View Full Version : Gifts in Storage

08-31-13, 08:43 PM
Can somebody PLEASE tell me how to retreive gifts, in particular building material and licences, from storage?
Thank you -x-

08-31-13, 11:38 PM
For materials go to the item you are building. If you've got all the materials click the build button. The materials will automatically be taken from your inventory. Expansion work in a similar way.

09-01-13, 03:07 AM
Thank you - I will give it another go! -x-

09-19-13, 04:23 AM
I have tried this but my build button is not high lighted!! I have more than enough in the store room to cover my build. Any ideas would be great.

09-19-13, 02:40 PM
Can you please let me know the building and the materials you are seeing?

09-19-13, 03:35 PM
In the store room it states I have 8 grass seeds. The build is for a cat, unsure of name but it's early in the game. Cat on a house tower! It states I need 5 planks and 10 grass seeds. I have the 5 planks and 8 of the grass seeds. It won't allow me to transfer any of the seeds over to the build.

Thanks for helping.

09-20-13, 03:05 AM
Ok you won't be able to transfer the seeds until you have all 10. Ask 2 neighbours to get r last ones and you'll be right.

09-20-13, 09:01 AM
Thank you, thank you. You have been very helpful and I have been rather dim! I thought that the seeds in storage were different to the seeds at the build, so I was adding them together, so I thought I had more than enough, all I had to do was put them together ! I realise now they are the same
Thanks again

09-20-13, 03:47 PM
Glad you've got it sorted. I know it can be confusing when starting out in a new game. Ialways believe it's better to ask