View Full Version : Rare drops / spending gems corrilation?

08-17-13, 03:36 PM
So I've been reading through the various threads for different goals. And it seems to me that players who spend gems on items, be it buying things or speeding up crafts or recipies are more likely than others to recieve RARE random drops, such as winds, horns, eggs etc., than players who don't use thier gems for this.
For example, players who sped up thier forgotten roosts found the dragon egg in no time. Or players that sped up thier libraries found thier books quicker.
Does anyone else see this correlation? Or is it just a feeling from the forums that has no basis in the actual game?

Btw, if this is the case, I'm not saying that TL is wrong to do it. I may not like the method, or many other TL methods, but as they are providing the game for free and not forcing me to spend money, it is thier right.

Edit(KP)Response from TL

We do not change droprates based on gem spend or whether or not you have made IAP in Castle Story.

If for whatever reason we did decide to boost droprates for such a thing, we would definitely make sure players know about it! But right now, Castle Story droprates are the same for everyone, payer and non-payer. Hope this helps clear things up :)

08-17-13, 04:28 PM
Speeding up with gems won't increase the % that the rare items will drop. It just increases the number of chances you have for it to drop. So if an item has 1% drop rate and the building can be collected every 2 hours, collecting once every two hours gives you 1 x 1% chance. Speeding the building up 4 times will give you 4 x 1% chance.

I've definitely spent more gems in my kingdom than mum has in hers, but she seems to be much lucky with drop rates than I am.

08-18-13, 12:11 AM
speeding it up would just give you another chance at around the same % as maguar said, your percent wont go up, but 2 times 1% is still better than 1 time 1%

Now if you still dont believe my opinion, I discovered the formula for rare drops long ago, here is it simplified for you

e^(i*pi) = -1

i = rare drop

storm8 ID: mikado86
kingdom: Kickass

08-18-13, 05:55 AM
e^(i*pi) = -1

i = rare drop

What's e?
Also, putting all math aside, it feels like those who speed up with gems get the rare drop,right after the spending of saif gems....

08-20-13, 03:30 PM
Not here. I accidentally sped up my tablet right after collecting from it. Could the game have thrown me a bone and given me a shard? Nope.

08-22-13, 12:11 AM
I had 5 or six accounts on Monster story (another game from Team Lava). I found out that one of those accounts was VERY lucky. It got everything rare with no effort at all. The other accounts were no where near getting rare items. I played all accounts the same way. And i played them for a long period of time. It never balanced out. I kept getting the possible best items there was on that account.

I do NOT believe this was luck. I believe that Teamlava let some accounts get it all only to be able for us other players to see what we could get.

I have a fex neighbors in this game i suspect has the same "luck". Accounts with 4 Alicorns, lots of fruit trees, dragons etc. They all claim not to be gemming and cant understand why everyone else found it so hard getting rare items.

But i agree Teamlava owns the right to the what they think is the best in their interest. Its their game and we should all be thankful they let us play it for free.

08-22-13, 12:19 AM
On Dragon story, I found that if you buy gold for money (even if you dont spend it immediately) it increases your luck of breeding rare dragons. I think it is more than luck, it just forces you a little to spend real money on the game, and your reward is not just gold/gem/whatever but also more luck than players who are playing free.

08-22-13, 01:55 PM
We do not change droprates based on gem spend or whether or not you have made IAP in Castle Story.

If for whatever reason we did decide to boost droprates for such a thing, we would definitely make sure players know about it! But right now, Castle Story droprates are the same for everyone, payer and non-payer. Hope this helps clear things up :)

08-23-13, 01:00 PM
We do not change droprates based on gem spend or whether or not you have made IAP in Castle Story.

If for whatever reason we did decide to boost droprates for such a thing, we would definitely make sure players know about it! But right now, Castle Story droprates are the same for everyone, payer and non-payer. Hope this helps clear things up :)

I hope it remains this way because it keeps the playing field level. Much thanks for that.

08-24-13, 02:12 AM
That definitely isn't true! I have spent more real money and gems than I care to mention (well, tell my husband!) and I haven't seen one single Alicorn part. I would be level 35, were there such a level.