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View Full Version : Farm Story 2 - Avatar Pic

06-19-13, 09:18 AM
I posted this on another thread, but did not get a reply and have noticed other things related to the pic so am starting a thread....

1- Where is the Avatar pic from?
2- Why does the pic show up when people buy from me, or sell in the newspaper, but not in their shop? It is impossible to know who bought from you unless they post. Please update the shops to use the same pic as the newspaper so I can thank people for buying.

06-19-13, 09:41 AM
I think that when people buy from you, that should show up in the newsfeed (I believe Lucky8 already raised this point). Since the only time any activity shows up in your newsfeed is if someone finds a heart, which is INCREDIBLY rare, then your news feed can be days between activity, even though tons of people have visited your farm. Given the nature of Farm Story 2, and that hearts don't barely play a role in it (they don't even provide any benefit to the person who's farm on which they were found), then something that is relevant is what should be posted on the newsfeed - i.e. buying from your shop! Then you can thank the person and return the favour by shopping in theirs!

I too am curious the source of the Avatar picture!

kooky panda
06-19-13, 11:06 AM
The avatar picture you are seeing is from the persons facebook account.
When you are logged on to facebook, your profile picture will show up.

If you do not want your picture to show, you can log off of facebook under the settings.
You can also change your facebook profile picture if you do not want your real face to be seen by everyone!

06-19-13, 01:00 PM
The avatar picture you are seeing is from the persons facebook account.
When you are logged on to facebook, your profile picture will show up.

If you do not want your picture to show, you can log off of facebook under the settings.
You can also change your facebook profile picture if you do not want your real face to be seen by everyone!

I have not logged into facebook with Farm Story 2, although I have with other Storm8 games a long time ago. Thank you for replying, now I know how to change it.

Is there any other way to get a pic up? What if someone doesn't have Facebook, are they forever stuck with the default pic?

And, Why is it that the avatar does not show up when I'm browsing shops at the bottom of my shop screen?

06-19-13, 01:05 PM
If you do not want your picture to show, you can log off of facebook under the settings.
You can also change your facebook profile picture if you do not want your real face to be seen by everyone!

I just double checked in my game settings, I am Not logged into Facebook, therefore cannot log off. Any other suggestions?
And, is there any way to see my own pic? I have to assume it's my Winnipeg Jets logo from Facebook as I have had comments on it, but unless I see for myself, I can't be 100% sure it's the same pic.

(And just to clarify, I am happy with my avatar, but am trying to get all the answers so we can let other people know what to do on our game wall) :)

07-02-13, 11:27 AM
Is there any other way to get a pic up? What if someone doesn't have Facebook, are they forever stuck with the default pic?

And, Why is it that the avatar does not show up when I'm browsing shops at the bottom of my shop screen?

Bumping this back to the top, would love any advice. I really do wonder how to get a pic on without facebook please :)

I believe knowing who bought in my shop would be an awesome add to the social component of this wonderful game.

10-06-13, 02:40 AM
Hey guys i've just read this thread and i am logged in on fb with my phone all the time but i can't put my picture as my avatar. I have allowed the game to acces my profile but when i want to load a picture from it now it doesnt want. I see only an empty page and all i can press is cancel. I dont understand, is there something wrong with the setttings on my phone? I would appreciate some help if anyone knows what may be the problem :)

10-12-13, 02:12 AM
anvone can help? what may be the reason that my game doesn't work with fb account, please? :)

03-29-14, 11:02 PM
why can't my profile photo on facebook isn't connected to farm story 2?? how to fix it? anyone? por favor

03-29-14, 11:08 PM
Hey guys i've just read this thread and i am logged in on fb with my phone all the time but i can't put my picture as my avatar. I have allowed the game to acces my profile but when i want to load a picture from it now it doesnt want. I see only an empty page and all i can press is cancel. I dont understand, is there something wrong with the setttings on my phone? I would appreciate some help if anyone knows what may be the problem :)

yes. i have the same problem like you! T.T

05-23-14, 04:01 PM
Is there no moderator or anyome else from LT that can answer?
I saw one in the begining.
But as everyone (allmost) says. It doesn't work.
Only the default avatars. Not the profile from FB. However much U give permission. Link them together and so on.
What to do?

05-23-14, 05:53 PM
I have no idea how the FB linking thing works, but it was a baaaaad idea. I have a few FB friends with... questionable profile pics, to put it gently... I have no idea if they play these games, but if they do... some um... personal situations... are popping up in random marketplaces everywhere. :-/ So there's really no telling how many... situations... are being seen... bad bad baaaaad idea. And this is coming from one of the most anti-censorship people you'll likely ever meet. O_O

ETA: The reason I don't know how the linking thing works is because I refuse to find out, because I refuse to link, because I refuse to be forced to change my FB pic to something political or otherwise agenda-pushing. I like my wedding pic right where it's at, thanks. >_<

05-29-14, 04:06 AM
The avatar picture you are seeing is from the persons facebook account.
When you are logged on to facebook, your profile picture will show up.

If you do not want your picture to show, you can log off of facebook under the settings.
You can also change your facebook profile picture if you do not want your real face to be seen by everyone!

It doesn't matter if I open Farm Story from inside FB. Or just open FS via the app.
I'm logged into FB. I've given permission, linked or what U call it.
But my Avatar is still the one I picked from FS. Before i tried to use my own instead. It's more than just cosmetic. Many times it helps in different ways.
Many, many people play FS. And although U don't have to buy gems/coins to play. Many do. So some help please.
I think we deserve it.
A great game. But annoying when something doesn't work.

06-04-14, 05:01 PM
What do you guys see when you tap on the "Choose your Avatar" button? (See attached image)
After you log into facebook you should see a list of icons, plus your FB icon, and you can change it by selecting the FB icon (it doesn't happen automatically).13711

06-11-14, 05:21 AM
What do you guys see when you tap on the "Choose your Avatar" button? (See attached image)
After you log into facebook you should see a list of icons, plus your FB icon, and you can change it by selecting the FB icon (it doesn't happen automatically).13711

Profile, click choose on the picture. And then I am at the picture you're showing.
Click on "Choose Photo, f Log in".
Then an empty white page opens, the only thing it says is "Avbryt" in the upper left. I'm Swedish so in English it maybe says, abort, cancel or something. I don't know.
I've got two options then. Close the page or click on "abort".
Just as somebody else in this thread already said.
I click abort, & voil?! I'm on my FB page. I'm always logged in there.
I can open FS from the app or from inside FB.
But it makes no difference.
What to do?

06-11-14, 05:33 AM
Saw that I missed one thing. There's no list of icons when I come in to my FB account.
The only kind of picture is my profiles.
Have nothing else.

06-17-14, 09:51 AM
What do you guys see when you tap on the "Choose your Avatar" button? (See attached image)
After you log into facebook you should see a list of icons, plus your FB icon, and you can change it by selecting the FB icon (it doesn't happen automatically).13711

I hate to nag. But for some reason it seems like some problems R more important than others (?).
Maybe this avatar issue isn't big or annoying enough.
Ok, I get it that U can't be everywhere all the time. But after 6 days & no answer?
It's all these little/big problems that when they pile up it becomes too much. Several people I know stops asking 4 help, answers, they give up & eventually they move on to another game.

06-22-14, 12:08 AM
I hate to nag. But for some reason it seems like some problems R more important than others (?).
Maybe this avatar issue isn't big or annoying enough.
Ok, I get it that U can't be everywhere all the time. But after 6 days & no answer?
It's all these little/big problems that when they pile up it becomes too much. Several people I know stops asking 4 help, answers, they give up & eventually they move on to another game.
Maybe because, even though trivial things like this could easily be done online by bored housewives in Kansas with time on their hands and geeknological experience, all the jobs they offer are based in California, therefore my Kansas-rate minimum wage services are just sitting here joining the rest of you in said nagging rather than being put to use. Maybe. ^_^

08-13-15, 06:49 PM
how do I get my avatar to show up on my profile its not automatic

I just tried with my avatar and it told me file fail!

just thought is it a png file to load it

oh it was NOT loaded on Farm story 2 it used to be thats how my friends find me
so I tried to change that it seems it has come up on my profile now!!!