View Full Version : Looking for input for my spreadsheet (plan to share)

08-09-13, 10:56 PM
Hi all

I come to the forums a lot looking for information and I had read that there was a limit of 28 customers per minute. I started counting to see how many I was getting and I wasn't hitting the mark despite having 28 tables and chairs. So I rearranged my bakery and tried several more times with no luck. I had plenty of food. I had so much that I stopped baking for a couple of days and did other things.

It occurred to me that maybe 10 counters wasn't enough so I started adding counters one by one and counting my food in between. I put a chair in front of the door, counted, moved the chair, closed the app and waited 5 minutes. Then I opened the app, put the chair in front of the door and counted the food.

Here are the results:
11 counters = 9 servings per counter
12 counters = 8 servings per counter
13 counters = 8 servings per counter
14 counters = 7 servings per counter
15 counters = 7 servings per counter
16 counters = 6 servings per counter
17 counters = 6 servings per counter
18 counters = 5 servings per counter
19 counters = 5 servings per counter
I expected 4 servings here but . . .
20 counters = 5 servings per counter
So I skipped to 28
28 counters = 5 servings per counter
Realized when I started typing this that I didn't go beyond this because I got the 28 per minute limit so
29 counters = 5 servings per counter
Got really exited
30 counters = 4 servings per counter
Uh Oh
31 counters = 4 servings per counter

So it appears that 29 counters gets the maximum number of customers per minute when the app is closed. It is always the same number of servings for every counter this way.

I did do some with the app open and the number of servings per counter is all over the place, but I was selling almost twice as much. I haven't tried it since adding the last several counters though.

Anyway, I have been working on a spreadsheet to get the best results based on the number of servings it is possible to sell. If anyone has better results I'd love to know how. I need the money to expand. I have run out of room. LOL

08-10-13, 01:42 AM
it's possible to sell 43000 per day offline, and online it depends on the layout and game version.

08-10-13, 07:58 AM
How many counters are needed for that number a day? That works out to be 29.8 customers per minute.