View Full Version : Locked by Goal - forever, and why

06-26-13, 05:16 PM
I think I just had a brainstorming breakthrough. Kinda maybe. Ok, so, if they repeat old goals for new players each time whichever holiday rolls around again, or just annually, if they're non-specific, those who already did them will have nothing new, and will complain. Ok, throw out new goal sets in between the reappearing old sets to keep old players happy. But, over time, with each set repeating each year for all the new players, and new sets coming out between them for the old players, all that overlapping will eventually result in constant goals, and then constant concurrent goals, both old and new, all the time, until your clipboards are dozens of entries long, with no way to break the cycle without falling right back into the "we didn't get that stuff unlocked!" dilemma. And here we are, right back where we started.

Just unlock it all without bringing the goals back? Ok, but brace yourselves for massive backlash from those who completed the goals to unlock that stuff, because that's actually incredibly unfair. They did all that work, but now anyone can just go grab those same hard-earned prizes whenever they please, with no effort at all? For that matter, why bother ever doing goals again? Just wait around, do nothing, and get all the goodies later anyway!

Make the goal item prices higher for those who didn't complete the goals? *brakes screeching* Nope. The game itself nips that idea right in the bud. Can't change prices for some without changing them for all, and if you do that, then the players who did the goals would have to pay those higher prices if they wanted more of the items they unlocked by actually completing the goals. Again, extremely unfair.

Make the locked items invisible to those who didn't get them unlocked, so they're no longer taunted by what they can't have? Newbies won't even know it's there, and those who do know, won't care so much if they can't see it, maybe? Oh, but there are those brakes again... Hide them from view, and it's game-wide - those who did unlock them can't access them anymore either, which means they can't buy/cook any more of them. Unfair. So that's out.

I have a feeling that TL was foreseeing ALL of this when they did things the way they did and put us where we're at right now with this whole goal-locked item thing. Running down all these lines of logic, with different variables, and looking at the possible outcomes, the best logical guess (since TL won't come tell us outright, or haven't yet anyway), is that anything locked by expired goals is going to stay that way.

My advice is just try not to scroll over so far that you have to see any of it, try not to think about it being back there, and focus on the fact that you're already here, already playing, and have already unlocked things, unlike the people who haven't discovered these games yet, who are gonna be facing a LOT more stuff they can't have than you were when you started. :)

06-26-13, 05:21 PM
Or they can put a unlock item for 40 gems(or so) and then they can purchase the rest with amount of coins that it's offered

But once you unlock it with 40 gems you get 1

06-26-13, 05:31 PM
Or they can put a unlock item for 40 gems(or so) and then they can purchase the rest with amount of coins that it's offered

But once you unlock it with 40 gems you get 1
My second paragraph covers that, though. Players who worked through all the goals to get that stuff would be upset that the items could now just be bought without the effort, and a lot of people would stop doing any goals at all, knowing they could just unlock the good stuff later without doing the work now.

06-26-13, 05:37 PM
My second paragraph covers that, though. Players who worked through all the goals to get that stuff would be upset that the items could now just be bought without the effort, and a lot of people would stop doing any goals at all, knowing they could just unlock the good stuff later without doing the work now.

Yeah but it wouldn't unlock for free they will have to pay 40-50gems to unlock and item that others spent time but no gems but they will have to pay $$$

For example the truffle chair to unlock you will have tto pay 40-50 gems and get 1 since they are purchasable by coins each after that will cost 30,000 coins

06-26-13, 05:46 PM
Yeah but it wouldn't unlock for free they will have to pay 40-50gems to unlock and item that others spent time but no gems but they will have to pay $$$

For example the truffle chair to unlock you will have tto pay 40-50 gems and get 1 since they are purchasable by coins each after that will cost 30,000 coins
True, they did get them with time and anyone who came later would have to spend gems that the older players didn't have to spend, but there are still those who buy (or save up hardcore) gems who could just sit back and wait for the locked items to become available later, and know they'd never have to do goals again. From TL's point of view, I highly doubt that's what they'd want to happen, because if it did, then why have goals at all? Why not just only ever release outrageously expensive items? They don't want to do that, or there wouldn't be goals for a lot of the big stuff.

06-27-13, 07:06 PM
Then I would pay 40 gems for the bear from the new year goal, I don't know which year. And I love so many items that were taken away from the store as 'expired goals' or items that are still there but 'locked' and there is no way to unlock them unless you can turn back time XD

06-27-13, 07:08 PM
Okay, 40 is kinda too much... Perhaps 25 gems is better, just a little bit higher than a box, and goals are often sold for this price ^^