View Full Version : Question , Need Help Please

08-03-13, 06:04 AM
I love playing dragon story, but, how do you buy all these new dragons with the high amount of gold? Is there a way to get gold I do not know about? Is the only way to get gold is to buy is with "real" money ?? :confused:

08-03-13, 06:11 AM
You can BREED the dragons, with a few exceptions. You don't necessarily have to buy.
You can get free gold as gifts from neighbors or from playing other TeamLava games. :3
Happy breeding! ;)

08-03-13, 06:29 AM
DO NOT BUY DRAGONS FOR GOLD. The only ones you need to buy are for coins - fire, air, forest, light and water. All the rest are breedable. For purple, use fire and water. Night, I think purple and blue.

It may take you awhile to get a nice collection of dragons, but for the love of this game, DO NOT USE GOLD TO PURCHASE DRAGONS.

08-04-13, 05:16 AM
Ok thank you both very much Appreciate the help Wanted a Night dragon, but no way, was I going to pay that much .... :) So it just takes time, breeding different color dragons

08-04-13, 03:17 PM
Also need help! How do you request gold or mystic maps in this game?

08-04-13, 04:26 PM
Also need help! How do you request gold or mystic maps in this game?

You don't request gold. It is given to you by your neighbors and you can gift 3 gold a day to 3 different neighbors. You can get 20 gold a day from neighbors.

Maps are requested from neighbors. Tap on an expand sign, the pick a location to expand to (TL will let you know what spaces are available). Then, on the pop up there is a little sign that says ask neighbors or something like that. Click on that and it will bring up your neighbors list. Click on all of them. Send. That's it. If you look on your news page, you will see who sent you a map. You can receive 20 a day. Although you can only get 20 a day, request them from all your neighbors. You will continue to get maps from neighbors for quite awhile after your initial request.

08-04-13, 04:43 PM
Sometimes their will be ways to earn 20 or 10 Gold when the game is telling you to download another team lava game or by leveling up in the game you downloaded this is also a way to earn gold, but i recommand to choose wisely your neighbours cause not everyone gifts gold.

08-04-13, 06:44 PM
Thank you both for your quick responses. There will be more questions and I'm glad there are nice people in the forum with the answers. I've read the guide but somethings are not explained fully. Not only that, but I've read a lot of posts that say, according to the platform you are using for this game there are a few differences. I'm using Android and I can believe that.

08-04-13, 06:57 PM
There is no way to choose your neighbors wisely. Anyone can send gold. Some wont send any back and some may become good gifting buddies. I have at least twelve that I rotate with.

Never ever ever use gold on a dragon. Some will be more difficult than others. That's the game, we chase what we want.

Night: blue/purple.
Virtue: red/light.
Stone: green/light.
Mythic: red/yellow.
Fairy tale: green/yellow.

Always visit the forum when your confused about something. But please do not buy any brats! Talk smack about them. Sometimes that helps them to visit sooner.

08-04-13, 07:55 PM
You have to buy the Light dragon ... but that's with coins if I'm not mistaken.

08-05-13, 02:57 AM
You have to buy the Light dragon ... but that's with coins if I'm not mistaken.

Correct. The dragons that you need to buy are with coins not gold. There are three dragons, treasure, stain glass and Midas that cannot be bread and must be bought with gold. These dragons are not needed to breed with. They are a luxury caretakers want but do not need.

08-05-13, 06:47 AM
Here's a list of the basic element dragons that you'll have to end up buying.

- Fire
- Forest
- Air
- Water
- Light

Basic elements like
Night, magic, stone, fairytale, Dino, and cosmic have to be bred.

08-06-13, 04:52 AM
There is no way to choose your neighbors wisely. Anyone can send gold. Some wont send any back and some may become good gifting buddies. I have at least twelve that I rotate with.

That is not true i had a lot of neigbours who only recieved gold and in the end they didn?t sent any gold at all any more, it is better to get rid of those neighbours as keeping them and that is what i meant with choose your neighbours wisely..not everyone in a neighbours list does sent gold.