View Full Version : What's with the fruit juicer???

07-16-13, 12:05 PM
I have an appliance, marked as NEW!, and then find it in the forum threads from 2012! The fruit juicer is now 108,000 coins. Does it still only have three recipes? What does it offer to make it worth the cost??

07-16-13, 12:19 PM
Your game has marked it as "New" because it stays locked until a certain level, as all other decor and appliances; thus, when you reach that designated level, it is released into your design tab as a "featured product."

It has maintained the same recipes as when it was released, you can refer to those recipes here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=0AirojqZymHCpdDlCX3F1OU1tODFTNW4xZWpBb2RDZ EE&gid=19

Sort by level unlock, then scroll down to level 26, 27, and 28 to look at the specs on the fruit juicer recipes.

07-16-13, 06:40 PM
Do we ever get more recipes on these appliances? It seems such a waste for only three recipes. They don't even give much profit. The oven and the drink machine seem to be the only ones with multiple recipes.

07-16-13, 06:53 PM
Do we ever get more recipes on these appliances?


It seems such a waste for only three recipes. They don't even give much profit.

Yep. But it keeps us occupied while we spend the time needed to build them.

07-16-13, 06:58 PM
Another thing to keep in mind is that you won't always be preoccupied by profit, and that each of those 3 recipes yield two mastery gems; when I see the fruit juicer, I see 6 mastery gems staring back at me.

07-17-13, 02:02 AM
Another thing to keep in mind is that you won't always be preoccupied by profit, and that each of those 3 recipes yield two mastery gems; when I see the fruit juicer, I see 6 mastery gems staring back at me.

Lol when I see the fruit juicer I see exactly what OP sees: 108, 000! I've been wanting to build more to master but cannot bring myself to purchase each time. Esp too cos I'm trying to expand guh.

07-17-13, 03:37 PM
Yep, it hurt when I recently decided to buy one more of each appliance available that has at least three recipes to see those 108,000 coins gone for the fruit juicer. I make 250 K a day and it still bothers me to spend that much on a single appliance. Although the 60,000 for one recipe on the hot cocoa maker is even more ridiculous (I refuse to buy a second appliance of anything that has only one recipe). Oh well, not going to touch those appliances anytime soon anyway since I'm focused on mastering everything on the oven first, just wanted to make sure I had an extra in case TL decides to remove more appliances randomly in the future.

07-18-13, 11:10 AM
The pricing of that appliance is ridiculous.

07-18-13, 11:40 AM
I don't know the cost to buy it, but the nacho machine is the same way. Surely they could come up with at least one or two other items to be made on it. Pulled pork nachos .. Vegetarian nachos .. something!

07-18-13, 12:50 PM
I want nachos.

07-18-13, 02:07 PM
Lol when I see the fruit juicer I see exactly what OP sees: 108, 000! I've been wanting to build more to master but cannot bring myself to purchase each time. Esp too cos I'm trying to expand guh.

I don't think we ever really lose sight of that high cost of everything in bakery story...even if we have millions and millions of coins.Especially when the coin return is so very low on the recipes made on the new appliances. I think if the coin returns were much higher then we wouldn't complain so much. There are some appliances that I will take a very long time to master because i won't buy more than 8. And the only reason I buy them at all is for the gems! It is such a pain to see their recipes just sitting on my counters not making much money and taking up valuable space too. :rolleyes: