View Full Version : Finished goals reopen

08-27-13, 12:06 PM
Hi. This is inimical from Restaurant Story.
I use an Android Galaxy S3
I'm using the most current version: Restaurant Story Back to School
Sometimes, while I am cooking food, older quests that I have already completed pop-up.
I have to watch and close all of the quests that I have already finished.
I even have to close quests that ran out of time (much more than once).
It is much worse now because I have completed a lot of quests.
Please fix this problem.

08-27-13, 12:07 PM
By quests I mean goals like "Surprise Contest!" and "Kelp Is On The Way" as well as "Tap On, Tap Off".

kooky panda
08-27-13, 03:54 PM
Try uninstalling your game then reinstall it. You will not lose your game progress.
If this still happens, send an email to support@teamlava.com so they can check your game.
Give them a list of the old goals that keep popping up.

08-28-13, 12:36 PM
I have this same problem every single day. I'm on a Samsung Galaxy 4. I had the problem on my original phone..had to get a new one because of a camera issue..reinstalled..started game over from day one and it's already doing it to me again :(

08-30-13, 02:42 AM
I have the same problem and my friend too.
I use a LG L9 with Android Jelly Beam.