View Full Version : Love the new drink fountain

12-30-10, 09:01 PM
Just bought the new drink fountain. It is so pretty. I had some free gems saved up & decided it was worth buying. Anyone else have it yet? I'd post a picture but am not sure how

12-30-10, 09:04 PM
Just bought the new drink fountain. It is so pretty. I had some free gems saved up & decided it was worth buying. Anyone else have it yet? I'd post a picture but am not sure how

Just go to TinyPic and upload it and make sure you get the link that says FORUM.. i'd like to see.

12-30-10, 10:04 PM
RS has a drink fountain? Like BS???

restaurant queen
12-30-10, 11:00 PM
OP you are nuts if you wasted gems on that thing

12-30-10, 11:07 PM
OP you are nuts if you wasted gems on that thing

No you're nuts and nasty for trying to take away from another persons enjoyment. What's it to you? And even if you wouldn't, who are you to comment on anothers choices? You can just simply think whatever to yourself, but to feel like you need to write and bully someone is beyond rude and arrogant. You may think your a queen, but you certainly have no class.

To the Op...ignore her. If it pleased you, then I'm happy for you.

12-30-10, 11:11 PM
OP you are nuts if you wasted gems on that thing

The poster said they got it with free gems they saved up, and they liked it.

So who died and made you dictator of what others can do with their free, earned, or bought gems. Piss off pissant! Don't stick your nose in to what others chose for themselves

12-31-10, 08:01 AM
OP you are nuts if you wasted gems on that thing

My apolgies - it is called a Drink Tower (not a drink fountain).

I am very happy with my purchase. It did not cost me anything but time playing the game & collecting the gems.

Thanks to everyone for sticking up for me. The game is all about personal choices - we are all going to like different things.... I don't think I wasted my gems at all.... the tower looks great in my restaurant!

The drink tower is a bunch of champagne looking glasses pilled up together. Plus I have a few of the If I get a chance I will try posting a picture.

12-31-10, 09:09 AM
To buy anything you want! I wouldn't be too sure that the poster was female though. There are a bunch of guys who run around these forums and critcize ppl for anything and everything.

I have friends who have money and enjoy buying things for their resto's or Bakeries. These games are about decorating just as much as cooking and baking. I also know that some folks playing these games are homebound and therefore spend money on the games that the rest of us spend on going out to dinner, movies, etc.

No one has the right to criticize how you play the game or what you spend if you are enjoying yourself. Ignore the rude ones...most of us try to be nice!

12-31-10, 11:03 AM
To buy anything you want! I wouldn't be too sure that the poster was female though. There are a bunch of guys who run around these forums and critcize ppl for anything and everything.

I have friends who have money and enjoy buying things for their resto's or Bakeries. These games are about decorating just as much as cooking and baking. I also know that some folks playing these games are homebound and therefore spend money on the games that the rest of us spend on going out to dinner, movies, etc.

No one has the right to criticize how you play the game or what you spend if you are enjoying yourself. Ignore the rude ones...most of us try to be nice!

I agree..Those who opt to purchase gems should not be criticized for doing so. I have everything I want so I asked for itunes Giftcards for Xmas, and that's what I got. So I have lots of gems and am free to use them how I please.. here's the drink fountain:

12-31-10, 11:24 AM
I agree..Those who opt to purchase gems should not be criticized for doing so. I have everything I want so I asked for itunes Giftcards for Xmas, and that's what I got. So I have lots of gems and am free to use them how I please.. here's the drink fountain:

i like that

12-31-10, 01:38 PM
i like that

Looks great. I also love the gold castle. Nice restaurant !!!

01-01-11, 09:00 AM
I got it too and Absolutley love it it's so elegant

01-01-11, 09:59 AM
I am considering buying it too. It's very pretty! I am careful about buying gems though. When TL is just pushing out new games and not giving us updates or addressing server and other issues, I don't buy them.

When they give us updates and show that they are listening to us, I buy them. Reward for good behavior...punish for bad. I am both critical of them and supportive...it depends what is going on. But I would never criticize someone else's choice. That is up to each and everyone to decide for themselves. I'm sick of the flamers...if you criticize TL someone will be sure to flame you. If you buy gems or are supportive some one will be sure to flame you too. Ridiculous. I just try to be fair.

01-01-11, 01:03 PM
Is the drink tower new?

01-01-11, 05:56 PM
Is the drink tower new?

Yes. It is new and is in both bakery & restaurant story. I think it costs 20 gems.