View Full Version : Theory about successfully completing quests

08-18-13, 10:44 AM
I might have this moved and this is only a theory, but I just successfully obtained my knight dragon and I did it using a certain technique which may or may not work, I got the first piece sending my epic Caesar, after MANY MANY failed attempts of sending my epic Peacock I thought well I also have a level 3 peacock dragon and the Peacock in the picture next to the quest is in its baby form, well I sent it twice and on the second time I got the piece and then I sent the kite in the form of the pic and got it soon after that... Sooo what I'm saying is that I think to have the quickest and easiest success send the dragon in the form that is shown in the pic next to the quest! I could be wrong but it seems to have worked for me and I will continue to do it this way even if I have to breed another if mine is already past the form in the pic, hope I found something and hope this helps!

P.S. I am not saying that if u do it this way u will get it on your first try but I'm saying I think you will finally have the odds on your favor! 😏

08-18-13, 03:24 PM
If anyone has success let me know bc I'm curios