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View Full Version : Upgrading buildings

05-17-13, 12:25 PM
When a building has more than 4 items needed for an upgrade, sometimes I can't tell what is needed because the dialog box won't scroll. Can you make the box scroll or perhaps change it to a list-type design, like it is for the goals?

05-17-13, 04:16 PM
I'm on level 30 and can't remember ever having more than four item types for upgrade. I suggest you force closed and restart and you should be able to see them correctly. :-)

kooky panda
05-17-13, 04:35 PM
Which building is showing you need more than 4 items to upgrade?

05-17-13, 06:24 PM
Which building is showing you need more than 4 items to upgrade?

The amphitheater

05-17-13, 06:38 PM
Any chance that you're seeing the four items, it looks like you've got them all and the upgrade button is greyed out? If so is one of the items a low amount of coins? The small amount of coins is a display issue. Force close and restart your game to see the real items.

05-17-13, 07:30 PM
None of the buildings or upgrades need more than 4 materials. So I think you are having a display issue.

05-17-13, 08:18 PM
Any chance that you're seeing the four items, it looks like you've got them all and the upgrade button is greyed out? If so is one of the items a low amount of coins? The small amount of coins is a display issue. Force close and restart your game to see the real items.

What's odd is that the only thing I need is the banner poles, and I can buy them with gems. They cost 10 each, for a total of 50. I have the option to "buy all." The total for buy all is 72 gems. So whatever it is I'm missing I can't tell. Is this the same problem that has been posted here like, a million times? I thought I had a special and unique problem. If I'm not so special and unique, why isn't anyone fixing it?

05-22-13, 10:55 PM
I had problems upgrading buildings! For example the theater shows 4 items then when I got every one the build button is greyed out http://forums.teamlava.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=7099&stc=1&d=1369288288
Same problems upgrading mines and sawmills! It shows different items every time I check!