View Full Version : How do I make money?

08-05-13, 12:36 PM
How do I make money? Just collecting from my animals isn't giving me that much because I don't collect every 15 minutes. I can't seem to ever get more than 3-5k. Is there a trick? Or do I just need to collect more often?

08-05-13, 01:38 PM
You collect what you can from the pets you have, but keep buying more and more pets, until you will get pretty decent money if you collect every couple of hours or several times a day. It's very difficult at first and takes time to make enough money to buy and upgrade pets, but you will get there eventually.

08-05-13, 02:22 PM
the trick is to get decent pets)) like trained sharpei, etc. there was a list somewhere, or you can just browse the shop and see.
cheap pets are sort of a trap..