View Full Version : Compromise gems + money + less food

09-03-13, 06:12 PM
Thought might be helpful to have a thread for strategies for gems plus money. Most max efficiency stuff focuses on max money, not so helpful if you master for gems. Most ppl I see have a billion counters of food from mastering everything.

Ok, that's a small exaggeration. :)

I'm level 90 something, I have 8 counters of food and mostly master for gems. I don't clear counters.

There's basically a couple options:

1. Don't cook on all ovens all the time. Lots if people do this to try to cut down food. I stopped cooking at one point, but since it's a BAKING game, not baking seemed sort of stupid. So I tried option 2.

2. Make RVC red velvet cake over and over. Works well to help sell down food, but once you master it, no more gems and what do you do to keep food from stacking up once you go back to ordering other stuff?

09-03-13, 06:39 PM
So here's what I do:

1. Remove all empty counters first. I dropped a gift capp to force everything to stack, then stored all empty counters.

I put only one counter down when I make something new. When I had a lot of counters, I moved counter with less than 5,000 food all to one spot so it was easier to check that one spot b4 serving any food. It made it easier to find empty counters and store them.

2. I don't master more than 3 appliances at a time. I build 6 of each, sometimes more. Then I make one thing at a time on each til I master it, unless it's something I can't order as much like a 2 hr item, then I order something longer on that appl overnight or if I can't be on. But as much as possible, 6 appliances, all making the same one thing til I master it.

3. I track how much is on counters and how many counters. If needed, I make 2 days of RVC on 6 ovens after I master all foods on a specialty appl b4 I put down a new oven to master.

09-03-13, 07:03 PM
With goals, I make each goal food until I finish the goal, then make the next food, rather than making the first to mastery if the goal is timed.

I am using an efficient design, tables near the door, rest of the bakery for decor.

My target is 6-9 counters of food all the time - most of the time I have 8. If I'm focusing in money, then one of the counters has RVC or a 10 coin food item, sometimes capp since I can stack it with gift capp.

With 6 counters, each counter sells about 7,000 food per day.
7 counters - 6,000 plates of food
8 counters - 5,000 food
9 counters - 4,500 food
10 counters - 4,000
Not exact numbers, but I use rough estimate to figure when food will sell.

So each specialty appliance has 3 dishes, with 3 appliances that's 9 counters, plus anything left from prior ovens. So the trick is in when you make the next food.

So when I master an oven, I look for the lowest amount of food. For instance, if I have a counter with 8,000 plates of food and have 7 counters. Putting down a new counter would give me 8, so the food on all counters would sell 5,000 per day. Since my lowest counter will sell in less than 2 days, I put out a new set of ovens to master.

If the lowest counter has more food than I can sell in 2 days, I put down regular ovens and make RVC. So if I have 7 counters, lowest has 20k food, with 8 counters the food will sell in 4 days. So I make RVC for 2 days, then switch to the new oven. For a couple days I have 9 counters of food, but once the RVC and the other counter empty, I pick them up and am back to 7.

Not sure how well I explained. And I change it slightly when I am going for more money, so I always order RVC for a few days after mastering an appl or when there are goals.

09-03-13, 08:58 PM
when my piles reach 30k size I stop and put out 18 RVC every other day. i keep 30-40 diffeent foods so I can use all different ovens and not waste coins building the duplicates.

if you don't intend to stop cooking for weeks, you can clear the old food, it won't change anything. because if you want gems you always cook more than it sells and the piles will NEVER sell out. after you'll have all them mastered ,theres still no point keeping them . because you can cook Rvc instead.

09-03-13, 10:59 PM
I don't have a strategy as such but I do something similar. I'm baking to master so I can get gems. Its my only goal! So I have 4 different appliances at once and I master 4 different recipes at any given time. It does mean my food stacks up quickly but since I'm not baking to earn more money, it doesn't matter too much to me that there's food sitting on counters. I would like to find a way to sell the food faster so I can make room for more recipes but I don't really want to spoil my layout too much so Im happy with it as it is - functional but still looks good.

09-04-13, 03:45 AM
a quick way to earn gems for those just starting to master is to master everything to level 2. then work your way back when you have the time (usually we get a new appliance before that even happens.) i suggest mastering the high yielding foods now then the seasonal because if they all disappear one day, you're gonna regret it big time lol. build one of every oven available even if you don't like it or they produce one dumb recipe and take hundreds of parts to complete (ie. hot cocoa maker).

and i like what nky1111 suggested. that it's ok to dump the low yielding food because you can make rvc instead and actually watch that counter move/earn a bigger daily bonus.

something i personally do is keep the counter count very low because i get sick looking at mounds of food that never move! just a personal preference. :cool:

09-04-13, 03:47 AM
a quick way to earn gems for those just starting to master is to master everything to level 2. then work your way back when you have the time (usually we get a new appliance before that even happens.) i suggest mastering the high yielding foods now then the seasonal because if they all disappear one day, you're gonna regret it big time lol. build one of every oven available even if you don't like it or they produce one dumb recipe and take hundreds of parts to complete (ie. hot cocoa maker).

and i like what nky1111 suggested. that it's ok to dump the low yielding food because you can make rvc instead and actually watch that counter move/earn a bigger daily bonus.

something i personally do is keep the counter count very low because i get sick looking at mounds of food that never move! just a personal preference. :cool:

clarification: i mean high-coin earning foods not foods that produce the most plates. those are the worst!

09-04-13, 02:13 PM
I only have about a dozen appliances out. I cook to master recipes on the new appliances and for goals and in between I work on recipes on the regular oven. I only buy two max of each new appliance unless I need more to meet a goal deadline. I bought 4 of the last appliance but I could have gotten away with 3. When I have a lot of food stocked I work on the longer recipes to give things more time to sell out.