View Full Version : Restaurant Update 8-28-13

08-23-13, 12:02 PM
Got the update
Engine counter 42,000
Engine table 78,000
Flight chair 18,500
Airplane Assemblage 11 gems
Airplane couch 19 gems
Airplane divider 8,000
Aviation wallpaper 26,700
Airplane tile 1 gem

New Recipes on regular stove
-Airline Lunch 7 hrs costs 1350 coins, makes 1200 plates, 122xp, earns 4800 coins
-Airline Dinner 10 hrs costs 1890 coins, makes 1800 plates, 129xp, earns 7200 coins

New Teaser!

We're now approaching our cruising altitude.

Feel free to move about the cabin and relax on the Airplane Couch in Restaurant Story (https://www.facebook.com/restaurantstory)!


08-23-13, 12:09 PM
Ooo, fun!

08-23-13, 12:20 PM
Heeeeeeey! When the cruise ship updates came out I thought how cool it would be if they did an airplane one. Looks like some developers had the same idea, awesome! I hope they do this theme as well as they did the cruise ship & underwater themes.

08-23-13, 01:10 PM
Need help, I just got a new phone but my game is gone. It's making me start all over again
Please someone help. The only reason why I got another phone was to play restaurant story.

08-23-13, 01:16 PM
:p .....

08-23-13, 01:55 PM
I've always wanted an airplane theme.
I have lots of pilots in my family so this would go well.

08-23-13, 02:59 PM
A bit weird but who cares, pirates are gone!

08-23-13, 03:20 PM
Yahoo...no more pirates! :D

08-23-13, 03:47 PM
Oh this is exciting! Not into the pirates at all.

08-23-13, 07:49 PM
Need help, I just got a new phone but my game is gone. It's making me start all over again
Please someone help. The only reason why I got another phone was to play restaurant story.

You have to read the threads that refer to transferring your game to a new device. The bad news is that if you installed the game on your new phone without transferring your account; you will probably have to go through TL support via email. The good news is that all of your existing game's data is still saved on their server so you haven't actually lost any of your progress. Good luck! I really hope you get it all sorted out!

08-24-13, 12:31 AM
Nice a airplane theme! Will it be 24 gems for the couch? XD

08-24-13, 12:14 PM
This couch would be needed t be placed in the corner though.

08-25-13, 12:34 PM
Ooo I hope we get airplane food a la school lunch. Another good job, RS Team.

08-26-13, 01:25 AM
Love the colour!

08-27-13, 06:27 PM
Why is it that we have a teaser for next-next update?

08-27-13, 07:10 PM
Why is it that we have a teaser for next-next update?

And no full teaser on this week's update on the blog.

08-27-13, 07:32 PM
I like it :o

08-28-13, 01:28 AM
Why is it that we have a teaser for next-next update?

The pirates have invaded their minds. Hence all the mess up updates and no teaser on the blog. XD

Wait a second, should that be a table or a counter? The more I look at it, it look like a table.

08-28-13, 06:13 AM
It does look more like their style of table, but i like that they are mixing it up a little bit. Every counter doesn't have to be the same shape all the time. It does make me curious about the rest of the update though, are they doing a garage theme?? Which, if they are, I'm totally fine with. I like all the unique themes lately.

08-28-13, 08:28 AM
What about the update today?

08-28-13, 08:32 AM
Next update, allow customers to sit on it.

kooky panda
08-28-13, 10:26 AM
Sorry guys, the teaser released yesterday is for this week, so merging this thread with the current Update thread for this week.

08-28-13, 10:41 AM
So were is todays update wating.. I want to know wat else goes with the airplane couch..

08-28-13, 10:59 AM
Got the update
Engine counter 42,000
Engine table 78,000
Flight chair 18,500
Airplane Assemblage 11 gems
Airplane couch 19 gems
Airplane divider 8,000
Aviation wallpaper 26,700
Airplane tile 1 gem

-added to post 1-

08-28-13, 11:03 AM
New Recipes on regular stove
-Airline Lunch 7 hrs costs 1350 coins, makes 1200 plates, 122xp, earns 4800 coins
-Airline Dinner 10 hrs costs 1890 coins, makes 1800 plates, 129xp, earns 7200 coins

-added to post 1-

08-28-13, 11:34 AM
Woohoo! New food! Oh how I wish bakery would get the same treatment too.

08-28-13, 12:05 PM
I'm happy whenever there's new recipe on the regular appliance. Not like in bs, when is the last thing we have gotten a new recipe on them. :(

08-28-13, 01:19 PM
I'm happy whenever there's new recipe on the regular appliance. Not like in bs, when is the last thing we have gotten a new recipe on them. :(

It's ok because BS has way too much food already that will take years to sell for most people, whereas for restaurant we need new food added every couple of weeks.

08-28-13, 04:26 PM

Nothing I really care about... at all.

I wish Restaurant Story got half the good items Bakery Story always gets.

08-29-13, 12:53 AM
Apparently, I can't access any of these new airplane things and recipes until I'm level 59. :( I'm 42 lol.

08-29-13, 05:58 AM
I think the airplane theme is different, better than pirates IMO. I'm sure there are restaurants near or at airports that decorate with airline decor. So this theme is not out in left field. Just different is all. But I like it, it's fun!:D

08-29-13, 06:02 AM
Oh no airplane food! Cute though.

08-29-13, 06:11 AM
The wallpaper looks like it would belong in a little boys room not a restaurant. Needs to be more professional looking.

08-29-13, 08:14 AM
Oh man, the airplane divider can only be turned 2 ways. Can someone ask them to please make it so we can rotate them all the way around? You can't make anything resembling an airplane if both sides of the plane curve out! I was going to make a jumbo jet style restaurant with 1st, business and economy class (lol I know) but I can't do that now because it just looks odd. Bummer! But a lot of the stuff is very cute, and masculine which is nice for any who don't like flowery items. JUst please fix the divider. :D

08-29-13, 05:04 PM
Bummer the couch's gems.

08-29-13, 06:02 PM
Great to get new recipes though I hate airplane food in real life! How about an Oriental Express theme next huh?

08-29-13, 10:56 PM
Great to get new recipes though I hate airplane food in real life! How about an Oriental Express theme next huh?

We've had 3 Asian themes already.

08-31-13, 07:20 PM
We've had 3 Asian themes already.

It's a train theme, not an Asian theme. Not really sure what it would look like though.

08-31-13, 08:19 PM
It's a train theme, not an Asian theme. Not really sure what it would look like though.

Haha. That's embarrassing.

I wouldn't mind a train theme. Trains have booths ya know!

(so don't most restaurants, but TL doesn't understand that)

08-31-13, 09:09 PM
A train theme, like spaghetti warehouse type restaurant, yeah that could be pretty cool and unique.

08-31-13, 09:37 PM
The wallpaper looks like it would belong in a little boys room not a restaurant. Needs to be more professional looking.

I couldn't agree more. Doesn't go with the new theme. Way too baby-ish.

08-31-13, 09:58 PM
I think the wall paper could look like the inside of an airliner where the window seats are located and they should create those tiny round windows. This way we could at least build our airliner at least on one side of the restaurant. That would work for me. In addition, it would be so cute to have a stewardess pushing those carts. That's my 2cents.

08-31-13, 10:27 PM
Where's next update teaser?

09-03-13, 09:53 AM
Where's next update teaser?

There were no teasers released last Friday, but there will be a regularly scheduled update this week!