View Full Version : Gold and/or Dragon Sale

06-10-13, 06:55 AM
This is NOT a parity issue, a similar deal could be offered within the existing Android/Kindle framework!

There's another treasure chest sale on for iOS with either 75% or 95% off a gold, food and dragon package with not even a bone thrown to Android/Kindle. Now, I understand these chests can only be offered to iOS because A/K don't have storage. The only place an egg could be placed would be on a nest which may not be clear (or convenient) when the package is sent.

Therefore, would it not be only fair to offer a similar 95% off gold and/or specific dragon sale for Android and Kindle players?

Yes, I know, some iOS players haven't had a treasure chest this time round (or 'only' got 75% off) but iOS also have other ways of getting free gold. There's the questing platform which all now have, spin the wheel, goals with gold rewards, treasure cave, treasure dragon and neighbours. Okay, there's an initial outlay for the cave and dragon but the cave gives more gold than it costs and the dragon will keep producing gold every day. A/K players can ONLY get gold from their neighbours or by buying it and, even when on sale, the most generous TL have ever been to A/K is 30% off.

06-10-13, 07:02 AM
Voting no because we shouldn't be spending any money for anything until parity is restored.

06-10-13, 07:06 AM
i voted no
because i would luv the 95% offer but havent

also because i believe android has the free gems offer in corner and get 5 gems for watching a 30 sec video (ios doesnt)
currently android get the goals to download other seasonal version which reward you 30 gold ..( ios has got any seasonal apps in ages)
30 + 30 plus 30 as you can see can add up

06-10-13, 07:07 AM
i voted no
because i would luv the 95% offer but havent

also because i believe android has the free gems offer in corner and get 5 gems for watching a 30 sec video (ios doesnt)
currently android get the goals to download other seasonal version which reward you 30 gold ..( ios has not got any seasonal apps in ages)
30 + 30 plus 30 as you can see can add up

edited post

06-10-13, 07:10 AM
I voted no. When I was android I never once bought gold, why should android players put money into a game that only gives back to iOS only? Not fair, so it's not right for android players to put money into it.

I bought gold on iOS now and then when I feel like it on a sale but those days are over, I haven't bought any in a long time and I won't until they sort the habitats out.

06-10-13, 07:10 AM
I('m not gonna vote. Not an android. Never will be.

06-10-13, 07:22 AM
I voted no. When I was android I never once bought gold, why should android players put money into a game that only gives back to iOS only? Not fair, so it's not right for android players to put money into it.

I bought gold on iOS now and then when I feel like it on a sale but those days are over, I haven't bought any in a long time and I won't until they sort the habitats out.

I haven't bought gold in a while either. it was the day after FT was released that I last bought gold. (Havent because Havent gotten iTunes card XD )

06-10-13, 07:25 AM
i voted no
because i would luv the 95% offer but havent

also because i believe android has the free gems offer in corner and get 5 gems for watching a 30 sec video (ios doesnt)
currently android get the goals to download other seasonal version which reward you 30 gold ..( ios has got any seasonal apps in ages)
30 + 30 plus 30 as you can see can add up

Sorry, thanks for reminding me. There's 1, occasionally 2 updates in a month giving 30 gold for downloading another version of a game. This month iOS have had 30+15+15 for downloading FruitMania and 30+15+15 for BubbleMania Seasons while A/K have had 30 for downloading Pet Story Father's Day. As you can see, it does add up, but it adds up much faster for iOS.

I may be wrong but I've only heard of Pacific rim countries getting the video gold (a very small proportion of users and not many videos) and the majority of other offers are for BUYING products, so not FREE gold.

06-10-13, 07:31 AM
Voting no because we shouldn't be spending any money for anything until parity is restored.
There's always a poll option missing. :o

I should have included
No - I won't buy gold under any circumstances until there is parity.

Sorry, thanks for reminding me. There's 1, occasionally 2 updates in a month giving 30 gold for downloading another version of a game. This month iOS have had 30+15+15 for downloading FruitMania and 30+15+15 for BubbleMania Seasons while A/K have had 30 for downloading Pet Story Father's Day. As you can see, it does add up, but it adds up much faster for iOS.

Apologies to Kindle players, I didn't check if you received the Pet Story goal. The amount of free gold iOS get for downloading new games may be even greater as far as you are concerned.

06-10-13, 07:38 AM
Sorry, thanks for reminding me. There's 1, occasionally 2 updates in a month giving 30 gold for downloading another version of a game. This month iOS have had 30+15+15 for downloading FruitMania and 30+15+15 for BubbleMania Seasons while A/K have had 30 for downloading Pet Story Father's Day. As you can see, it does add up, but it adds up much faster for iOS.

I may be wrong but I've only heard of Pacific rim countries getting the video gold (a very small proportion of users and not many videos) and the majority of other offers are for BUYING products, so not FREE gold.
I think the fruit mania was like 1-2 months ago and the bubble season 3+ months ago

By the way those games are too hard and most only get the 30 gold for downloading since its difficult to get to required levels

06-10-13, 08:06 AM
Sorry, thanks for reminding me. There's 1, occasionally 2 updates in a month giving 30 gold for downloading another version of a game. This month iOS have had 30+15+15 for downloading FruitMania and 30+15+15 for BubbleMania Seasons while A/K have had 30 for downloading Pet Story Father's Day. As you can see, it does add up, but it adds up much faster for iOS.

I may be wrong but I've only heard of Pacific rim countries getting the video gold (a very small proportion of users and not many videos) and the majority of other offers are for BUYING products, so not FREE gold.

I've gotten quite a few of the video offers and so far I think I've got about 40 - 50g since it's inception. That's only been a couple months if I remember correctly. I'm in Colorado, USA. I know the offers vary per region, so far I've seen videos for M&Ms, Nike, State Farm Insurance and a couple others I'm forgetting. It's a nice added perk but is in no way reliable. Most of it is for buying products though. And not all Android users have this, looks like it's a beta thing like questing / battles / clock / market revamp / etc was for iOS.

And as far as whether or not Android should get the option ... sure, we should get it. But any Android user should already be aware that any money we spend isn't spent on android development, only iOS. I would rather not see the offers as TL shouldn't be encouraged. I would love to see these offers AFTER parity though.

06-10-13, 08:18 AM
The poll isn't asking if Android or Kindle players SHOULD buy gold. It is asking if, when TL give massive discounts to iOS, should they give A/K players the same opportunity or should they, as they are with this offer, actively DISCRIMINATE against other OS?

But you're quite willing to post????

Love the "I'm alright, Jack" attitude.

People shouldn't ask questions or make threads if they don't like to hear other people's opinions. It would be a very boring forum if everybody agreed with everyone else.

06-10-13, 08:28 AM
yes, it would be nice if TL gave some incentive for kindle players to keep playing this game until they can get the parity issue resolved. It's very discouraging to see all these beautiful new dragons and/or features such as battle arean, trading, crafting, treasure chests, etc offered to iOS players and there is nothing for us.

Andorid does at least get the gold incentive offers for downloading seasonal versions of different games but kindle doesn't even get that.

I can't speak for other kindle users but I know I have no problem spending money on a game I enjoy and have spent plenty of money on this game while I am enjoying it. Once I stop enjoying it I will move on and some other company can have my money.

06-10-13, 08:28 AM
The poll isn't asking if Android or Kindle players SHOULD buy gold. It is asking if, when TL give massive discounts to iOS, should they give A/K players the same opportunity or should they, as they are with this offer, actively DISCRIMINATE against other OS?

And they already discriminate by OS, many of us have wondered if TL gets a break from Apple for not developing for Android, seems unlikely, but plausible. If they didn't discriminate from iOS / A&K , then Android and Kindle would've been brought to parity already, PERIOD.

kooky panda
06-10-13, 10:13 AM
This is NOT a parity issue, a similar deal could be offered within the existing Android/Kindle framework!

There's another treasure chest sale on for iOS with either 75% or 95% off a gold, food and dragon package with not even a bone thrown to Android/Kindle. Now, I understand these chests can only be offered to iOS because A/K don't have storage. The only place an egg could be placed would be on a nest which may not be clear (or convenient) when the package is sent.

Therefore, would it not be only fair to offer a similar 95% off gold and/or specific dragon sale for Android and Kindle players?

Yes, I know, some iOS players haven't had a treasure chest this time round (or 'only' got 75% off) but iOS also have other ways of getting free gold. There's the questing platform which all now have, spin the wheel, goals with gold rewards, treasure cave, treasure dragon and neighbours. Okay, there's an initial outlay for the cave and dragon but the cave gives more gold than it costs and the dragon will keep producing gold every day. A/K players can ONLY get gold from their neighbours or by buying it and, even when on sale, the most generous TL have ever been to A/K is 30% off.
There are already current threads where you can leave your feedback and discuss the differences with the platforms .

