View Full Version : Inappropriate Words

06-06-13, 11:35 AM
Everytime I try to send someone my storm8 ID it says that my ID "contains inappropriate words". How can this be? I have tried on Fashion and Bakery Story and it keeps rejecting it.

06-06-13, 12:08 PM
that happens to me sometimes when i try to write,"tipx6 & gave 2 springs"

06-06-13, 12:47 PM
ahh that happened to me today, too. I THINK it was because I said "fight." I was trying to say the themes in my bakery fight each other.. that's all, lol. Oh well though! I reworded it. That's strange though, your ID doesn't have any "bad" words in it :/ I hope TL can fix this for ya! The sensor seems to be touchy lately.

06-06-13, 12:56 PM
"Assume" and "pale" are blocked too. I wish we could just get answers as a community, since that's how we play, instead of being told to email support individually. That doesn't help the rest of us who are left sitting here confused about it.

06-06-13, 12:59 PM
I mean after all, if we weren't all players, we wouldn't be here, so why not give us all answers at the same time about something like this, instead of sending us one by one to email support for the same answer? Why can't we just share the answers, when we'd all get told the same thing by support anyway?

06-06-13, 01:05 PM
I understand that discussing in-game censors is against the rules, but I honestly can't figure out why. It affects us all, so why send us off individually to all get the same response from support, when they probably have better things to do? If there's a logical reason why it's not supposed to be discussed publicly, please let me know! :)

06-06-13, 03:32 PM
Hi ImBabieBunnie, you'll need to email support@teamlava.com about your ID getting caught up in the in game word filter. I'm closing this thread as it is a support issue and not forum appropriate.

[S8] Elsa
06-06-13, 03:48 PM
To follow up on this, the reason we don't allow discussion of the language filter on the forum is for security reasons. For example, we wouldn't want anyone giving tips on ways to get around it. This helps maintain a positive environment in our games and prevents inappropriate language in the game. :)