View Full Version : catalog details and selling prices

09-09-13, 04:43 PM
i am curious as to what the different prices in the catalog items are - i thought they were purchase price (top) and selling price (middle with exp points). but every items seems to sell for 2 coins and only a very few for 5 coins.

What is the other coin listing for then? and how come almost everything sells for 2?

09-09-13, 06:00 PM
The middle coin number is the total coins you will make for that order when all the items sell. The very bottom number is the total pieces in the order. So you have to divide that bottom number into the middle number to see how many coins each piece sells for. And you are right, the majority of items sell for 2 coins, and some sell for 5.

09-10-13, 11:31 AM
high level items sell mostly for 5. actually it doesn't matter that much, it just determines the number of racks needed to sell out. as it sells 38 items per hour, so you need more racks to sell out 2coin items.
and the income is determined by purchase price and selling price, top and middle numbers yes.

09-10-13, 03:00 PM
Thank you! That makes sense, I had no idea! :D