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View Full Version : Not Being Awarded the Win and Losing Crowns

07-22-13, 01:48 PM
This is happening to a lot of players now and I have lost over 200 crowns now.
And this is a real issue considering you now have tournaments.

You go into battle
Win the battle
The victory screen with the results of the battle are displayed
You are returned to your base and then the loading splash screen is displayed and all of a sudden you have all your troops again.
Then if you exit the game and restart your troops are gone you have lost crowns and the coins and stones that you had won.

There is no disconnection but the game has gone out of sync and not recorded the win and rather has recorded a loss.
Very frustrating.

07-22-13, 02:29 PM
Hi there. This issue should now be fixed. First force close the game and restart your device. If this occurs again, please let me know. You can also contact our customer support at support@teamlava.com.