View Full Version : Store open/close option !!!!!

07-26-13, 01:08 AM
Why don't you have an option to close your shop while you are stocking items so that we can have a huge store with lots of inventory. There should be an open and close option!!!!

07-27-13, 09:30 AM
Nice idea! I'd like that too.

08-06-13, 12:47 AM
Place something in front of the door (like a table or a plant). People won't be able to get into your store till you move it away from the door.

08-06-13, 02:39 AM
Place something in front of the door (like a table or a plant). People won't be able to get into your store till you move it away from the door.

The game is not designed to support this. Strange things can happen such as all your clothes selling out (you may or may not get money for this). Anything weird that happens as a result of this cannot be fixed by support.

08-07-13, 03:29 AM
Yes I agree we need the option to close our store. This could be helpful when we want to redecorate or to restock or when we go on vacation and don't want to find an empty store when we return. Please TL.

08-07-13, 03:39 AM
Dont block the doors you still lose stock and you Dont get any money for them!

08-07-13, 08:29 AM
Recently, I'm trying to master all of the million table items that are in the catalogs where I've already mastered the rack items. I have all of my racks blocked and at the very end of my shop with only one rack of dresses available. This way, my table items are selling more but still have no unhappy customers.