View Full Version : Issue with purchases disappearing.

09-09-13, 08:13 AM
Hello I am playing on an iPhone 5 and am having a problem purchasing items. This has happened to me several times with several different items and is very frustrating. What happens is I'll be buying stuff for my restaurant like floor tiles, and I'll buy as many at once as I can, but then when the message saying I can't afford more items pops up the items I've already bought disappear as we'll as the money(coins not gems) I spent on them.

I'm not looking for a coin refund because its not like I've actually lost money on this but I'm hoping we can figure out a way to make it stop because other than this issue I really do enjoy playing your game.

I've already tried removing and reinstalling the app.

My Storm ID is MikaMaca

kooky panda
09-09-13, 10:21 AM
Have you checked to see if the tiles got stored? Go into to buy the tile again and if you have some in storage you will see a little number at the bottom of the picture showing you how many you have in storage.

09-10-13, 11:05 PM
I have the same issue.
and i checked in storage, its not there. =/

09-17-13, 12:34 AM
I had thi problem in bakery story, it eventually stopped happening but I didn't get a refund.

kooky panda
09-17-13, 05:09 AM
If you items disappear, try restarting your device. If you they do not come back, send an email to support@teamlava.com so they can check your game.