View Full Version : request for a dragon egg...

06-17-13, 08:47 AM
sometimes i see the message that a neighbor has responded to my request but i haven't a clue what it means.only thing i request are mystic maps so can somebody please explain???

06-17-13, 08:48 AM
okay they responded to your mysthic map

06-17-13, 08:54 AM
There are several things you can request in this game. Mystic maps are one of those items- you can also request lotus flowers from the spell shop to craft the lotus dragon. Some of the island goals also have thing to request from neighbors. Every time a neighbor responds to a request, in your case a request for a mystic map, the news feed will let you know who has responded. It doesn't tell you what you got so if you request multiple items then you won't know specifically what they have you. Since you only ask for mystic maps, it's a pretty good bet that is what you got from them. :)

06-17-13, 08:57 AM
i'm on android so don't have the spell shop unfortunately.daft why it doesn't just say mystic map every time though! thanks for the replies