View Full Version : No more goals showing up..

06-01-13, 09:37 AM
Hey! I've been playing RS for a few days now and i just completed a goal where you have to cook 4 kobe beef burgers ( forgot the name of it) but when i finished it nothing new popped up. I'm assuming that since im only at level 13 theres no way i finished all the goals. The only thing that is showing up now is the promotional one that you have like 7 days to do. Do i have to wait for that one to go away or level up?? Or is something wrong with my game...

06-02-13, 04:15 PM
You did finish the goals. Once new ones are added, you'll get them. Let's hope the next update is a goal one.

06-02-13, 05:52 PM
This question keeps getting way too many duplicates, people need to learn to search the forums for answers before posting the same stuff.
I'll post an answer though and a link for more info:

This has been asked soo many times now, but here it goes again:

You get goals when you start the game to help you get the hang of things and how the game works.
After that, you already know how to play the game and don't need someone to "hold your hand" or so to speak.

You will still get bonus goals every now and then as a bonus for holidays or special events to enjoy, but those are limited time goals that usually only last about a month.

By level 30-40 you should already be able to make your own "goals" and enjoy the game your own way, without anyone dictating you what to cook or what decorations to buy.
This is when the game really starts to get fun, because by that time you should have quite a bit of money saved up to decorate your own way and make your shop more "you" :)
