View Full Version : New Device

06-27-13, 06:38 AM

I'm getting a new Device (Phone) soon and can't seem to find any info on moving my current Dragons to the new divice? any help here?

06-27-13, 06:41 AM
See This Thread: http://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?39878-Trasferring-Teamlava-games-to-a-new-device

06-27-13, 06:43 AM
Yes you can transfer your game. Download racing live play to lvl 2 on your new phone.
Click home, click setting(the wheel thingy), click storm 8, transfer/new device, then put your stormID and password then transfer...

06-27-13, 08:39 AM
I have just transfer my account to new device, here is the way:

1. play TL game on new device to create a temporary account
2. write a email to support@teamlava.com, tell them your current game's data(gem/gold/xp/coin) and new temporary account name

06-27-13, 08:45 AM
I have just transfer my account to new device, here is the way:

1. play TL game on new device to create a temporary account
2. write a email to support@teamlava.com, tell them your current game's data(gem/gold/xp/coin) and new temporary account name
That's the long way, and it can take several days for them to get to you. To do it yourself within minutes, see the thread that funnyrandomness5112 linked to, and follow scottyhaha's directions on the storm8 game Racing Live, which has the transfer option in it, and it will transfer all TL games too.

06-27-13, 11:25 AM
I didn't know about this option and started another account. Since I've spent lots of money on both accounts is there any way to merge the two?

06-27-13, 11:33 AM
Unfortunately, no, you can't merge two accounts.