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View Full Version : My Avatar/Cashier Disappeared!!!

12-27-10, 07:47 PM
Does the bakery ever close? My avatar/cashier disappeared when I was rearranging my bakery and I can't get it back. HELP!!!

12-27-10, 09:07 PM
Does the bakery ever close? My avatar/cashier disappeared when I was rearranging my bakery and I can't get it back. HELP!!!

The bakery only shutdowns if you put something in front of the door to block it. If you look at other bakeries you will see no customer activity but something blocking the door. This is done while people prepare food, are sleeping, at work, etc and don't want to run out of food. Your cash register needs to have a space behind it open (so not against a counter, table, chair, or the border of your game) if there is a space your avatar will return (note: you do not need the avatar for the game to work, it just looks nice)