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View Full Version : Change the amount of gems to "speed up" wait times!

07-30-13, 06:00 AM
Theres only one thing that ****S me with this game! Every game I've played has used the same system to "speed up" buildings/animals. Every hour had always equaled one "gem" (or insert whatever paid monetary item the app uses). I hate that some buildings want 8 gems to speed up the building for 1 or 2 hours! I would spend more gems to speed up my buildings/quests/crafting if the gem prices were reasonable.

07-30-13, 11:59 AM
I liked it the old way too,BUT the new amounts to speed up most things are forcing me to actually wait things out,which I have a hunch is why TL raised the "speed up"amounts,they actually want us to play the game,too many of us were speeding through goals(me included)by "gemming"them.now we are forced to slow down and take stuff slowly,as I think they were meant to be(and stretches out storylines between updates so we don't whine(cough cough)when we start getting bored .;)