View Full Version : Neighbors

07-22-13, 04:04 PM
Should you have as many neighbors as possible, or limit the number? I have heard to avoid those who have less then 2 stars, but that would eliminate asking new players.

07-22-13, 04:28 PM
I think it depends on your style of play and what you are looking for in a neighbour. Having more neighbours is useful for requesting materials and interaction. If you're looking to complete goals then having a lot of neighbours can be useful but bear in mind that you are only able to send 20 requests per day. The star rating neither here nor there for me. On one hand it can differentiate between the active players and the less active players. However, I have neighbours who have a 0 star rating but are active players of the game (answer requests but don't tip). Generally higher star rating = better tippers. :P

07-22-13, 05:10 PM
Keep the number of neighbors to no more than you can handle so you can tip them all everyday. Having tons of neighbors makes no sense. You can only accept 20 gifts and requests per day. Plus its easy to keep track of who is active and daily tipping if you have a smaller number. I have no more than 80 period. Everyone of my neighbors who have collected hundreds even over a thousand neighbors always quit due to burn out. You can't tip them all and that leads to very unhappy neighbors feeling neglected and used. I also never accept less than 4 stars. A higher level player with anything less means they simply don't tip their neighbors and thus not worth your time. The only exception being new players who of course will have less stars because they are just starting out.

07-22-13, 10:41 PM
I agree with astraeagrim. I have about 40 and some days struggle to tip
.. I try to tip everyone every day. but 40 is manageable most days. I hsd 100 plus at one point and couldn't keep up. I was neglecting some. I'm a 3-4 star (if 3, not far away from 4 so can get back quickly) so I focus on my 3-4 star neighbors. I will accept both but if they drop to a 2 (with no message on wall if away for a bit) I remove them.

07-23-13, 08:57 AM
I had the same dilemma, because I was there one time asking for neighbors. I have neighbors that are 0 star to 4 star and everyone is different. Some of my 0 stars tip and gift daily and I have had to delete some of my 4 star because they did not tip and gift. I tip all my neighbors daily, only gift those that visit. I delete inactivity, I give them 4 days. I do make exceptions for vacations though and if I delete will invite back, usually because if I am sending a part request I am counting on them to respond.

There are tons of neighbors out there just find those that will work for you, remember to just have fun.

07-23-13, 03:13 PM
Limit number of neighbors til you decide how many you want and how you want to play - tip daily, weekly, infrequent, never, build a lot or just one of each appliance, stuff like that affects your neighbor strategy.

If you play other TL games, the neighbor thing gets out of hand fast. My suggestion for starting out is stick to 20 active players who are playing daily and focus on finding compatible neighbors.

So if you really enjoy socializing, visiting and tipping, look for chatty nbrs with active walls, 4 star, and keep only as many nbrs as you can visit daily.

If you like the constructing/building/mastering everything, ignore the stars and pay attention to what your nbrs gift, if they answer requests you put on their wall, if they double gift - gift the same as what you request plus answer your request.

Find ppl who play like you do, makes the game a lot easier - especially look for ppl around your level - you will tend to want the same things, in the same amounts, at the same time.

07-24-13, 02:26 PM
Thanks for all of the good information.

07-26-13, 09:32 AM
It all depends on the nbr, really. I'm not always compatible with 4-stars, yeah they tip daily, but if they mass-gift food daily too, they're not for me. I've also had some of the same 0-star nbrs for a long time who send me exactly what's on my wall every day without fail, and I do the same for them. Tipping stars are irrelevant if the nbr isn't compatible with you in the gift exchange as well. ;)

As for number of nbrs, personally, I stay under 40 to keep it manageable because I do like to tip everyone every day, and personalize gifts by checking walls, and I don't want that to feel like a chore.