View Full Version : Level 204 not enough bubbles ?

08-03-13, 03:30 PM
I am proud to say that i arrived to Level 204 without spending money, but Level 204 its really not possible

08-03-13, 08:14 PM
It's tough, for sure, but possible!

My strategy:
- You can get the 4 lower central gift bubbles (which adds up to 5 bombs) with just colored bubbles, if you aim carefully. However, I don't think you can use any fewer than 3 of those bombs to get through the lock, which leaves you with 2 bombs for the upper level.
- Clear the central "diamond" of colored bubbles and then let the dripping tar "die" out. You can clear bubbles away from the right side to give yourself access to the long wall of (usually yellow, for me) bubbles.
- Open up the 2 locks on each side as quickly as possible.
- Clear a path up through the switches (using 1 bomb to get past the dead tar bubbles).
- Open the top middle lock.
- Don't bother with the switches on the side.
- Use your last bomb to bust the steel bubbles blocking the babies.

08-28-13, 01:09 PM
Thx kristanlh, after trying many times i get it now on level 226 reg. allmove