View Full Version : Bakery Update 7-31-13

07-26-13, 01:31 PM
New Teaser!

ARRRR you ready for more pirate plunders to enjoy with your delectable goodies?

Take a load off your peg leg and sample some good eats at the Jolly Roger Table and Chair in Bakery Story (https://www.facebook.com/bakerystory)!

The pirates love their new home and want to stay! They are happily settling down surrounded by Jolly Roger Wallpaper in Bakery Story (https://www.facebook.com/bakerystory)!
Help the pirates feel at home by placing these items:
Pirate Mosaic Floor Tile
Pirate Hat
Nautical Helm

Jolly Roger Table - 67,000 coins
Jolly Roger Chair - 2 gems
Nautical Helm (wall decoration) - 31,000 coins
Pirate Hat (floor decoration) - 52,000 coins
Jolly Roger wallpaper - 15,500 coins
Pirate Mosaic floor tile - 1 gem

07-26-13, 01:33 PM
Yay pirates for the 4th week ( not)

07-26-13, 01:33 PM
Looks like Halloween stuff!

07-26-13, 01:34 PM
Looks like Halloween stuff!

Good Idea will save for halloween

07-26-13, 01:39 PM
Maybe if we say nice stuff about these horrible, I mean great items, they will stop giving it to us.

If we Hate it, the throw it to us for weeks.

If we love it, they give us one or two measly updates.

Go figure. A company who doesn't like making money.

07-26-13, 01:47 PM
I don't like to say this, but it's really ugly :(

07-26-13, 01:56 PM

Happy to finally see some skull and bones but not big on the actual designs. So chunky and plastic like the furniture you'd find in a three year old's play room. That chair looks like those gag teeth you wind up and they chatter.

07-26-13, 02:01 PM
This is incredulous! I'm so "ecstatic" I could cry -_-# How does a pirate update find its way into a Summer Picnic edition? *sob*

07-26-13, 02:44 PM
Well, another week collecting more money! I spent 500.000 Coins for a Summer 2013 section.... It would be fine collecting 500.000 back :D But Im NOT happy with pirate - themed updated for 4th time!! :mad:

07-26-13, 02:49 PM
Yay pirates for the 4th week ( not)

It's the FIFTH week! First week goals, second week box, third week ship wheel table/chairs, fourth week barrel table/chairs, fifth week next weeks' update. ARRRRR(GH)!!

After four weeks of frustration with pirates, I downloaded a new patisserie game to play and re-started playing a candy shop game I'd abandoned previously, and I guess I'll just keep playing those more than bakery. I want a bakery with baked goods, not pirates. Guess the random Thursday summer update was just something to tide over us non-pirate types and not a sign of things to come.

07-26-13, 02:50 PM
Oh come on! Really??? How could you get so much complaints about this and still keep throwing this stuff at us. I might still buy some for Halloween though.

07-26-13, 03:30 PM
What the.......? Why is this garbage still coming? Come on TL cancel this pirate theme and give us something not stupid & ridiculous for a bakery! :mad:

07-26-13, 04:19 PM
What happened to BS? Can we maybe get a new recipe for the regular stoves? High priced junk, slow food consumption rate, odd updates that arent Bakery related, what happened? I dont understand, you have good themes (Sweet Co) that lots of people like and you barely put out any products and then you put out a poor theme (pirates) that no one seems to like and it drags on for weeks. Seems to keep happening.... Or you have a sweet decor piece and put it out weeks later than the other things related to the theme and it's too late... Find myself regularly saying, that would have been nice a few weeks ago.

07-26-13, 04:58 PM
What's better than 4 weeks of pirate-themed items?

Five weeks of pirate-themed items!

07-26-13, 05:29 PM
that would fit in halloween theme too..

07-26-13, 05:43 PM
TL can you please explain what's going on? I really liked the pirate theme the first week, but now I'm a little concerned. Are we going to be stuck with pirates for the rest of the year, or is this some sort of weird way to get us ready for something big and amazing? I know there has to be someone on the design team with great ideas for a new theme. Could someone please respond?

07-26-13, 05:56 PM
TL can you please explain what's going on? I really liked the pirate theme the first week, but now I'm a little concerned. Are we going to be stuck with pirates for the rest of the year, or is this some sort of weird way to get us ready for something big and amazing? I know there has to be someone on the design team with great ideas for a new theme. Could someone please respond?

It's no big deal, they had music theme for like a month, at least the pirate theme is cuter looking. Also there's new theme already out if you download the Summer edition :)

07-26-13, 06:09 PM
Yeah, but the music theme was decent and the items cute. This mess is an eye sore.

07-26-13, 06:10 PM
It's no big deal, they had music theme for like a month, at least the pirate theme is cuter looking. Also there's new theme already out if you download the Summer edition :)

Thanks for the response:) I think I'll wait for the goal to download the summer edition. It's too bad they had ruin all the fun of pirates by dragging this theme on.

07-26-13, 06:14 PM
I just had to check the calendar to see what day it was.....I thought this must be some kind of april fools joke! Guess not. Anyhow, thanks for the barrel of laughs TL! You never cease to amaze me ;-)

07-26-13, 06:21 PM
I have no problem with the pirate stuff, but I don't understand why they're dragging it out. How about a month of summer/beach stuff? I love the cruise ship goals on RS, why not have something like that for BS?

07-26-13, 07:24 PM
Ha ha loving it. Non-Pink stuff, Yay! I've been putting my money where my mouth is on this pirate theme. Thanks TL for more stuff. This is a definite buy for me and my neighbors. Can't wait to see what else they give us in this update. Time to buy more gems.

07-26-13, 07:43 PM
Is it weird that I actually like the pirate stuff?

07-26-13, 07:51 PM
Thought we were gonna get rid of pirate theme but apparently not. My solution is to download halloween version and have a spooky theme, kinda an early halloween to come and temporarily forget about all the pirate stuff...

07-26-13, 08:31 PM
Thought we were gonna get rid of pirate theme but apparently not. My solution is to download halloween version and have a spooky theme, kinda an early halloween to come and temporarily forget about all the pirate stuff...

The Halloween version is only available for android users. It was removed from the Apple store for iOS users last year. So many of us have not been able to "spookify" our bakery all year long. Plus the way they ignored st patys and easter in both RS and BS doesn't look promising for halloween items this year either.

07-26-13, 08:48 PM
While I'm not real thrilled with more pirate stuff, I am happy that there are weekly updates. Last week they stopped weekly updates on my favorite game, Farm Story.

07-26-13, 09:05 PM
This is a tad excessive, lol. I really do like the chair though. I agree, could be cute Halloween decor. As long as the stuff is cute and well made, I don't mind it. I can make it work.

07-26-13, 11:51 PM
Is it weird that I actually like the pirate stuff?

Not weird. Since different people have different taste. Just that getting the same theme for 5 weeks is so boring!

07-27-13, 04:44 AM
Is it weird that I actually like the pirate stuff?


07-27-13, 06:38 AM
This is a bakery game...not pirates of the Caribbean....when people play this game they expect bakery themed items....it does not have to be pink but bakery themed. It's always nice to have a little fun decorating but this is just plain awful and hideous! I'm all for more colors than pink but as long as its tasteful.....this is barf!

07-27-13, 07:10 AM
That's nice for Halloween

07-27-13, 07:48 AM
Check your bakery we got some summer stuff..... Picnic 32 gems tables chairs counter wall floor
Atleast they heard us that we want summer

07-27-13, 08:05 AM
Check your bakery we got some summer stuff..... Picnic 32 gems tables chairs counter wall floor
Atleast they heard us that we want summer

That stuff was released Thursday.

07-27-13, 08:07 AM
That stuff was released Thursday.

lol i didnt know.... since im saving coins haven't tapped the design button until this morning

07-27-13, 09:31 AM
I really liked the pirate theme, I just don't understand five weeks of it. Variety please TL. I'd be very happy with a late Christmas in July sale where you just put out all the 'vintage' BS lto's, appliances, retired decor and maybe even unlocked old goal ovens and recipes for a cost. Do you know how much I would pay for the candy tube display lto thing? How about the hatchery appliance and turkey oven? It doesn't have to recreate the wheel to engage more players! Come on! tempt me to spend some money. Pirates just aint doin' it for lots of us anymore! I stored all my pirate stuff. I have been done with it for two weeks now. Ever heard of beating a dead horse? More engaged players = more money. Have a big sale! Just so you know...I am looking for something irresistible to spend my money on. A second chance at missed opportunities could part me from lots of cash.

Btw...I too would like to hear from someone official the thinking behind five weeks of pirate. I don't get it. Is it a bigger money maker than I understand it to be. What is the reasoning. I want to understand.

07-27-13, 01:15 PM
Yeah i was thinking that these could be good for Halloween!

07-27-13, 04:07 PM
I really liked the pirate theme, I just don't understand five weeks of it. Variety please TL. I'd be very happy with a late Christmas in July sale where you just put out all the 'vintage' BS lto's, appliances, retired decor and maybe even unlocked old goal ovens and recipes for a cost. Do you know how much I would pay for the candy tube display lto thing? How about the hatchery appliance and turkey oven? It doesn't have to recreate the wheel to engage more players! Come on! tempt me to spend some money. Pirates just aint doin' it for lots of us anymore! I stored all my pirate stuff. I have been done with it for two weeks now. Ever heard of beating a dead horse? More engaged players = more money. Have a big sale! Just so you know...I am looking for something irresistible to spend my money on. A second chance at missed opportunities could part me from lots of cash.

Btw...I too would like to hear from someone official the thinking behind five weeks of pirate. I don't get it. Is it a bigger money maker than I understand it to be. What is the reasoning. I want to understand.

I LOVE the idea but it'll never happen.

07-27-13, 04:15 PM
oh noo... not another pirate stuff :eek::eek:

07-27-13, 07:16 PM
Sigh, another example on how TL refuse to actually listen to what their players want and ignore feedback. I just saw the summer picnic app in play store earlier today and got so excited that maybe we would have more summer related themes coming up, but came on here and saw this. Smh.

07-29-13, 12:27 PM
I was mildly disinterested in the pirate stuff when the first week's worth came out, but I'm getting more and more frustrated with every subsequent week of buccaneers. I downloaded this game because I wanted to create a cute little bakery, not a pirate theme park.

My bakery design is pastel blue, and I've already purchased most of the cute and compatible "normal" bakery decor available at my level. At this point, it's starting to feel like a user planning a pirate-themed bakery has more design options than a user planning a normal bakery in any color other than pink or green! Pretty bizarre, for a game that calls itself "Bakery Story".

07-29-13, 02:54 PM
Ugh... ok I was fine for the theme but now its getting way old..... no more pirates please!!!

07-29-13, 03:20 PM
I'm with those who are tired of the pirate stuff. I just don't think it's appropriate for a bakery, and some of that stuff takes up valuable space.

07-29-13, 04:30 PM
The tea theme was BEAUTIFUL ... the best yet. Had light pastels, pretty, looked well placed in a bakery. The pirate stuff is just big and awkward. I did the goals but I didn't put any of it up in my shop ... I did a combo of last years summer and some of the Olympic stuff (which had WATER RELATED BUT LIGHT AND AIRY DISPLAYS) ... instead of all these dull browns. VERY disappointed. I mean it's one thing that we had reindeer dancing last Christmas .. now we have pirate boats in summer .. IN A BAKERY? UGH. That's as bad as the petting zoo in RS. I think I'll just take a break from TL altogether. I've been playing facebook games .. at least I'm not bored.

07-29-13, 08:17 PM
Wondering why the only goals I have to achieve right now are to download other games. Haven't had a goal to complete in almost 2 weeks. Anyone else having this issue?

07-29-13, 09:58 PM
You know...this is gonna be the horrible update with just a table and chair with a counter.

07-29-13, 10:35 PM
Wondering why the only goals I have to achieve right now are to download other games. Haven't had a goal to complete in almost 2 weeks. Anyone else having this issue?

The current pirate goal still has another week or so to be completed. No new goals till that timeline is over....we can hope for a new goal in 1-2 weeks based on the trend this year.....about 1 every 4-5 weeks. (fingers crossed for next Wednesday)

07-30-13, 11:10 AM
Kinda getting bored of the pirate stuff. ..

07-30-13, 04:23 PM
The tea theme was BEAUTIFUL ... the best yet. Had light pastels, pretty, looked well placed in a bakery.

I agree, the tea party was the best they've ever had, I can't think of anything to top it off, other than to add even more stuff to it. I mean if they dragged the ugly music theme for two months and the pirate theme for a whole month, why not have a second chapter of that beautiful tea party theme?

As for the pirate theme, it doesn't bother me, I find it pretty and cute, despite it not being standard bakery theme, it's kinda interesting and cool and different and really really fun, great job on that one as well. The 4th theme was great also, I really am very happy with everything in bakery story lately :D

07-30-13, 05:59 PM
Dear Pirates,

I really enjoyed having you visit but, hmm, don't you have a treasure to hunt, a damsel to save or a plank to walk, maybe? O, fine, - stay and help yourself to my zillion blueberry buckle. Arrrgh to you too, whatever.

07-30-13, 09:28 PM
Looks like Halloween stuff!

Saw update on the blog. So those who love dark themes perhaps 'might' love the skull & bones!

07-30-13, 10:20 PM
I'm just glad no new recipes this week, I can barely keep up building and cooking all the new appliances and recipes. The update itself seems cute, a bit pacman-ish, nice. It's also nice to give us some time to enjoy our pirate themed bakeries before we have to redo the whole shop into a new theme.

07-30-13, 11:26 PM
OK...I'm gonna guess the update, let's see if I'm right.

Table - 6 gem

Chair - 50000
Wallpaper- 2 gem
Floor - 30000

Wall thingy - 20000

Let's see if I'm right.

07-30-13, 11:27 PM
And that cup on the counter...what recipe is that? On the blog pic...anyone know?

07-30-13, 11:51 PM
OK...I'm gonna guess the update, let's see if I'm right.

Table - 6 gem

Chair - 50000
Wallpaper- 2 gem
Floor - 30000

Wall thingy - 20000

Let's see if I'm right.

Haha nice!

It should be a gem update cos we just had a coin update. Floor for gems too! Lol

07-30-13, 11:54 PM
And that cup on the counter...what recipe is that? On the blog pic...anyone know?

The lone empty tea cup? That's from the royal tea kettle we just got.

I like everything but the chair. Blah. We finally get the jolly roger but it's not []enough. :(

07-31-13, 12:19 AM
new update! hooray? i guess? not?

07-31-13, 01:56 AM
I'm more excited for the updates in rs than in bs. :p Pirates pirates pirates please go away and don't ever come back! I need a new appliance! There's nothing new for me to cook. Gotta back baking blueberry buckle again.

07-31-13, 08:00 AM
I am done with pirates for now, but I will surely buy whatever is for coins for future projects. As others have mentioned, this will look good around Halloween. Some of the items can go with a beachy theme, and I think the newest barrel tables can go with a lot of different themes. Bistros, winery, perhaps a wedding theme. I don't really see more uses than for Halloween with the jolly roger stuff, but - maybe it's just a challenge to my creativity. Can we please have a new theme next week though? :p I want something I *LOVE* again rather than just stuff I buy just in case!

07-31-13, 08:33 AM
I actually like the looks of these table/chairs. Kind of like Skelanimals brand of fun stuff in the real world. And how often do we get red or black? These could go with the black with roses tables chairs and counters. Skulls are everywhere. No need to use them strictly with pirate stuff.

07-31-13, 11:20 AM
Jolly Roger Table - 67,000 coins
Jolly Roger Chair - 2 gems
Nautical Helm (wall decoration) - 31,000 coins
Pirate Hat (floor decoration) - 52,000 coins
Jolly Roger wallpaper - 15,500 coins
Pirate Mosaic floor tile - 1 gem

07-31-13, 11:33 AM
Bring on next weeks update

07-31-13, 11:44 AM
Let's forget about this week updates. Bring on the next teaser please. =s

07-31-13, 12:03 PM
All I can say is that its better than restaurants update.

07-31-13, 12:49 PM
I was hoping for new recipes. Hopefully next week.

07-31-13, 12:51 PM
I like the wallpaper and tile. Really cannot handle that chair. Thanks for all the coin stuff!

This is probably the last week? (It totally isn't.) Glad we did get jolly roger items cos skulls are always welcomed. I'm really curious to see the summer picnic items already though. But it'll be pricey.

07-31-13, 12:57 PM
This update is helping me save my coins & gems...won't purchase a thing...YUCK!

07-31-13, 12:59 PM
Yay on main account I did my 30 million expansion thank you updates

07-31-13, 01:06 PM
Yay on main account I did my 30 million expansion thank you updates

good attitude :)

07-31-13, 01:21 PM
I wouldn't even spend that much on a table for Halloween. It's too hideous looking for the costs. It's been months since we have had a recipe on the oven. What happened to the days of pretty cakes and cookies being on the oven? Not needing to build an appliance every week? What does making us do that add to the game? No one buys gems to aid in convenience. We stop buying because we are annoyed and tired of being Inconvenienced.

The autumn cake is the last time I seriously remember loving a recipe on the oven. Being back those days please!

07-31-13, 02:05 PM
It's the FIFTH week! First week goals, second week box, third week ship wheel table/chairs, fourth week barrel table/chairs, fifth week next weeks' update. ARRRRR(GH)!!

After four weeks of frustration with pirates, I downloaded a new patisserie game to play and re-started playing a candy shop game I'd abandoned previously, and I guess I'll just keep playing those more than bakery. I want a bakery with baked goods, not pirates. Guess the random Thursday summer update was just something to tide over us non-pirate types and not a sign of things to come.

Sending you a PM

07-31-13, 04:08 PM
Not really into skulls and bones but it's good to have a week to save up for a future update.

07-31-13, 10:02 PM
Not pirates again! :( Guess I will not play this week and just let some of my millions of food items sell.

07-31-13, 11:17 PM
Yay... not. The best thing about this update is the fact that I won't spend my expansion savings or my 10 gems. Lol.

08-01-13, 08:02 AM
I'm still waiting for a summer goal, real summer, like picnic in the park or some water-slides or beach and hotel or resort etc, not pirate/island/lost treasure like the last updates :D