIVE
(collect from chickens/hatchery)
. NEGOTIATE 1x with the Craft Masters GO (visit the Tavern)
REWARDS 1,000 coin 3xp

7. I Scream For Ice Cream
. MAKE (5) some Ice Cream(Lv.23) for the tournament GIVE
(kitchen 1hr: each> 10 milk. 2 sugar. 5 eggs)
REWARDS 310 coin 2xp

8. Skunku-pie Free Event
. SEE how Thurston is doing GO
(find him a his fort > collect from the fort)
REWARDS 310 coin 2xp

SL: Thurston quoting from the Knights Code

9. Jousting Food List
. WAIT for everyone else to be ready
REWARDS 100 coin 1xp

10. Jousting Materials List
. WAIT for everyone else to be ready
REWARDS 100 coin 1xp

SL: everyone checks in
1. Old Thomas>we have the materials & the blueprint ready.
2. Ivy > I got the food ready to go too!
3. (You) Great! Thurston? Shall we get this started?
4. Thurston> Aye, my liege!

11. Putting It All Together
. DISCUSS how we are going to build the Jousting Arena
REWARDS 100 coin 1xp
Unlocks the Jousting Arena

12. The Jousting Arena
. BUILD the Jousting Arena BUY
REWARDS 310 coin 2xp

JOUSTING ARENA 50,000 coin 650c/12hr
5 Super Glue. 7 Purple Dye. 2 Royal Beam. 2 Royal Block

(Purple Dye>Potion Shop 1hr each> 5 purple*petals. 3 water)
*purple petals>Rocket Larkspur lv.13 Nature>plants

Can be upgraded to level 3 and changes appearance at each level!
Level 2 upgrade>goal #20 Level 3 upgrade> goal #22

SL: Thurston requests to joust in your honor

13. For Glimmerwood!
. READY 1x Light Armor(Lv.25) for Thurston GIVE
(Magic Forge 3 hr > 6 iron ore. 6 silver ore. 1 troll essence)
. READY 1x Mithril for Thurston GIVE
(collect from Deep Mine(Lv.22) OR
if you have the 4th Shard CRAFT in>Magic Forge 2 Days> 50 silver ore)
. READY 15x Fur for Thurston GIVE
REWARDS 1,400 coin 5xp

SL: Thurston runs off

14. Cold Metal Feet
. FOLLOW Thurston to the Tavern GO
REWARDS 310 coin 2xp

15. Rooty Beers
. TAKE away the Root Beer from Thurston CHEER
REWARDS 100 coin 1xp

16. Chill Out Potion
. PREPARE some (30) Rat Tails (skunkpine) for the Potion GIVE
. PREPARE a few (5) bottles of Troll Essence GIVE
. PREPARE generous amounts (6) of Sugar for the potion GIVE
(sugar cane 4hr crop>kitchen 15min each> 5 sugar cane)
REWARDS 1,400 coin 5xp

17. Souspine Chef Ivy
. BREW the Chill Out Potion at Ivys Hut GO
(tap arrow at Ivys Hut collect & goal completes)
REWARDS 310 coin 2xp

18. 300 Knights
. GIVE the Chill Out Potion to Thurston CHUG
REWARDS 100 coin 1xp

19. The First Match
. WATCH Thurston joust at the Jousting Arena! GO
(takes you to jousting arena>collect)
REWARDS 310 coin 2xp

20. Intermission One
. UPGRADE the Jousting Arena to Level 2 GO
(3 Builders Paste (LV.17). 5 Longsword (Lv.15).
4 Royal Block (Lv.14) 4 Royal Beam)
. MARVEL at the brand new Jousting Arena! LOOK
REWARDS 1,400 coin 5xp

21. The Second Match
. CHEER on Thurston at the Jousting Arena! GO
REWARDS 310 coin 2xp

22. Intermission Two
. UPGRADE the Jousting Arena to Level 3 GO
(150,000 coin. . 3 Lumin Essence(Lv.18)
3 Enchanted Block(Lv.19)3 Enchanted Beam)
. MARVEL at your hardwork! LOOK
REWARDS 1,400 coin 5xp

23. The Final Match
. CHEER on Thurston at the Jousting Arena! GO
REWARDS 310 coin 2xp

24. Champion Thurston
. I dub thee, Champion Thurston! DUB
REWARDS 100 coin 1xp

09-14-13, 02:06 AM
big thanks to mikado86

because of the photo posting I now know what goals could be a problem for me & prepare for them.

Thanks again

09-14-13, 04:35 AM
I finished the goal 10. Jousting Materials List last night, and now nothing is leading me to the next goal 11. Putting It All Together... Am I supposed to collect from some building to activate it or is the bug not fixed yet? I collected from all the main character's houses/forts already but that didn't work. And I force closed my game last night before I went to sleep.

Spent over 10 gems to complete the goals last night, too, because I was too impatient and wanted to move on with the other goals...

09-14-13, 05:57 AM
where are all the skunkupines? I just collected 50 plots of wheat and chopped down 5 trees and not a single one appeared!! I had to milk some cows to tempt out a fangbeast, just to check I didn't already have a monster lurking in the shadows :( (my alicorn paid out in case you wondered how I had so much energy!!)

09-14-13, 08:02 AM
How. All my quest goals disappeared at the first "waiting".

09-14-13, 08:03 AM
Oops that reply was for Jenny, who fixed her problem...

09-14-13, 09:30 AM
All your data should still exist: if you download the game again and log in with the same team lava id as before you should still have all your stuff in your kingdom.

I know that!
What level requirement can you get this feature? I'm LV19/Lv20 and did not pop up (I did re-install the game :P)

09-14-13, 09:50 AM
I am also on iPad1 (on maximum update available for this early version - IOS 5.1.1).

The goal has so far remained in place for me,currently finishing off the hearty feasts.
If you have not already done so it may be worth force restarting the iPad to see if that helps. I have had to do this a few times in the last few months & thankfully has worked.

I can only imagine it must be very frustrating & hope that these goals re-appear for you.

We managed to update the iPad. It wouldn't let me save a very cute video of my dog as a puppy but luckily it was still on the memory card. 90 minutes later I have installed the Castle Story update. I have the goals going again and other than lots of sudden game closing (hopefully that will stop once the game has been played some) all is good. As long as I don't get a rare drop right before the game closes on me I will be happy. Every time it closes on me it goes back a few steps.
Thanks to everyone who helped.
Hopefully everyone else who is having issues can find a fix as easily.

09-14-13, 10:22 AM
Not always, just listen to maguar and do the recomendations

Well that's useful :mad:

However back on topic. I am loving this update.

09-14-13, 01:55 PM
What level requirement can you get this feature? I'm LV19/Lv20 and did not pop up (I did re-install the game :P)

Think it could be Level 23
I had just reached level 23 when the goals appeared on my device. coincidence or design>not sure
but goal #7 requires level 23 for the Ice Cream. And I have come to a complete stop at goal #13 because the Light Armor unlocks at Level 25.

sorry, that is all I can tell you about my experience so far.

09-14-13, 02:34 PM
where are all the skunkupines? I just collected 50 plots of wheat and chopped down 5 trees and not a single one appeared!! I had to milk some cows to tempt out a fangbeast, just to check I didn't already have a monster lurking in the shadows :( (my alicorn paid out in case you wondered how I had so much energy!!)

Well, the game knows we need those rat tails (30 in fact) for the Chill Out Potion so the skunkupines become nonexistent. I have chopped trees, harvested sugar, red mushrooms, etc. and maybe have gotten two. I'm telling you it's coded for them to become ultra, ultra rare when they are required for a goal.

09-14-13, 02:46 PM
Well, the game knows we need those rat tails (30 in fact) for the Chill Out Potion so the skunkupines become nonexistent. I have chopped trees, harvested sugar, red mushrooms, etc. and maybe have gotten two. I'm telling you it's coded for them to become ultra, ultra rare when they are required for a goal.

This is probably nothing you already knew but skunkpines WILL ALWAYS (as in, only skunkpines, and not fangbeasts or trolls) come out when you collect wheat, sugar canes, flowers.

As far I remember, both mushrooms and trees have chance of spawning different animals, so if you are after only skunkpines you might want to avoid them

09-14-13, 02:51 PM
Haven't collected from flowers in many months, so I guess I'll try those for awhile. Thks mikado

09-14-13, 03:57 PM
Yay!! So happy that there are more story lines and quests............ (Now looking forward to expansions)

09-14-13, 04:23 PM
I am also waiting for "Putting It All Together".

09-14-13, 04:34 PM
Well, the game knows we need those rat tails (30 in fact) for the Chill Out Potion so the skunkupines become nonexistent. I have chopped trees, harvested sugar, red mushrooms, etc. and maybe have gotten two. I'm telling you it's coded for them to become ultra, ultra rare when they are required for a goal.

I found sugar cane to be the best lure. 50 plots attracted 5 skunkbeasts.

09-14-13, 04:47 PM
This is probably nothing you already knew but skunkpines WILL ALWAYS (as in, only skunkpines, and not fangbeasts or trolls) come out when you collect wheat, sugar canes, flowers.

As far I remember, both mushrooms and trees have chance of spawning different animals, so if you are after only skunkpines you might want to avoid them
Not sure about the other items but when you collect from wheat you get fangbeasts...... You will get skunkupines when collecting from corn.

09-14-13, 07:28 PM
Not sure about the other items but when you collect from wheat you get fangbeasts...... You will get skunkupines when collecting from corn.

I never get those hideous fangbeast, but always skunkpines. I'm harvesting some now because I'd made well over 60 potions for the spicy feasts in the past two weeks. NOW they give me a use for the tails when I ran out.

09-14-13, 07:51 PM
I never get those hideous fangbeast, but always skunkpines. I'm harvesting some now because I'd made well over 60 potions for the spicy feasts in the past two weeks. NOW they give me a use for the tails when I ran out.

I'm busy planting corn because it takes a lot less time than wheat to be ready for harvest (I must have been mistaken about fangbeasts liking wheat :)

09-14-13, 09:07 PM
Help! I upgraded the jousting arena to level 3 while waiting for the potion to brew. After giving it to Thurston and getting the frame to go cheer him on, when I push the button to go the the arena, it takes me to the glimmer Trove in the market.
I have two of those. I have collected from the arena before Thurston was ready. Regular version 1.1.5 but just switched to that from Valentines edition 1.1.3. (I like the purple trees). I read the posts that the quest would not finish in Valentines and then went to the regular which I've had on my iPad for a month or two. I waited until I had collected from the troves, but no change. I have not collected from the arena since Thurston was ready. It's got about 12 hrs to go.

09-14-13, 09:12 PM
I still haven't got the putting it together goal almost 48hrs now, I don't think the glitch is fixed.

Also to the moderators: I CANNOT upgrade my app as it will lock my phone as I don't have the iOS requirement. It's not fair for users who would have to buy a new phone just to play the game, when in fact they can still upgrade their apps without needing a higher iOS like other game makers out there. Why do you make upgrades that need a higher iOS fir what purpose other then benefiting apple.

09-14-13, 10:00 PM
Out of frustration I deleted my game and now I cannot reinstall it. I have been playing for almost a year. Goodbye Castle Story.

09-14-13, 11:07 PM
Out of frustration I deleted my game and now I cannot reinstall it. I have been playing for almost a year. Goodbye Castle Story.

What do you mean you can't reinstall it? Try turning your device off and on.

09-15-13, 02:55 AM
I have been playing the valentines edition because I simply prefer it, it's beautiful and I really like it, but now if I want to play the new quests I have to revert to the original Castle Story. So sad! And a little frustrating as to date everything else has worked fine. Oh well......roll on next February.....:-)

09-15-13, 03:16 AM
Sorry, but this arena is very dissapointing, at least at level one. Small and unimpressive..... But still it's fun to have this doable goal. Well.... That is until now. Now i will need mithril and i'm not at the right level,for that.... Oh well.... Compared to some of the problems listed here, mine are small. Good luck all

09-15-13, 07:01 AM
Help! Is there anything rewarded after doing the last step of the goals? Because I see no point in crafting a mithril for Thurston if nothing is rewarded afterwards. I have already gotten the Jousting arena. Is there somebody who can confirm this please?

09-15-13, 08:43 AM
Help! Is there anything rewarded after doing the last step of the goals? Because I see no point in crafting a mithril for Thurston if nothing is rewarded afterwards. I have already gotten the Jousting arena. Is there somebody who can confirm this please?

If you saw the first post youd realize there is no reward for this quest aside of the building itself

09-15-13, 08:53 AM
I have to say, that I really liked how the appearance of the arena changed as it levelled up :)

09-15-13, 09:34 AM
If you saw the first post youd realize there is no reward for this quest aside of the building itself

There's really no need for you to answer my question in such a snarky way. I thought this was the place to ask these questions? :rolleyes: Reason I asked was because sometimes the first page isn't complete yet and I found it strange for the rest of the goals to need so much if nothing was rewarded after. But thanks for clearing it up for me.

09-15-13, 11:00 AM
Help! I upgraded the jousting arena to level 3 while waiting for the potion to brew. After giving it to Thurston and getting the frame to go cheer him on, when I push the button to go the the arena, it takes me to the glimmer Trove in the market.
I have two of those. I have collected from the arena before Thurston was ready. Regular version 1.1.5 but just switched to that from Valentines edition 1.1.3. (I like the purple trees). I read the posts that the quest would not finish in Valentines and then went to the regular which I've had on my iPad for a month or two. I waited until I had collected from the troves, but no change. I have not collected from the arena since Thurston was ready. It's got about 12 hrs to go.

This happened to me as well. You just have to wait until the arena is ready to have the coin collected from it. Once you collect the coin you will get the next prompt in the goat quest. Hope this helps.

09-15-13, 12:46 PM
What do you mean you can't reinstall it? Try turning your device off and on.

Are you on IOS? If so, go to the App Store and tap purchases at the bottom of the screen. All your games will show up there. It should be in your iCloud if you enabled that feature. I love iCloud because all my pictures are uploaded automatically to my computer, laptop, phone, & iPad when they are on.
If you're on android system, I don't know what you'd do but I would think the game would still be in the store if you do a search.

09-15-13, 03:03 PM
This is a LAME expansion for the 1 year anniversary. Now expansion of the kingdom, no new characters, and no great rewards. I expected more from this considering they have not done anything big in 2 months.

09-15-13, 03:38 PM
I bet its just part 1 of this One Year Anniversary Update since the arena (new building) is just only up to lvl3, bet they open up part 2 this week.

09-15-13, 10:02 PM
I waited to collect from the Arena after upgrading to Level 2. Time finally passed and now it has given me the exact story line again to upgrade to level 2 and then cheer on Thurston. I already waited the several hours to collect from the arena and now have the same exact prompts. Disappointed! And yes, I have closed it down and restarted my game.

09-15-13, 10:45 PM
Cool update, it's better than nothing, right?:)

09-15-13, 10:51 PM
Okay, I read some more and deleted and reinstalled and got freaked out when things were missing. Then things came back but I am still at the beginning of the cheer on Thurston after level 2 upgrade even though I should be past that. Help! I hate that I'm repeating what I did already!!!

09-16-13, 05:04 AM
Well that update was nice to have, better than nothing, but pretty short!!!! All done and now wondering what to do next, full of everything, fully expanded, no unfulfilled quests....love the game, but.......what to do now?!....

09-16-13, 04:02 PM
Nice to have something...BUT....the thing is so small, when I put it next to a bench it looked like a child's toy. I guess I'm going to have to put it out in a field so it look far away or something. But of course I don't have that kinda room so it will have to look like a toy in my kingdom. TL we need room to expand....please! Starting to sound like a echo in this thread,
Expand.....expand...please room to expand! ^u^

09-17-13, 01:11 AM
I know that!
What level requirement can you get this feature? I'm LV19/Lv20 and did not pop up (I did re-install the game :P)

Think it could be Level 23
I had just reached level 23 when the goals appeared on my device. coincidence or design>not sure
but goal #7 requires level 23 for the Ice Cream. And I have come to a complete stop at goal #13 because the Light Armor unlocks at Level 25.

sorry, that is all I can tell you about my experience so far.

You may be onto something there. I am in the process of doing these goals on my phone, which is a level 30 kingdom, but my kids, who are playing on an iPad 1, are at level 20 and have not received the goals.

Which raises another question. Are these limited time goals like Valentine's, or will they be there when they get to x level?

09-17-13, 07:34 AM
Hi Everyone,
I have not received the Anniversary Quest on my IPhone. I received it on my IPad days ago. I visited neighbors, closed the app, & deleted and reinstalled it and still no anniversary quest. I am at level 24 and am currently working on the Translator's Tome for the Tablet of Tabermum and Thurston's Thirst. Any suggestions?

09-17-13, 11:29 AM
Thanks for continuing to update but...um....my cow is taller than my level 2 jousting arena

09-17-13, 01:55 PM
I'm a little confused about the quest.. The only quest I have at the moment is needing to reach level 18 on Kingdom and my arena is locked up still. Am I missing something?

09-17-13, 05:47 PM
I am right there with you! Used all my tails too! Starting over!

09-17-13, 07:42 PM
I've reached level 18 on kingdom clash and the arena is still locked and I have no more goals...

09-17-13, 10:42 PM
Thanks for continuing to update but...um....my cow is taller than my level 2 jousting arena

It looks better at level 3. I put mine away from the cows so they won't trod on it and crush it. :)

09-18-13, 04:16 AM
it looks better at level 3. I put mine away from the cows so they won't trod on it and crush it. :)

lol! :d

09-18-13, 04:20 AM
Uhm. For whatever reason my caps lock and smilie changed on posting. That should have read 'LOL! :D'
I know no one would sleep at night without that correction. You're all very welcome.

My lvl 3 arena's in storage. No room for it and no RP.

09-18-13, 04:54 AM
Can you please reintroduce some of the Valentine options?

09-18-13, 12:13 PM
I have castle story 1.1.2 on an old iphone, and after doing the "wait" have been stuck with out any goals. I've never had any problems before. (besides gem glitches...)

09-18-13, 05:50 PM
I wasn't getting the goal for the arena so I thought I would try something... I have been playing the Valentine version all along so I tried the other and voila! Got my goal for the arena... Hurray!!!

09-18-13, 06:43 PM
I think i may have discovered what triggers the anniversary goals. In my 2nd kingdom today i just finished construction of Thurston's Fort and the anniversary goal popped up immediately. I'm midway through level 25, but it was definately started by finishing the fort construction. There is a chance that it started due to the fact i finished the other goal which opened up a slot for the anniversary goals i guess. But it would make sense that Thurston being ready would be a requirement.

09-18-13, 07:35 PM
Thurston doesn't even get a plaque or a flag or standard in the end? Looks like Castle Story really has fallen down the list of games that TL releases content for.

09-18-13, 10:27 PM
I think i may have discovered what triggers the anniversary goals. In my 2nd kingdom today i just finished construction of Thurston's Fort and the anniversary goal popped up immediately. I'm midway through level 25, but it was definately started by finishing the fort construction. There is a chance that it started due to the fact i finished the other goal which opened up a slot for the anniversary goals i guess. But it would make sense that Thurston being ready would be a requirement.

I'm on 25 on my other account too and had been waiting for an answer as to why it didn't come on this account. Thank you for writing this! It's because I haven't even finished the troll kind goals. Didn't even make the ballista yet and it's been there for about two weeks! Can't expand to the pit anytime soon, so I guess this will sit there. I just got the goal for Sabina but no chance or start on her either too. Oh well. At least I'm making the gold bars for my decoration thingy.

09-18-13, 11:19 PM
Thurston doesn't even get a plaque or a flag or standard in the end? Looks like Castle Story really has fallen down the list of games that TL releases content for.

Oh man! I just got T&T, so that's something to work for!

09-19-13, 08:04 AM
Thurston doesn't even get a plaque or a flag or standard in the end? Looks like Castle Story really has fallen down the list of games that TL releases content for.

That would have been a nice touch, considering the size of the arena that Thurston had to squeeze himself into. I've got mine placed next to my chickens, and by comparison the horse Thurston would have been riding couldn't have been larger than my chicken's toenail.

09-19-13, 10:07 AM
Hi I have a question about the jousting arena. It is no longer showing up in my goals and I had already started getting some of the materials. What can I do to get it back? Thank you.

09-19-13, 01:02 PM
Where is the Jousting Arena? Under goals it says to marvel at the arena...it is now checked but I see no arena. Then it wants me to upgrade to level 2, I select GO and it takesme to "Special" but only a glimmerdust trove is there. Again, why don't I see the "beginnings " of the Jousting Arena?

09-19-13, 02:19 PM
I would like to know if I will be able to keep playing if I have An iphone 3GS and 1.1.2 version of castle story.
Will you be fixing the problem with this quest line? Will the next updates be available only to newer devices as well?

I just want to know if I should keep investing my time and energy in this game or not. I'm at level 30 and no goals as of now, only upgrading buildings...

09-19-13, 03:53 PM
I would like to know if I will be able to keep playing if I have An iphone 3GS and 1.1.2 version of castle story.
Will you be fixing the problem with this quest line? Will the next updates be available only to newer devices as well?

I just want to know if I should keep investing my time and energy in this game or not. I'm at level 30 and no goals as of now, only upgrading buildings...

I have an iPhone 3GS and so far I've not had a single issue. However I am on version 1.1.5 of castle story.

09-19-13, 05:26 PM
Does the jousting arena ever drop anything more than coins? At 800 coins it's not really worth collecting from.

09-20-13, 02:07 AM
Does the jousting arena ever drop anything more than coins? At 800 coins it's not really worth collecting from.

it drops long sword as well.

09-20-13, 06:01 AM
how to have a jousting area???. help me. still not have build jousting area quest

09-20-13, 06:29 AM
Just finnished the "big" anniversary quest...... really? That's it??? :(

09-20-13, 09:11 AM
Does the jousting arena ever drop anything more than coins? At 800 coins it's not really worth collecting from.

I got a light armor yesterday. Guess it doesn't do anything else except give money and/or items. No actual jousting at all. That would be great if we could challenge others (maybe community members) to joust. So now it's just gonna sit there.

09-20-13, 09:22 AM
Are you still playing the valentine version? If so switch to the regular one.. That's what I had to do...

09-20-13, 10:22 AM
Just finnished the "big" anniversary quest...... really? That's it??? :(

Was just about to say the exact same thing... Poor update. Had everything stock piled anyway so upgrading was a breeze. Where is the expansions? New characters? Better story lines?

09-20-13, 12:09 PM
Agree.agree.agree. Expansions please. Where are the challenges for the more advanced players? Why still give stars?
Love the game but please help us expand...

09-21-13, 01:39 PM
I have an iPhone 3GS and so far I've not had a single issue. However I am on version 1.1.5 of castle story.

Updated and solved! Thanks vitriolicheart!

09-25-13, 04:18 AM
I'm up to the brewing of the chill out potion but everytime I click on Ivy's hut to do it, it just tells me how long till I can do my normal collection from there. How do I actually brew the potion?

09-25-13, 05:18 AM
I'm up to the brewing of the chill out potion but everytime I click on Ivy's hut to do it, it just tells me how long till I can do my normal collection from there. How do I actually brew the potion?
To brew the potion, you just have to collect from Ivy's hut when it's ready. So just wait for it to be ready to collect!

09-25-13, 10:07 AM
Just finnished the "big" anniversary quest...... really? That's it??? :(

Agreed. The big anniversary quest turned out to be VERY anti-climatic. Honestly, I expected it to be more challenging to complete, and I expected gems (as a reward).

09-25-13, 10:36 PM
Hmmm....now that I think of it, the Evil October update must be part of the anniversary rollout.

10-05-13, 05:18 AM
why didnt i have this anniversary quest?

10-05-13, 06:01 AM
I cant get the jousting arena. Im at the part where it says watch Thurstons first match at the arena. I hit go and it takes me to the buildings screen to buy the arena but its not there to buy. I tried deleting and redownloading the app but it disnt work. Any suggestions.

10-14-13, 12:53 AM
To cut down on the number of stickies a game guide (http://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?59861-Castle-Story-Game-Guide) has been created with a link to this (and other threads).

12-22-13, 07:39 PM
I am quite out of date but is there anything special for getting lv 3 arena? thanks

12-24-13, 10:45 AM
I am quite out of date but is there anything special for getting lv 3 arena? thanks

The level 3 arena occasionally drops longswords and light armor. (I don't remember if the lower-level arenas dropped these items.)

05-11-14, 03:46 AM
The level 3 arena occasionally drops longswords and light armor. (I don't remember if the lower-level arenas dropped these items.)

I got for sure a Light Armor and almost sure also a Longsword on Jousting Arena Lvl1.

08-10-14, 04:54 PM
Where is the Jousting Arena? Under goals it says to marvel at the arena...it is now checked but I see no arena. Then it wants me to upgrade to level 2, I select GO and it takesme to "Special" but only a glimmerdust trove is there. Again, why don't I see the "beginnings " of the Jousting Arena?
Did anyone ever answer you, I have the same issue?

08-22-14, 06:58 AM
Hi All!

Today we released a big update for Castle Story (I'm sure you all have seen it by now!)
We want to thank you all for playing the game and we hope you have as much fun playing it as we had making it.

Here is a summary on the update:
- New Quest Series regarding the one year birthday of the Kingdom
- New Asset: Jousting Arena (cool thing about this asset is that it'll change visually when you update it, give it a try!)
- Thurston will redeem himself in this story (will he win the Jousting Tournament in your honor?!)
- 7 New Fortunes have been added to the Fortune Teller Building

Here are some photos of the Jousting Arena upgrade states:


We have lots of new updates coming for the game, so stick around! I'll try to post regularly with sneak peaks into new content =)

Have a good weekend all! And thank you again for your support!!


I used gems to avoid building the arena, now I have to upgrade the arena that I don't have to level 2.
I can't find the arena in the market, what should I do? And I can't use gems to past the quest to upgrade it...

08-22-14, 07:49 AM
I used gems to avoid building the arena, now I have to upgrade the arena that I don't have to level 2.
I can't find the arena in the market, what should I do? And I can't use gems to past the quest to upgrade it...

Nothing you can do that I know of at this point. Unless this item returns, you'll have to leave it as an unfinished quest.

08-22-14, 11:22 AM
On my secondary account I just got the goal to build the Jousting Arena.

Did you have the goal? I just tapped the buy button on the goal.

08-31-14, 02:48 PM
What's unlock the arena?
My son dont have it

08-08-15, 03:13 AM
I'm trying to upgrade my jousting arena from level 3 to level 4. Where do I craft the golden rods? I can't find it anywhere! Thank you in advance.

08-08-15, 03:18 AM
So it looks like I have version 1.3.3 but there doesn't appear to any updates I need to do.....suggestions?

08-08-15, 03:31 AM
Check your goal book .if you have 'joust intentions ' complete it to trigger 'needs more sparkle ' .this goal enables you to make gold piping
Thread on the update http://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?83751-Castle-Story-08-06-Update

08-08-15, 06:04 PM
I'm going to closed this thread so that the right questions are asked in the right threads.

Any questions about levelling the arena up to 4 and 5 are to be made in this thread.