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05-23-13, 03:22 PM
Habitats that are instantly done.

After paying 6 million for a hab, we shouldn't have to wait for it to be constructed. Especially when it takes longer then the dragon does to nest. (really can't start it before, since same times as fails of same color-would be a waste of coins if we started it before we know it is needed).

Totally agree. It shouldn't take longer to build a habitat than it does to hatch an egg.

05-23-13, 07:18 PM
I haven't read this whole thread, so I'm sure this is in here somewhere, probably many times, but one more vote for the idea can't hurt.

After the 3 gold we're allowed to gift, how about being able to send the rest of our neighbors some food? I hate that I can't send everyone at least something every day. :`(

05-23-13, 09:16 PM
I'd love to see another island & more habitats! Do like the idea of the rewarding well!!

05-23-13, 09:18 PM
Also much less things costing gold, it's getting so expensive & many can't purchase at all for various reasons....
Plus new hours on these dragons, too many with the same amount! :-)

05-24-13, 02:24 PM
Dragon races.
Puppy dragon
Swamp dragon
Twister dragon
Jade dragon
Opal dragong
Guyser dragon.

05-24-13, 11:56 PM
Lowering the cost of the habitats would be somewhere to start, personally i am already sick to death of just farming coins, i will be farming for a week just to buy the new habitat, making all dragons 500 gold to buy would be another, they all seem to be the same price when you sell them so why not the same when you buy them, i am sure people would buy more especially when you are retiring so many dragons so quickly, rant over for now.

05-25-13, 01:22 AM
i think there should be another farm. there should be 12, 24 and 36 (or 48) hrs crops. also, pls make the food as magnificient as possible. 700 food in 20hrs is not worth it.

05-25-13, 04:54 AM
2nd breeding den
2nd evolution temple

05-25-13, 08:47 AM
You should be able to gift more than 3 gold day. In restaurant story you can gift more than 3 of multiple things.

Also it would be great to see the dragon names on neighbours islands, as you could message about specific dragons making it more fun.

I also think that you should be able to show more than couple lines in message wall ( especially since when typing you can't tell when you are past that point) it would allow neighbours to interact easier.

I like idea of bartering dragons with neighbours too.

I like he sound of that.

05-25-13, 08:50 AM
Dragon races.

I Love this Idea!

05-26-13, 02:57 AM
hi, Can we have 12 different Zodiac dragons? i like my Virgo Dragon very beautifully please?

05-26-13, 01:23 PM
I Love this Idea!

Thank you.

05-26-13, 04:07 PM
A block feature.... I would like to block certain people, to stop them spamming my wall.

05-27-13, 02:23 AM
You know what would be great? Buying or crafting a potion or magical item that allows an epic dragon to transform into a younger stage of itself while still keeping the same amount of coin earning. That way you could keep cuter or cooler or favorite baby/teen/adult dragons while still earning a good amount of silver coins.

05-27-13, 05:38 AM
I think the idea of trading/bartering dragons between neighbors should be very popular. I like it a lot :)

05-27-13, 05:46 AM
You know what would be great? Buying or crafting a potion or magical item that allows an epic dragon to transform into a younger stage of itself while still keeping the same amount of coin earning. That way you could keep cuter or cooler or favorite baby/teen/adult dragons while still earning a good amount of silver coins.

Maybe that or a De-evolution teample that is available for iOS AND Androis

05-27-13, 06:27 AM
Maybe that or a De-evolution teample that is available for iOS AND Androis

This was suggested a while ago..THe fountain of youth..and has not been ruled out, so you never know, we may just get it…someday.

05-27-13, 07:29 AM
Oh and one more thing. NO MORE HIDDEN COLORs! I hate having to put certain. Dragons in certain habitats!

05-27-13, 11:55 AM
TeamLava, will you please remove the gold Finish Now button from tasks shorter than an hour?

I don't know, I like speeding up those silly 1 hr breeds because they are so cheap.

05-27-13, 12:01 PM
Because there's more and more dragons comming out, it's only logical to first give us the option to expand to a new island or make the island bigger (to add pieces of land to it or something) where are we supposed to put the habitats? I want to keep some trees so the land is not barren, but the cluster of trees (800 000 gold removal) take up space for one big habitat.... the amount of space you offer to us right now... that will never do! This is #1 critical thing we really need! Seriously.

05-27-13, 02:27 PM
TeamLava, will you please remove the gold Finish Now button from tasks shorter than one hour?

TeamLava, will you please stop removing dragons from the Kindle Fire version and the Android versions?
As of today or tomorrow, there are 50+ dragons Kindle players cannot obtain for free by breeding or by purchase with or without gold.
There are 39 dragons Android players cannot obtain for free, with gold or without gold.

TeamLava, will you please stop bragging about Dragon Story being the BEST looking FREE dragon game on the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch...on GOOGLE PLAY?

I don't know, I like speeding up those silly 1 hr breeds because they are so cheap.

RotumGuy, the tasks I had in mind were planting 30 sec - 3 min apples and clearing 30 sec - 6 min foliage. We have not accidentially used gold to breed, but we have used gold to finish berries [30 sec], beets [3 min], mushmolds [30 sec], shrooms [1 min] and timberwood [6 min].

Does anyone want to use gold to finish 30 sec - 6 min tasks? If not, Finish Now is an unnecassary button on short timers including the 10 sec Fire dragon and 30 sec Forest dragon.

05-28-13, 07:35 AM
Also I think we should be allowed to sell eggs before they hatch if it is a dublicete.

05-28-13, 07:40 AM
Oh and one more thing. NO MORE HIDDEN COLORs! I hate having to put certain. Dragons in certain habitats!

It only makes science. A fire dragon probbally could not survive on a water habitat

05-28-13, 09:28 PM
How about the ability to see neighbors albums? And the obvious, everyone wants a large diamond habitat.

05-28-13, 09:37 PM
How about the ability to see neighbors albums? And the obvious, everyone wants a large diamond habitat.
We can see neighbors album! On your neighbor island click social, click back icon, click storage, it'll show your neighbor album.

05-29-13, 12:18 AM
Dragon trading with neighbors.
I agree, a LOT, when I bought the trading portal, that is what I thought it would do

05-29-13, 12:23 AM
I agree, a LOT, when I bought the trading portal, that is what I thought it would do

I did too, but trading dragons to our neighbours would end the game and make it too easy. Unless they let us trade the wheel only dragons... You can't breed them so win or have a neighbour gift you a Dream, Clockwork or Hammerhead wouldn't matter to me.

05-29-13, 12:23 AM
Ice dragons! A whole new element and habitat, featuring an array a chilly dragons! Plus, a new Ice-Diamond hybrid!

I would love to see this come to Dragon Story. Anybody else in favor?

I love the idea too, instead of getting advanced new types, you can get simple ones like ice, thunder, rock, soil and steel

05-29-13, 12:26 AM
I did too, but trading dragons to our neighbours would end the game and make it too easy. Unless they let us trade the wheel only dragons... You can't breed them so win or have a neighbour gift you a Dream, Clockwork or Hammerhead wouldn't matter to me.
Not if you could trade only once a week

05-29-13, 12:27 AM
A bigger diamond habitat that can hold more diamond dragons and diamond hybrids

05-29-13, 12:28 AM
NO new element please!!

YES new element please!

05-29-13, 12:29 AM
YES new element please!


05-29-13, 12:29 AM
Not if you could trade only once a week

Lol well I don't want it but if it does happen then I'm sure a lot of people will be happy.

A bigger diamond habitat that can hold more diamond dragons and diamond hybrids

This is what most of us want, would be epic if they finally release them.

05-29-13, 12:29 AM
Never gonna happen and I hope it never does! That would make it too easy and boring...

me too

05-29-13, 12:31 AM
Like, a new isle for more space

05-29-13, 12:31 AM
YES new element please!

Only if they allow more habitats, more dragons the better but we need a place to put them lol

05-29-13, 12:32 AM
More quests for gold that dont involve downloading

05-29-13, 12:44 AM
I agree with you, because my storage is almost full so I can't really download that much more.

05-29-13, 09:52 PM
A suggestion
Sonic dragon!

05-29-13, 10:37 PM
More farms, 6 farms are not enough food for our hungry dragons!!!

Oh, but that would make it way too easy

05-29-13, 10:38 PM
A suggestion
Sonic dragon!

Nah, not really

05-29-13, 10:38 PM
I agree with you, because my storage is almost full so I can't really download that much more.
Thanks for supporting me, anyone else in favour?

05-29-13, 10:41 PM
- trees that could produce food
- trees (deco)
- trading with neighbors (exchange dragons, silver coins, food, etc)
- infinite level cap
- another island
- moveable foliage
- more gifts
- more pure dragons ( like dawn tree and naga dragon)
- a different way to level up dragons to level 15 or so (bigger, better and stronger)
- more dragons (like leftheart, rightheart and passion)
- increase habitat every update
No! movable foliage just seems WRONG! I mean what sort of person moves around massive trees and rocks without cutting them!

05-29-13, 10:43 PM
-big diamond habitat
-big diamond habitat
-big diamond habitat
Yeah, Ok we get the point!

05-29-13, 10:44 PM
1. More habitats AND Upgraded Diamond Fields
2. Being able to gift one of my extra dragons to my sweet neighbours
3. Give players perks as they level up: maybe more gold to gift or more habitat as they level up
4. Reward players with complete/full albums with gold. Make a contest out of it ( you might earn some money out of this TL)
5. Go back to releasing one dragon a week

On a personal level: I would love to get the Quest thingy and the Arena :)

You do realise that its called a Quest Outpost

05-29-13, 10:45 PM
Another breeding building (island that increases rarity?) and lower nest prices!

Yeah! I think we should be able to get another breeding den

05-29-13, 10:50 PM
http://i1356.photobucket.com/albums/q738/opanugie/Dragon-Story-Island-Recovered_zps4028f74c.jpg (http://s1356.photobucket.com/user/opanugie/media/Dragon-Story-Island-Recovered_zps4028f74c.jpg.html)
http://i1356.photobucket.com/albums/q738/opanugie/Dragon-Story-Island-Skyworld_zpsb461bb4e.jpg (http://s1356.photobucket.com/user/opanugie/media/Dragon-Story-Island-Skyworld_zpsb461bb4e.jpg.html)
http://i1356.photobucket.com/albums/q738/opanugie/Dragon-Story-Island-Underworld_zpsd5919458.jpg (http://s1356.photobucket.com/user/opanugie/media/Dragon-Story-Island-Underworld_zpsd5919458.jpg.html)
Wow!Wow!Wow!Wow!Wow! That really is cool, how do you do those sort of stuff by the way?! I really like the idea and I think we should all help kooky see this because it deserves to be implemented!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So anyone who is kooky's friend, could you plz show him this?

05-29-13, 10:56 PM
http://i1356.photobucket.com/albums/q738/opanugie/Dragon-Design-All-10_zps4c5efe43.jpg (http://s1356.photobucket.com/user/opanugie/media/Dragon-Design-All-10_zps4c5efe43.jpg.html)
Wow! Did you draw all of these? You are totally epic, we have gotta find a way to make kooky see these!:):):):):)

05-30-13, 12:02 AM
Hey, I've got some proper suggestions so that we don't waste the other combos with rubbish dragons and TL should listen to me if they want to develop the fairytale element properly.
Bear dragon (Fairytale+Yellow)19 hrs
Goldilocks dragon (Fairytale+Yellow) 20 hrs
Rapunzel dragon (Fairytale+Yellow+Purple) 22 hrs
Glimmer dragon (Fairytale+Green+Purple)8 hrs
Little Red Riding Hood dragon (Fairytale+Red)12 hrs
Evilmother dragon (Fairytale+Black)12 hrs
Piglet dragon (Fairytale+Pink) 14 hrs
Swan dragon (Fairytale+White)
Magicmirror dragon (Fairytale+White+Diamond)
Fiction dragon (Fairytale+Mythic)
And the Gemstone dragon:
Princess dragon

05-30-13, 12:03 AM
Hey, I've got some proper suggestions so that we don't waste the other combos with rubbish dragons and TL should listen to me if they want to develop the fairytale element properly.
Bear dragon (Fairytale+Yellow)19 hrs
Goldilocks dragon (Fairytale+Yellow) 20 hrs
Rapunzel dragon (Fairytale+Yellow+Purple) 22 hrs
Glimmer dragon (Fairytale+Green+Purple)8 hrs
Little Red Riding Hood dragon (Fairytale+Red)12 hrs
Evilmother dragon (Fairytale+Black)12 hrs
Piglet dragon (Fairytale+Pink) 14 hrs
Swan dragon (Fairytale+White)
Magicmirror dragon (Fairytale+White+Diamond)
Fiction dragon (Fairytale+Mythic)
And the Gemstone dragon:
Princess dragon

Incubation times missing:
Swan dragon-36 hrs
Magicmirror dragon-40 hrs
Fiction dragon-24 hrs
Princess dragon-25 hrs

05-30-13, 12:04 AM
Wow! Did you draw all of these? You are totally epic, we have gotta find a way to make kooky see these!:):):):):)

Wait, what post number is it?

05-30-13, 12:05 AM
No! movable foliage just seems WRONG! I mean what sort of person moves around massive trees and rocks without cutting them!

I know! But good idea, anyway!

05-30-13, 12:07 AM
I suggest that Android/Kindle gets the limited dragon notice in the market. With the once a day pop ups it is even more important than ever!!! We can loose a whole day of breeding cause of it.

05-30-13, 12:10 AM
Also, the older IOS players (they have played since the beginning), have an ability to past from level 3 evolve and go to level 4 without evolution temple, I want you to fix that or make it available to ALL users

Like me! I accidently deleted Dragon story and had to put up two months without it (August and September) and then reinstalled it(but as Dragon story: New Dawn) in early October. In late November I switched to the original version just in time for the pink element. In early February I switched to the Valentine's version and I still haven't updated my game so I'm still playing on Valentine's. On the bright side, I still recieved Fairytale dragon and Big Bad dragon!

05-30-13, 12:18 AM
There should be a Dragon Story: Fairy Tales thread. We don't use this version because we can't buy the new habitat if we breed the dragons. But our suggestion is a Mother Goose dragon that lays eggs directly into the nest, no breeding. She could be a diamond dragon of the fairy tale dragons, and cost gold. Gold prices are determined by rarity, seasonal and limited.So if you choose Super Rare, Halloween, Limited/Removed dragons... you pay the highest price,however much Android pays for the mosst expensive iOS-only dragon

05-30-13, 12:25 AM
Hey, I've got some proper suggestions so that we don't waste the other combos with rubbish dragons and TL should listen to me if they want to develop the fairytale element properly.
Bear dragon (Fairytale+Yellow)19 hrs
Goldilocks dragon (Fairytale+Yellow) 20 hrs
Rapunzel dragon (Fairytale+Yellow+Purple) 22 hrs
Glimmer dragon (Fairytale+Green+Purple)8 hrs
Little Red Riding Hood dragon (Fairytale+Red)12 hrs
Evilmother dragon (Fairytale+Black)12 hrs
Piglet dragon (Fairytale+Pink) 14 hrs
Swan dragon (Fairytale+White)
Magicmirror dragon (Fairytale+White+Diamond)
Fiction dragon (Fairytale+Mythic)
And the Gemstone dragon:
Princess dragon

Rapunzel is the name of my Fairytale, I think it won't happen

05-30-13, 12:46 AM
More habitats and upgradable diamond ones, everything that iOS has.

But iOS doesn't have upgradable diamond habitats either! And I've got proof, 'cause I play on an iPad 2!

05-30-13, 12:49 AM
PS, if you want to see Opanugie's brilliant ideas the dragons are on page 3 posts #40 and #41.

05-30-13, 12:51 AM
Sorry, I meant page 5, the dragon ideas are posts #41 and #42, the expansions are on post #45.

05-30-13, 12:53 AM
Here are Opanugie's brilliant ideas:

http://i1356.photobucket.com/albums/q738/opanugie/Dragon-Design-Gods-01_zps37564908.jpg (http://s1356.photobucket.com/user/opanugie/media/Dragon-Design-Gods-01_zps37564908.jpg.html)
http://i1356.photobucket.com/albums/q738/opanugie/Dragon-Design-Gods-02_zps3eb086e7.jpg (http://s1356.photobucket.com/user/opanugie/media/Dragon-Design-Gods-02_zps3eb086e7.jpg.html)
http://i1356.photobucket.com/albums/q738/opanugie/Dragon-Design-04_zps0681c821.jpg (http://s1356.photobucket.com/user/opanugie/media/Dragon-Design-04_zps0681c821.jpg.html)
http://i1356.photobucket.com/albums/q738/opanugie/Dragon-Design-All-04_zpsb5e28ad2.jpg (http://s1356.photobucket.com/user/opanugie/media/Dragon-Design-All-04_zpsb5e28ad2.jpg.html)
http://i1356.photobucket.com/albums/q738/opanugie/Dragon-Design-All-05_zpsd0ebd513.jpg (http://s1356.photobucket.com/user/opanugie/media/Dragon-Design-All-05_zpsd0ebd513.jpg.html)
http://i1356.photobucket.com/albums/q738/opanugie/Dragon-Design-All-06_zps6c6c93b2.jpg (http://s1356.photobucket.com/user/opanugie/media/Dragon-Design-All-06_zps6c6c93b2.jpg.html)

http://i1356.photobucket.com/albums/q738/opanugie/Dragon-Design-All-10_zps4c5efe43.jpg (http://s1356.photobucket.com/user/opanugie/media/Dragon-Design-All-10_zps4c5efe43.jpg.html)

http://i1356.photobucket.com/albums/q738/opanugie/Dragon-Story-Island-Recovered_zps4028f74c.jpg (http://s1356.photobucket.com/user/opanugie/media/Dragon-Story-Island-Recovered_zps4028f74c.jpg.html)
http://i1356.photobucket.com/albums/q738/opanugie/Dragon-Story-Island-Skyworld_zpsb461bb4e.jpg (http://s1356.photobucket.com/user/opanugie/media/Dragon-Story-Island-Skyworld_zpsb461bb4e.jpg.html)
http://i1356.photobucket.com/albums/q738/opanugie/Dragon-Story-Island-Underworld_zpsd5919458.jpg (http://s1356.photobucket.com/user/opanugie/media/Dragon-Story-Island-Underworld_zpsd5919458.jpg.html)

We need a way to get maguar or kooky or greygull to see these!

05-30-13, 01:05 AM
Here are Opanugie's brilliant ideas:

We need a way to get maguar or kooky or greygull to see these!

I hate to be the first to not support but I just don't think we need the other worlds. We just need a little more space, IMO.

I love the idea of the little 3 and 4 expand islands, and maybe to the left a 9 expand island, in all that empty space.

05-30-13, 01:12 AM
I don't mind the other worlds it would certainly add a whole new dimension to the game if done properly, even after a while new dragons get old maybe if you incorporated quests to the underworld where you had to train your dragons in the normal world, then journey to the underworld where the only way you could get the underworld dragons is if you beat them, then you win them, the rarer the dragon the higher battle level your dragon has to be?

05-30-13, 06:20 AM
I would like a new element. the Rock element.

rock dragon rare 25 hours
Volcano dragon rock and fire rare 15 hours
mole dragon rock and dark rare 18 hours
swamp dragon forest and rock rare 21 hours
soil dragon dark and rock rare 9 hours
crystal dragon diamond and rock ultra rare 45 hours
Astroid dragon cosmic and rock rare 13 hours
meteor dragon air and rock rare 16 hours
rock heart dragon rock and virtue rare 15 hours
brocken dragon water and rock rare 26 hours

05-30-13, 06:38 AM
I would like a new element. the Rock element.

rock dragon rare 25 hours
Volcano dragon rock and fire rare 15 hours
mole dragon rock and dark rare 18 hours
swamp dragon forest and rock rare 21 hours
soil dragon dark and rock rare 9 hours
crystal dragon diamond and rock ultra rare 45 hours
Astroid dragon cosmic and rock rare 13 hours
meteor dragon air and rock rare 16 hours
rock heart dragon rock and virtue rare 15 hours
brocken dragon water and rock rare 26 hours
Well, a Stone Dragon was recently shown but it'll probably have no more than 3 hybrids.

05-30-13, 07:31 AM

05-30-13, 09:08 AM
A suggestion Sonic dragon!If you mean sonic the hedgehog you can wait a million years and never see it. It will be copyright infrengment.

05-30-13, 09:09 AM
If you mean sonic the hedgehog you can wait a million years and never see it. It will be copyright infrengment.
though i do like sonic

05-30-13, 09:23 AM
If you mean sonic the hedgehog you can wait a million years and never see it. It will be copyright infrengment.

Not sonic the hedgehog, but Sonic dragon, lol

05-30-13, 02:37 PM
If all new expansions or, or building wouldn?t be that expensive it would help out a lot to make more progress in the game, why are all those things and dragons are that expensive in dragon story?

05-30-13, 05:57 PM
1.Can breed Treasure dragon and have treasure dragon on android
2.Have Trading Portal and Spell Shop on Android
3.All limited dragon come back

05-31-13, 12:36 AM
Easier availability of food. Trading of level 3 dragons.

Good idea

05-31-13, 12:38 AM
Not going to happen!!!!
I agree

05-31-13, 12:40 AM
Now, I'm wondering if there will be Dragon story 2, with all new dragons and new island. (It'll be nice!)
I get bored with those common and rare dragons :s

I would never want a ds2

05-31-13, 12:44 AM
Yes, we definitely need another breeding den.

We do!

05-31-13, 12:52 AM
Narwhal dragon,tv dragon,dragon race track,new group of dragons called the food dragons,dragon trader which lets you trade your dragon for any other dragon for a day

Not the dragon trader. That just won't work

05-31-13, 01:30 AM
I was thinking, three more farm upgrades-
1.The Mega Farm-500,000 coins
A.Gnarlics(gnarl+garlic)-75,000 coins, 900 food, 20 hours
B.Snarlots(snarl+carrots)-100,000 coins, 1200 food, 24 hours
C.Spinions(spines+onions)-150,000 coins, 1600 food, 30 hours

2.The Giga Farm- 1,000,000 coins
A.Roartatoes(roar+potatoes)-200,000 coins, 2000 food, 35 hours
B.Blazebeans(blazing+beans)-250,000 coins, 2500 food, 40 hours
C.Razorgourd(razor+gourd)- 500,000 coins, 5000 food, 48 hours

The Master Farm- 1,000 gold
A.Infernoranges(inferno+oranges)-750,000 coins, 7500 food, 24 hours
B.Grumplums(grumble+plums)-1,000,000 coins, 10,000 food, 48 hours
C.Hornferns(horns+ferns)-5,000,000 coins, 50,000 food, 72 hours

Hope everyone liked my ideas, I took a long time to do this;):)

05-31-13, 01:44 AM
I was thinking, three more farm upgrades-
1.The Mega Farm-500,000 coins
A.Gnarlics(gnarl+garlic)-75,000 coins, 900 food, 20 hours
B.Snarlots(snarl+carrots)-100,000 coins, 1200 food, 24 hours
C.Spinions(spines+onions)-150,000 coins, 1600 food, 30 hours

2.The Giga Farm- 1,000,000 coins
A.Roartatoes(roar+potatoes)-200,000 coins, 2000 food, 35 hours
B.Blazebeans(blazing+beans)-250,000 coins, 2500 food, 40 hours
C.Razorgourd(razor+gourd)- 500,000 coins, 5000 food, 48 hours

The Master Farm- 1,000 gold
A.Infernoranges(inferno+oranges)-750,000 coins, 7500 food, 24 hours
B.Grumplums(grumble+plums)-1,000,000 coins, 10,000 food, 48 hours
C.Hornferns(horns+ferns)-5,000,000 coins, 50,000 food, 72 hours

Hope everyone liked my ideas, I took a long time to do this;):)

While those food quantities sound absolutely brilliant, I think we need some shorter ones as well.

Churries (Cherry + Hurry) - 30 minutes - 250 Food - 4,500 Coins
Gnarlic (Garlic + Gnarl) - 2 hours - 750 Food - 30,000 Coins
Spineapple (Pineapple + Spine) - 8 Hours - 1,800 Food - 120,000 Coins
Dragon Fruit (Lolwat) - 44 hours - 20,000 Food - 1,800,000 Coins

I know I posted those before but here are two more:

Spontatoes (Spontaneous + Potato) - 5 minutes - 150 Food - 55,000 Coins
Plentipeas (Plenty + Peas) - 24 hours - 6,000 Food - 750,000 Coins

05-31-13, 02:52 AM
While those food quantities sound absolutely brilliant, I think we need some shorter ones as well.

Churries (Cherry + Hurry) - 30 minutes - 250 Food - 4,500 Coins
Gnarlic (Garlic + Gnarl) - 2 hours - 750 Food - 30,000 Coins
Spineapple (Pineapple + Spine) - 8 Hours - 1,800 Food - 120,000 Coins
Dragon Fruit (Lolwat) - 44 hours - 20,000 Food - 1,800,000 Coins

I know I posted those before but here are two more:

Spontatoes (Spontaneous + Potato) - 5 minutes - 150 Food - 55,000 Coins
Plentipeas (Plenty + Peas) - 24 hours - 6,000 Food - 750,000 Coins

Thx, those crops are good ideas too!

05-31-13, 03:17 AM
I really liked your idea

05-31-13, 03:28 AM

05-31-13, 06:45 AM
I think we need to have Egg Displays's It would be like a nest but not. It could be like a display in Fashion story where say you get an expiring dragon and you want to keep the egg. you could put it in the display case. But the thing is, once its in the display case, it can't hatch.

05-31-13, 07:00 AM
I think we need to have Egg Displays's It would be like a nest but not. It could be like a display in Fashion story where say you get an expiring dragon and you want to keep the egg. you could put it in the display case. But the thing is, once its in the display case, it can't hatch.

Yeah, also be able to craft egg! ex: you craft these eggs and those eggs and got this dragon :)

05-31-13, 11:54 PM
Hey, I want Phoenix dragon so badly!!!!

05-31-13, 11:55 PM
Fire and Air!

06-01-13, 12:00 AM
Maybe we could have this booster that you can buy and every time you place a different coloured dragon on it, the dragon boosts your amounts of a certain something. For example,
the purple boost could be crafting gemstones,
the blue boost sapphires,
the white and diamond and treasure boost could be gold.
And when you place a Fairytale coloured dragon on the booster, it grants you access to Fairytale world. You have to find the King dragon's lost daughter by collecting crowns, story pages, fairies etc. You can collect story text from each dragon to finish off a fairytale. The King dragon and Queen dragon will help you find the elusive Princess dragon (craftable) and bring her back!

06-01-13, 11:26 AM
way to delete breeding that is in progress and incubating eggs we dont want. kindle fire fire user. . and updated game

06-01-13, 04:30 PM
Before anything, what we NEED is a purchase confirmation button! I've lost alot of money/gold on moves I didn't want or need.I just lost 600 gold on an expansion I didn't want. And,its taking 3 days to gather maps,anyway! I was saving for a Diamond dragon,since I can't seem to breed one,but now I can't get one at all! Why isn't that on anyone's list?

06-01-13, 04:30 PM
Hey, I want Phoenix dragon so badly!!!!

Great idea. But they would have to design it well.

06-01-13, 04:57 PM
Put the food costs to feed dragons back to normal or allow farms to produce more food at a quicker/cheaper rate.

06-01-13, 05:51 PM
Before anything, what we NEED is a purchase confirmation button! I've lost alot of money/gold on moves I didn't want or need.I just lost 600 gold on an expansion I didn't want. And,its taking 3 days to gather maps,anyway! I was saving for a Diamond dragon,since I can't seem to breed one,but now I can't get one at all! Why isn't that on anyone's list?

Confirm button

There we go!!

06-01-13, 06:02 PM
Those would be nice!

06-01-13, 06:04 PM
That would be really great!!

06-01-13, 06:08 PM
Before anything, what we NEED is a purchase confirmation button! I've lost alot of money/gold on moves I didn't want or need.I just lost 600 gold on an expansion I didn't want. And,its taking 3 days to gather maps,anyway! I was saving for a Diamond dragon,since I can't seem to breed one,but now I can't get one at all! Why isn't that on anyone's list?

A confirm button PLZ. I got gold trapped for 100 gold last night >_<

Desperately needed!

06-02-13, 12:59 AM
Hey, TL, could you give me back my Dawntree dragon? I got it yesterday but I accidently traded it, so we need an option to reverse trading? And TL, give me back my Dawntree dragon!!!!:mad:

06-02-13, 08:13 AM
Hey, TL, could you give me back my Dawntree dragon? I got it yesterday but I accidently traded it, so we need an option to reverse trading? And TL, give me back my Dawntree dragon!!!!:mad:
Dawn tree is easy to breed put green/green you will get it

06-02-13, 08:16 AM
TL should full release all the beta test b4 any more test!!!!

06-02-13, 08:23 AM
Hey, TL, could you give me back my Dawntree dragon? I got it yesterday but I accidently traded it, so we need an option to reverse trading? And TL, give me back my Dawntree dragon!!!!:mad:

It's completely your fault, but you just need 2 Forest dragons and less than 5 minutes to get it again

06-02-13, 03:14 PM
:mad: Why wasn't our puzzle suggestion moved here? What is the point in using search to find posts if keywords no longer exist?

Suggestion name: [Android] Daily puzzle challenge

Easy mode prizes: enough coins and apples to feed a dragon to level 4 ready for evolution temple, 1-100 gold, and most common crafting items
Medium/Normal mode prizes: enough coins and apples to feed a dragon to level 7 ready for evolution temple, 100-1000 gold, and random crafting items
Hard mode prizes: enough coins and apples to feed a dragon to epic form, 1000-2000 gold, and all crafting items available
Timed hard mode prizes: expensive habitats, expired dragons, ultra rare dragons, but no gold, coins, apples or crafting items

IIRC kwales suggested gems replacing daily coins bonus so we can collect all items to get gemstone dragons [the suggestion also flew away]

We know nothing about crafting and whats needed to craft dragons so iOS players can fill in those prize details. Confused about what dragons bring back from quests and where they get crafting items from.

06-02-13, 03:18 PM
:mad: Why wasn't our puzzle suggestion moved here? What is the point in using search to find posts if keywords no longer exist?

Suggestion name: [Android] Daily puzzle challenge

Easy mode prizes: enough coins and apples to feed a dragon to level 4 ready for evolution temple, 1-100 gold, and most common crafting items
Medium/Normal mode prizes: enough coins and apples to feed a dragon to level 7 ready for evolution temple, 100-1000 gold, and random crafting items
Hard mode prizes: enough coins and apples to feed a dragon to epic form, 1000-2000 gold, and all crafting items available
Timed hard mode prizes: expensive habitats, expired dragons, ultra rare dragons, but no gold, coins, apples or crafting items

IIRC kwales suggested gems replacing daily coins bonus so we can collect all items to get gemstone dragons [the suggestion also flew away]

We know nothing about crafting and whats needed to craft dragons so iOS players can fill in those prize details. Confused about what dragons bring back from quests and where they get crafting items from.

Brought to my attention that the Clockwork isn,t expired, so it could be a Hard or Timed puzzle prize. Also extra puzzles can be bought with gold.

06-02-13, 03:21 PM
:mad: Why wasn't our puzzle suggestion moved here? What is the point in using search to find posts if keywords no longer exist?

Suggestion name: [Android] Daily puzzle challenge

Easy mode prizes: enough coins and apples to feed a dragon to level 4 ready for evolution temple, 1-100 gold, and most common crafting items
Medium/Normal mode prizes: enough coins and apples to feed a dragon to level 7 ready for evolution temple, 100-1000 gold, and random crafting items
Hard mode prizes: enough coins and apples to feed a dragon to epic form, 1000-2000 gold, and all crafting items available
Timed hard mode prizes: expensive habitats, expired dragons, ultra rare dragons, but no gold, coins, apples or crafting items

IIRC kwales suggested gems replacing daily coins bonus so we can collect all items to get gemstone dragons [the suggestion also flew away]

We know nothing about crafting and whats needed to craft dragons so iOS players can fill in those prize details. Confused about what dragons bring back from quests and where they get crafting items from.

Brought to my attention that the Clockwork isn,t expired, so it could be a Hard or Timed puzzle prize. Also extra puzzles can be bought with gold.

Seems like something is missing but we didn't save this suggestion anywhere :( thought it would be here for us to tweak it

06-02-13, 03:23 PM
If you think TL can bring you puzzles to solve, what is stopping them from giving android the other stuff. I think this puzzle idea, although good in concept, has the android/kindle flag of 'sorry, we are working on it' all over it.

06-02-13, 03:27 PM
If you think TL can bring you puzzles to solve, what is stopping them from giving android the other stuff. I think this puzzle idea, although good in concept, has the android/kindle flag of 'sorry, we are working on it' all over it.

We have to channel our disparity frustration into something positive ;) we are not naive...we know they will never give us puzzles, especially not Kindle which hasn't been updated since October 2012.

06-02-13, 03:31 PM
We have to channel our disparity frustration into something positive ;) we are not naive...we know they will never give us puzzles, especially not Kindle which hasn't been updated since October 2012.

Totally understand. That's why i suggested giving you guys the gems as daily bonuses. Seems easier to do and doesn't involve a bunch of coding. Or just let us pick the daily bonus we want, gold, coins, food or gems. Whatever fits our needs at that time. For kindle and Android they can pick gems and once they have enough, trade them in for a dragon.

06-02-13, 03:37 PM
Totally understand. That's why i suggested giving you guys the gems as daily bonuses. Seems easier to do and doesn't involve a bunch of coding. Or just let us pick the daily bonus we want, gold, coins, food or gems. Whatever fits our needs at that time. For kindle and Android they can pick gems and once they have enough, trade them in for a dragon.

Would be a better option than buying them but would create more frustration when people don't get the rare gems. Also, may cause anger for iOS players who have been trading their dragons for gems we will be able to win for free. Didn't that happen in another Story game? gem items were used in boxes or something and caused an uproar.

06-02-13, 03:50 PM
I think it would be unfair to IOS users to have the gems for free like that. They have to spend food and time and breedings to get these gems, I wouldn't feel comfortable about having them just like "that".
I cannot imagine Team Lava spending time configuring a way to give gems to Android users. It would be simpler to code the trading/crafting for Android. And fairer.

06-02-13, 03:59 PM
Would be a better option than buying them but would create more frustration when people don't get the rare gems. Also, may cause anger for iOS players who have been trading their dragons for gems we will be able to win for free. Didn't that happen in another Story game? gem items were used in boxes or something and caused an uproar.
iOS player don't get angry that easy. All the dragon we trade in is not our only one so it don't bother us.

06-02-13, 04:23 PM
I think it would be unfair to IOS users to have the gems for free like that. They have to spend food and time and breedings to get these gems, I wouldn't feel comfortable about having them just like "that".
I cannot imagine Team Lava spending time configuring a way to give gems to Android users. It would be simpler to code the trading/crafting for Android. And fairer.

Wasn't our original suggestion. We need something new besides dragons. I personally love puzzles and would buy them with gold if the prizes were worthy of gold.

iOS player don't get angry that easy. All the dragon we trade in is not our only one so it don't bother us.

Do you speak for all? Some of you used gold to speed up breeding and evolving those dragons you trade for gems. Some players buy food with gold. We wouldn't have to use gold to get gems.

06-02-13, 04:26 PM
Everyone use gold to speed breed. Even if we can't trade in we will sell it no matter the dragon is gone

06-02-13, 04:30 PM
Everyone use gold to speed breed. Even if we can't trade in we will sell it no matter the dragon is gone

smh hun, meant using gold to feed, breed and evolve for the trading portal...not for habitats.

06-02-13, 04:31 PM
smh hun, meant using gold to breed, feed and evolve for the trading portal...not for habitats.

fixed it

06-02-13, 04:35 PM
I think it would be unfair to IOS users to have the gems for free like that. They have to spend food and time and breedings to get these gems, I wouldn't feel comfortable about having them just like "that".
I cannot imagine Team Lava spending time configuring a way to give gems to Android users. It would be simpler to code the trading/crafting for Android. And fairer.

Everything is unfair to someone. So what's one more. Hey IOS players don't get 30 gold for downloading a new version of DS game and we haven't gotten mad, yet.

I actually think IOs would be ok with it. Especially if it would be a choice for all. Everyone could pick a daily bonus that best suits their needs. That's where I was heading. Not really just android/kindle with the gems, but we all could pick from the coins, gold, gems, or food. Whatever we needed at that particular time. I think alot of us would pick gold, but I think food would be right up there with these hunger beasts we have to feed.

06-02-13, 04:38 PM
smh hun, meant using gold to feed, breed and evolve for the trading portal...not for habitats.

Feeding a dragon to a lvl 4 doesn't take much. And why are you trying to start thing up?? Do you have anything better to do.

06-02-13, 04:49 PM
Why would anybody waste gold to breed/hatch/evolve/trade? I know I don't lol

06-02-13, 04:59 PM
Why would anybody waste gold to breed/hatch/evolve/trade? I know I don't lol

Yeah right. Maybe not evolving or trading. Really, spend gold on trading? Why? Anyway. The point I was to have choices for daily bonus…for everyone. Or just give us gold. I'd be good with that.

06-02-13, 05:07 PM
Everything is unfair to someone. So what's one more. Hey IOS players don't get 30 gold for downloading a new version of DS game and we haven't gotten mad, yet.

I actually think IOs would be ok with it. Especially if it would be a choice for all. Everyone could pick a daily bonus that best suits their needs. That's where I was heading. Not really just android/kindle with the gems, but we all could pick from the coins, gold, gems, or food. Whatever we needed at that particular time. I think alot of us would pick gold, but I think food would be right up there with these hunger beasts we have to feed.
Gotcha! Yes, if everyone could choose the bonus, that would be great. Awesome idea.

06-02-13, 05:22 PM
Feeding a dragon to a lvl 4 doesn't take much. And why are you trying to start thing up?? Do you have anything better to do.

??? who you replied to whom?/whom replied to who? We never thought players would use gold to buy coins and food but some do...so to say players don't use gold to trade may be incorrect. or gold to craft? or gold to quest? is questing free? trading free? crafting free? arena free? we don't know because we don't have.

06-02-13, 05:26 PM
??? who replied to whom?/whom replied to who? We never thought players would use gold to buy coins and food but some do...so to say players don't use gold to trade may be incorrect. or gold to craft? or gold to quest? is questing free? trading free? crafting free? arena free? we don't know because we don't have.

to breed for us is 200 coins, to evolve is free. you have boosted breeding for coins, apples or gold, we have no boosted breeding. instead of accuusing of "starting things up" acknowledge we play on different platform without trade and craft.

06-02-13, 05:33 PM
??? who you replied to whom?/whom replied to who? We never thought players would use gold to buy coins and food but some do...so to say players don't use gold to trade may be incorrect. or gold to craft? or gold to quest? is questing free? trading free? crafting free? arena free? we don't know because we don't have.

Crafting is free
Arena is free
Quest pay coin

06-02-13, 05:36 PM
Crafting is free
Arena is free
Quest pay coin

Umm, arena is not free. I pay 5000 coins each time I play, and 500 coins each time I have to heal a dragon.

06-02-13, 05:42 PM
Oh yeah I forgot

06-02-13, 09:33 PM
1 - Increase the daily login bonus to 5 days and give away a random # of expansion maps on day 5

2 - Suggested elsewhere, storage for habitats[/B] because selling habitats saddens many players

3 - Suggested elsewhere by us, sell merchandise. some may not buy your gold but they will buy your Dragon Story toys!

06-02-13, 09:34 PM
1 - Increase the daily login bonus to 5 days and give away a random # of expansion maps on day 5

2 - Suggested elsewhere, storage for habitats because selling habitats saddens many players

3 - Suggested elsewhere by us, sell merchandise. some may not buy your gold but they will buy your Dragon Story toys!

fixed it

06-02-13, 09:38 PM
Would be a better option than buying them but would create more frustration when people don't get the rare gems. Also, may cause anger for iOS players who have been trading their dragons for gems we will be able to win for free. Didn't that happen in another Story game? gem items were used in boxes or something and caused an uproar.

I dont feel frustrated having no gems lol I feel frustrated because of the crashes and all the bugs and difficulties to play. but this maybe is off topic lol anyway I only use patience and my gold gifts to enjoy the game.

06-02-13, 09:42 PM
I dont feel frustrated having no gems lol I feel frustrated because of the crashes and all the bugs and difficulties to play. but this maybe is off topic lol anyway I only use patience and my gold gifts to enjoy the game.

annbluebird, neither do I personally...I think collectors want gemstone dragons, not everyone.

06-02-13, 09:42 PM
I want we get 2 or 3 gold if we level up!!
And for daily bonus, I want at least 1 gold on fifth day!!!!

06-02-13, 09:45 PM
I want we get 2 or 3 gold if we level up!!
And for daily bonus, I want at least 1 gold on fifth day!!!!

1 gold and coins everyday.

06-02-13, 09:46 PM
[QUOTE=HenryLucky1;647629]I want we get 2 or 3 gold if we level up!!
And for daily bonus, I want at least 1 gold on fifth day!!!![/QUOTE

I like This idea!

06-02-13, 09:46 PM
1 gold and coins everyday.

Won't happen!!

06-02-13, 09:47 PM
Won't happen!!

I know, this won't too...

I want we get 2 or 3 gold if we level up!!
And for daily bonus, I want at least 1 gold on fifth day!!!!


06-02-13, 09:49 PM
I want we get 2 or 3 gold if we level up!!
And for daily bonus, I want at least 1 gold on fifth day!!!!

Speaking for myself, if they give away gold each 5 days, some become addicted to using it and then start buying during sales and then without sales...too much free gold can have a negative affect on people who refuse to buy gold.

06-02-13, 09:50 PM
Speaking for myself, if they give away gold each 5 days, some become addicted to using it and then start buying during sales and then without sales...too much free gold can have a negative effect on people who refuse to buy gold.

fixed it

06-02-13, 09:51 PM
I want we get 2 or 3 gold if we level up!!
And for daily bonus, I want at least 1 gold on fifth day!!!!

;) dont add wood in the (kindle) fire

06-02-13, 09:53 PM
Speaking for myself, if they give away gold each 5 days, some become addicted to using it and then start buying during sales and then without sales...too much free gold can have a negative affect on people who refuse to buy gold.

speaking for myself .. this wouldnt have a negative effect on my way to buy or not (actually not) more gold .. fixed

06-02-13, 09:54 PM
Like we do a breeding/evolving spreee after we install a game for 30 gold added to gold we receive from neighbors between 30 gold from last game... once we spent 250+ gold in few minutes and after tapping out we got a sale pop up and talked ourselves out of buying gold to finish the spree of egg in nest

06-02-13, 10:09 PM
Okay at least 2 gold every level up! Like another games!

06-02-13, 10:19 PM
Okay at least 2 gold every level up! Like another games!

What other game does that? Pm me lol

06-02-13, 10:27 PM
What other game does that? Pm me lol

Done :)

06-02-13, 10:29 PM
Done :)

Thanks :D

06-02-13, 10:29 PM
Maybe someone has mentioned this already but I would love to be able to send Mystery Eggs to my neighbors. The eggs may contain these items

Gold- between 1-10
Coins- between 100-2000
Apples- between 50-2500
And maybe some Dragons

06-02-13, 10:34 PM
I vote for this idea too!

Maybe someone has mentioned this already but I would love to be able to send Mystery Eggs to my neighbors. The eggs may contain these items

Gold- between 1-10
Coins- between 100-2000
Apples- between 50-2500
And maybe some Dragons

06-02-13, 10:40 PM
Maybe someone has mentioned this already but I would love to be able to send Mystery Eggs to my neighbors. The eggs may contain these items

Gold- between 1-10
Coins- between 100-2000
Apples- between 50-2500
And maybe some Dragons
It has chance to be happen, if all users have storage

06-02-13, 10:45 PM
speaking for myself .. this wouldnt have a negative effect on my way to buy or not (actually not) more gold .. fixed

son you have never wanted to buy gold when you were 10s short of speeding a long timer?

06-02-13, 10:46 PM
so you have never wanted to buy gold when you were 10s short of speeding a long timer?
fixed typo

06-02-13, 10:50 PM
so you have never wanted to buy gold when you were 10s short of speeding a long timer?
for instance, Virtue is evolving for 33 hours but we have 13 gold left after breeding and speeding Fuzzy (8+8 gold) and speeding evolution of DawnTree. we want to buy 20 gold for 99 cents instead of wait.

06-02-13, 11:00 PM
for instance, Virtue is evolving for 33 hours but we have 13 gold left after breeding and speeding Fuzzy (8+8 gold) and speeding evolution of DawnTree. we want to buy 20 gold for 99 cents instead of wait.

You won't have this problem if you have extra nests, if you bought one with the 250 gold you said you wasted. I bought 2 extra nests with gold I saved from playing TL games and from neighbours.

06-02-13, 11:57 PM
You won't have this problem if you have extra nests, if you bought one with the 250 gold you said you wasted. I bought 2 extra nests with gold I saved from playing TL games and from neighbours.

waste is subjective. we do breeding sprees and then don't breed at all for a week. extra nests are a waste for our style of playing.

06-03-13, 12:01 AM
waste is subjective. we do breeding sprees and then don't breed at all for a week. extra nests are a waste for our style of playing.

Extra nests is worth! You should buy extra nest to reduce waste gold

06-03-13, 12:13 AM
waste is subjective. we do breeding sprees and then don't breed at all for a week. extra nests are a waste for our style of playing.

Don't breed at all for weeks? O_o

your style of speed breeding is costing you even more gold for only having one nest.

06-03-13, 12:17 AM
Don't breed at all for weeks? O_o

your style of speed breeding is costing you even more gold for only having one nest.

That's what I thought!
If you have Magic on your nest and you breeding an Athletic.. you must wait 9 hours more! Different if you have extra nest(s)

06-03-13, 12:27 AM
That's what I thought!
If you have Magic on your nest and you breeding an Athletic.. you must wait 9 hours more! Different if you have extra nest(s)

Imagine having Virtue in the nest trying for Unicorn and then getting a Fire fail right after! XD

06-03-13, 12:30 AM
Imagine having Virtue in the nest trying for Unicorn and then getting a Fire fail right after! XD

If it happen to me, I'll put it on my second nest :p

06-03-13, 12:55 AM
A block feature.... I would like to block certain people, to stop them spamming my wall.
Yeah, me too

06-03-13, 12:58 AM
Sorry, lol

06-03-13, 03:17 AM
I want we do a quest (part 1- part 4), on second part we get new little island that has same function with habitat, on last part (part 4) we get 3 special dragons to put to the new island (That's why I said that island is small and has same function with habitat)!!!!

06-03-13, 03:58 AM
You won't have this problem if you have extra nests, if you bought one with the 250 gold you said you wasted. I bought 2 extra nests with gold I saved from playing TL games and from neighbours.

same here :)

kooky panda
06-03-13, 05:25 AM
Guys, please stay on topic of adding suggestions. Please take your personal conversations to the PMs.

06-03-13, 08:00 AM
another time I say that : I would like to see more animations with the new dragons, they only walk and fly and it s not as funny as the air or firestorm dragons who have special rezzing for example when they are kids and then higher level. (wonder why my first suggestion has been deleted)

06-03-13, 09:24 AM
When a dragon becomes Limited and the timer begins to countdown, please increase the chance of us being able to breed that dragon. It doesn't have to be a high increase, but give us some hope for those who have been trying with no luck.

06-03-13, 09:28 AM
When a dragon becomes Limited and the timer begins to countdown, please increase the chance of us being able to breed that dragon. It doesn't have to be a high increase, but give us some hope for those who have been trying with no luck.

I think this is an excellent idea.

06-03-13, 09:44 AM
I think this is an excellent idea.

Your Planet is in the nest, hurry up and collect it. :p

06-03-13, 09:55 AM
Your Planet is in the nest, hurry up and collect it. :p

Coming :)

06-03-13, 10:02 AM
I think this is an excellent idea.

You need either a Luck dragon (if you're his friend) or a Four-Leaf dragon.

06-03-13, 10:12 AM
You need either a Luck dragon (if you're his friend) or a Four-Leaf dragon.

I think I just found "lucky" combo for Diamond, it's Luck and Four leaf!

06-03-13, 12:14 PM
another time I say that : I would like to see more animations with the new dragons, they only walk and fly and it s not as funny as the air or firestorm dragons who have special rezzing for example when they are kids and then higher level. (wonder why my first suggestion has been deleted)

Animation simplicity is cool but must say the Love dragon's animation sucks.

kooky panda
06-03-13, 01:32 PM
Guys, please stay on topic of adding suggestions. Please take your personal conversations to the PMs.
Okay guys, this is a second warning to keep the posts to suggestions for the games. Please do not detrail the thread with personal conversations.

06-03-13, 03:26 PM
I am hopeful that we may get trees soon. Everything else is too low to the ground. I like the fact that there are different colors for the flowers beds, but we need something higher. It was in the poll....so maybe soon :)

06-03-13, 03:29 PM
I am hopeful that we may get trees soon. Everything else is too low to the ground. I like the fact that there are different colors for the flowers beds, but we need something higher. It was in the poll....so maybe soon :)

I second this! I would love trees, bushes, rocks, etc that can be moved around- I vote for more nature stuff than buildings right now.

06-03-13, 03:30 PM
would like an option to cancel breeding in progress and eggs incubating. in bakery story we can cancel foods that are in process of cooking.

06-03-13, 03:32 PM
would like an option to cancel breeding in progress and eggs incubating. in bakery story we can cancel foods that are in process of cooking.

True. I so wish we could, but that would be a major $ loss for Team Lava. Unwanted eggs are sped up with gold, and gold buyers are what keep this game alive. I don't see that coming soon, but it doesn't hurt to ask for it.

06-04-13, 07:54 AM
would like an option to cancel breeding in progress and eggs incubating. in bakery story we can cancel foods that are in process of cooking.
i am sure more players would pay real money to speed up desired dragon. i wont pay for ones i donot want foe fear i will just bred anoter undesired one. i did pay once. bought 250gold to speed up the unwanted. kept breeding and hatching egss till 250 was gone. wasted money never got a desired dragon from the 250. i have a breeding time guide. now if i knew that there was achance that a breedig pair could produce a desired dragon i would be willing to buy gold to try and get it. pair i am breeding now has a 20 hour breeding time
not going to spend 20 gold for dragon i dont want. ie island pr magic. but would spend more than this for desired one

06-04-13, 12:05 PM
Allow me to sort my neighbors list by name, ranking, and time since last activity (last visit to my island, as well as last time they were active in the game at all). This would help people prune out all the neighbors that played the game for a few days and then disappeared, or just aren't visiting any more. Especially handy for those who have hundreds of neighbors.

06-04-13, 01:31 PM
would like an option to cancel breeding in progress and eggs incubating. in bakery story we can cancel foods that are in process of cooking.

But the problem with this is that they would lose money because then people would just keep cancelling all their breeding fails... especially until they see a 44 hour breeeding.

06-04-13, 01:45 PM
But the problem with this is that they would lose money because then people would just keep cancelling all their breeding fails... especially until they see a 44 hour breeeding.

Not only that they will get all the dragon so easy!! That will take away all the fun of the game

06-04-13, 02:10 PM
More food options!!! It's very hard to stock food with this hungry new dragons. Make it 1 hour/ 500 apples/ 100,000 coins. Something fast even if it is expensive. PLEASE!

06-04-13, 02:15 PM
More food options!!! It's very hard to stock food with this hungry new dragons. Make it 1 hour/ 500 apples/ 100,000 coins. Something fast even if it is expensive. PLEASE!

More farms would be nice too, 10 farms to work with

06-04-13, 02:18 PM
More farms would be nice too, 10 farms to work with

Great idea!!

06-04-13, 05:07 PM
I need additional habitats. I have a mythic dragon and can't buy a habitat!! Help!!

06-04-13, 10:41 PM
Crops that give more food, 'cause with the new dragons that require tons of food it takes ages to gather all the food needed, even when we're talking about Diamondates!

06-05-13, 12:03 AM
Crops that give more food, 'cause with the new dragons that require tons of food it takes ages to gather all the food needed, even when we're talking about Diamondates!

Either that, or more farms (6 ain't enough!)

I'd also like more habitats, too. My rare/super rares are getting snobby bout sharing stable space with the lowly types! Bringing out new dragons without an increase in habitats is just mean, teamlava! :)

06-05-13, 02:52 AM
Either that, or more farms (6 ain't enough!)

I'd also like more habitats, too. My rare/super rares are getting snobby bout sharing stable space with the lowly types! Bringing out new dragons without an increase in habitats is just mean, teamlava! :)
You want that sort of thing? Check out my post on page 33

06-05-13, 02:59 AM
I know it's only just been released to some players, but eventually I'd like to see more to do with the Dragon Battles and the Quest Outpost.

The Quest Outpost, I think, could have a couple more Quest Options like...

Goblin Dragon/Quest for Gold - Gives a chance at getting up to 5 Gold
Mirage Dragon (? or some other Dragon)/Quest for Crafting Supplies (ie. Aether Dust, Spell Scrolls, Lotus Blossom, etc) - Gives a chance at getting up to 3 random crafting supplies

Not sure what else would be done with the Dragon Battles though.

06-05-13, 04:36 AM
You want that sort of thing? Check out my post on page 33

Wow :o I'm impressed!! And yes, you are absolutely right, it would make a lot of sense to upgrade the farms, along with these new (very hungry) dragons! (Fairytale series, I'm lookin at you, hungry hungry hippos) :)

06-05-13, 04:50 AM
I know it's only just been released to some players, but eventually I'd like to see more to do with the Dragon Battles and the Quest Outpost.

The Quest Outpost, I think, could have a couple more Quest Options like...

Goblin Dragon/Quest for Gold - Gives a chance at getting up to 5 Gold
Mirage Dragon (? or some other Dragon)/Quest for Crafting Supplies (ie. Aether Dust, Spell Scrolls, Lotus Blossom, etc) - Gives a chance at getting up to 3 random crafting supplies

Not sure what else would be done with the Dragon Battles though.
I had My fire dragon brings 20 gold back few time.

06-05-13, 10:19 AM
I still want a Temple Dragon! Trade in Mythic Dragons for Pillars, craft 8 of them into Strong Columns.

3 Strong Columns, 3 Nether Dust, 4 Spell Scrolls make a Temple Dragon.

06-05-13, 10:25 AM
I suggest when the dragons are done breeding, they both go back to their habitats and the egg goes into the nest. If there is no empty nest, both dragons still go back to their habitats and the den can not be used again until the egg is in the nest.

I would also like it if we can see how many times we have used each quest, and our neighbours can see too like our album... Same for the arena.

06-05-13, 11:56 AM
I suggest when the dragons are done breeding, they both go back to their habitats and the egg goes into the nest. If there is no empty nest, both dragons still go back to their habitats and the den can not be used again until the egg is in the nest.

I would also like it if we can see how many times we have used each quest, and our neighbours can see too like our album... Same for the arena.

LOVE the idea for the quest and arena! It could be like a Stats sheet! Wins/ losses and such! The quest one could have a tally of all the rewards you've gotten!

06-05-13, 12:02 PM
LOVE the idea for the quest and arena! It could be like a Stats sheet! Wins/ losses and such! The quest one could have a tally of all the rewards you've gotten!

Yes I would like the status report I still have no idea how many battles I have done and how much I have lost and to what dragon!!! I would love the option where you can tap on it and it gives a break down and my nbrs can tap the outpost or Arena and get the same break down. That would be awesome!!

06-05-13, 12:45 PM
A new map type: Arcane Map.

You can't ask for these, you need to send the Atlas Dragon on quests for them. You will receive an Arcane Map about 1/3 of the time.

After getting 20 Arcane Maps, you are granted three extra islands to the left of the existing islands, along with this comes 10 extra habitats. Expanding in this new area requires Arcane Maps.

06-05-13, 02:14 PM
I had My fire dragon brings 20 gold back few time.

Oh wow. I thought it meant "Gold" as in the in game Silver currency. Thanks for the confirmation :).

would like an option to cancel breeding in progress and eggs incubating. in bakery story we can cancel foods that are in process of cooking.

I don't think you should be allowed to cancel the breeding when it's in the Den, but when the egg is in the nest - I think you should have the opportunity to discard it.

06-05-13, 10:00 PM
Hey, once the Quests have a full release, we could have new quests:
Sunshine Crystals
Quest for crafting materials!

Pink Tales
Quest for Fairytale-element dragons!

Second Sunset
Quest for White dragons!

Princess Perfect
Quest for Princess dragon parts and decorations!

That leads to a new craftable dragon, the Princess dragon!
The Princess dragon requires 50 Crowns, 30 Fairies, 20 Wands and 8 Dresses.

All these materials can be earned from trading Fairytale dragons and/or from Princess Perfect. The Princess dragon lives in a Fairytale forest, and is basically the Fairytale gemstone dragon.

06-06-13, 04:03 AM
I request a bloody pause button, put a hold on all new dragons, let us new guys catch up.

06-06-13, 05:14 AM
I request a bloody pause button, put a hold on all new dragons, let us new guys catch up.

I would like 3 dragons a week, if they increased the habitats...

06-06-13, 11:23 AM
http://i1356.photobucket.com/albums/q738/opanugie/Dragon-Story-Island-Recovered_zps4028f74c.jpg (http://s1356.photobucket.com/user/opanugie/media/Dragon-Story-Island-Recovered_zps4028f74c.jpg.html)
http://i1356.photobucket.com/albums/q738/opanugie/Dragon-Story-Island-Skyworld_zpsb461bb4e.jpg (http://s1356.photobucket.com/user/opanugie/media/Dragon-Story-Island-Skyworld_zpsb461bb4e.jpg.html)
http://i1356.photobucket.com/albums/q738/opanugie/Dragon-Story-Island-Underworld_zpsd5919458.jpg (http://s1356.photobucket.com/user/opanugie/media/Dragon-Story-Island-Underworld_zpsd5919458.jpg.html)

Holy cow....this looks great! Brilliant work opanugie! Is something like this ever going to be possible TL? It sure would make a lot of people happy, there are people who have bred the new Stone dragon today and just have nowhere to put him. I really do hope you are working on something like this for the game. More habitats are a must.

06-06-13, 12:12 PM
A new map type: Arcane Map.

You can't ask for these, you need to send the Atlas Dragon on quests for them. You will receive an Arcane Map about 1/3 of the time.

After getting 20 Arcane Maps, you are granted three extra islands to the left of the existing islands, along with this comes 10 extra habitats. Expanding in this new area requires Arcane Maps.

Does anyone like the idea of this? :(

06-06-13, 12:41 PM
opanugie, RotomGuy, I love your suggestions. Awesome solutions! I really hope that something is in the works. This is becoming the top problem in my game! Please team lava, I don't want to sell the dragons I have bred and fed and evolved to get the new ones. And I don't want an island with nothing but habitats on it. The stable helps a ton, but it will not be enough long term! You've been doing some awesome things lately, so we really hope you have something cool planned to make the game continue to work long term!

06-06-13, 12:45 PM
faster upgrades on the android app to be somewhat equal to the iTunes version (crafting, etc)
an option to upgrade the farm further, or a food source worth more than 800 at a time. (I have very hungry dragons....)
ability to do more with the dragons

06-06-13, 04:46 PM
At this point, having only been playing for ~6 weeks, I'd love access to a second breeding den and for the removed dragons to come back at some point, even if it was only for a month.

06-07-13, 02:32 AM
Wow :o I'm impressed!! And yes, you are absolutely right, it would make a lot of sense to upgrade the farms, along with these new (very hungry) dragons! (Fairytale series, I'm lookin at you, hungry hungry hippos) :)
Thanks a lot!

06-07-13, 02:33 AM
I had My fire dragon brings 20 gold back few time.

Me too!

06-07-13, 02:33 AM
I still want a Temple Dragon! Trade in Mythic Dragons for Pillars, craft 8 of them into Strong Columns.

3 Strong Columns, 3 Nether Dust, 4 Spell Scrolls make a Temple Dragon.


06-07-13, 02:37 AM
Does anyone like the idea of this? :(
Yes, as a matter of fact, I do

06-07-13, 02:38 AM
faster upgrades on the android app to be somewhat equal to the iTunes version (crafting, etc)
an option to upgrade the farm further, or a food source worth more than 800 at a time. (I have very hungry dragons....)
ability to do more with the dragons
If you want that sort of stuff, check out my post on page 33

06-07-13, 02:52 AM
What does iOS mean???

06-07-13, 04:02 AM
What does iOS mean???

If you don't know it - you don't have it :)

It's a s a mobile operating system for iPhone, iPad and other Apple devices

06-07-13, 09:12 AM
Would love to see my island. that way we can keep decorating.

06-07-13, 09:15 AM
If you don't know it - you don't have it :)

It's a s a mobile operating system for iPhone, iPad and other Apple devices

Summing Up what they said-

iOS is Apple Devices
Android- Everything made by everyone else except for kindles
Kindle- Kindle

06-07-13, 09:27 AM
I have a suggestion for easier ways to get gold. One is instead of silver for completing goals, why not give small amounts of gold? Or up the amount of gold that can be gifted. One thing about this game that I like is the fact that it takes a lot of patience, but in a way, it's not fair to newer players.
See, some people will never be able to own forest fires because they could not breed them and could not afford them in the market. For me, it would take a few months to be able to afford a lot of things I want, such as the treasure dragon and what not.
I would also suggest that substituting silver for gold in order to speed up things would be a good step as well. I don't want gold to be easy to get, but I don't have the money to just buy gold whenever I want. I'm a consistent player and I collect all the time. I really enjoy this game but the inability to get some dragons before they expire ****s me. I'll probably never be able to get the mistmoth. That sucks. I just don't see the point in gettin rid of those dragons. It just makes me sad because I want, in the long run, to collect all the dragons. I hope that at some point they will come back for limited times so I can try to get them. Until then, I guess I'll just complain to some pixels and hope they'll listen.

06-07-13, 10:25 AM
I would like to see....all of the old dragons back, boosted breeding that doesn't cost gold, and fewer dragons where we have to guess what combinations to breed in order to get them. it was more fun when we knew.

06-07-13, 11:33 AM
I have a suggestion for easier ways to get gold. One is instead of silver for completing goals, why not give small amounts of gold? Or up the amount of gold that can be gifted. One thing about this game that I like is the fact that it takes a lot of patience, but in a way, it's not fair to newer players.
See, some people will never be able to own forest fires because they could not breed them and could not afford them in the market. For me, it would take a few months to be able to afford a lot of things I want, such as the treasure dragon and what not.
I would also suggest that substituting silver for gold in order to speed up things would be a good step as well. I don't want gold to be easy to get, but I don't have the money to just buy gold whenever I want. I'm a consistent player and I collect all the time. I really enjoy this game but the inability to get some dragons before they expire ****s me. I'll probably never be able to get the mistmoth. That sucks. I just don't see the point in gettin rid of those dragons. It just makes me sad because I want, in the long run, to collect all the dragons. I hope that at some point they will come back for limited times so I can try to get them. Until then, I guess I'll just complain to some pixels and hope they'll listen.

I thought this is a great idea! They have 2 goals like that one for TD, and one for lotus. So they can do it. It would be nice for some of the really hard ones to get a few gold here and there, no harm in that and we have a more rewarding sense of accomplishment! Thanks for the great idea! :)

06-07-13, 11:50 AM
hay guys i really like this game but rather than just constantly throwing more and more dragons perhaps fix some of the functionality of the game. what i mean is why is it that if you sell a water dragon you get 1000 coins but a diamond is only 100 or 200? surely these very hard dragons should be worth about 1M coins.

06-07-13, 03:13 PM
I would like 3 dragons a week, if they increased the habitats...

That's only cos you don't seem to have any trouble breeding new dragons. Lol, I on the other hand have only managed to breed a pathetic 78 in 107 levels and several months. I am so behind a temporary hold on all new dragons PLUS a habitat increase would be great as I wouldn't have to trade dragons for gems I don't need. (Feel it is a waste to just sell them)

06-07-13, 04:14 PM
there should be another way to earn gold. getting gold from neighbor is a hard work. goals should be rewarded with an amount of gold. and i also want to have another farm with 24hrs food (or 22hrs). the amount of food should be worth it (3000food maybe)

06-07-13, 04:15 PM
That's only cos you don't seem to have any trouble breeding new dragons. Lol, I on the other hand have only managed to breed a pathetic 78 in 107 levels and several months. I am so behind a temporary hold on all new dragons PLUS a habitat increase would be great as I wouldn't have to trade dragons for gems I don't need. (Feel it is a waste to just sell them)

Well I guess I'm being rewarded for those many many weeks it took to get the Diamond hybrids and every other dragon I have struggled with. I've seen comments from players saying its not fair that others are getting dragons easier, faster than others like its our fault or something? I've had problems getting dragons too and I'm sure everyone else has, no need for people to take out their frustration on other players.

Having more dragons to go for is better than having none at all... Especially when you can't put them in habitats, so yeah nobody is happy with DS right now. No habitats, no new dragons, limited dragons, no trading/crafting for android.. The list is endless. TL have done a good job on this game, the quest and battle arena have been released so now they need to work on the things I just mentioned.

06-07-13, 04:21 PM
A new map type: Arcane Map.

You can't ask for these, you need to send the Atlas Dragon on quests for them. You will receive an Arcane Map about 1/3 of the time.

After getting 20 Arcane Maps, you are granted three extra islands to the left of the existing islands, along with this comes 10 extra habitats. Expanding in this new area requires Arcane Maps.

you should be joking. some iOS users still dont have quest feature. neither android nor kindle have that feature.

06-07-13, 04:24 PM
you should be joking. some iOS users still dont have quest feature. neither android nor kindle have that feature.

If they do what Rotomguy suggests then I'm sure they'll "work on it" for android in no time...

06-08-13, 03:11 AM
If they do what Rotomguy suggests then I'm sure they'll "work on it" for android in no time...

ohh that would be a good idea then. :D

06-08-13, 03:20 AM
Well I guess I'm being rewarded for those many many weeks it took to get the Diamond hybrids and every other dragon I have struggled with. I've seen comments from players saying its not fair that others are getting dragons easier, faster than others like its our fault or something? I've had problems getting dragons too and I'm sure everyone else has, no need for people to take out their frustration on other players.

Having more dragons to go for is better than having none at all... Especially when you can't put them in habitats, so yeah nobody is happy with DS right now. No habitats, no new dragons, limited dragons, no trading/crafting for android.. The list is endless. TL have done a good job on this game, the quest and battle arena have been released so now they need to work on the things I just mentioned.

Ok fair comment. I suppose the rate of new dragons is good for players like you. It is just that I would love a full album and can't see how I am ever going to get there, so a temporary halt would give me a chance to catch up slightly. I guess it is impossible for TL to keep everyone happy. As soon as they grant one request people moan about something else.

Hope you didn't think that I think it is unfair that you have got all the dragons cos I don't. Happy for anyone who manages to get dragons. It is just a game of luck at the end of the day.

06-08-13, 03:59 AM
When news features of the iOS version will be available for Android?

Why Android users are discriminated against? iOS nobody uses in Europe.

06-08-13, 06:47 AM
i hope Tl change farm limit from 6 to 7 or 8 , and add tradeing dragons with naighbors , add more island , give some ability to dragons or decoration like for example a decoration that insert the habitats capisity by 2% or make farms preduce 3% more food

06-08-13, 07:21 AM
Ok fair comment. I suppose the rate of new dragons is good for players like you. It is just that I would love a full album and can't see how I am ever going to get there, so a temporary halt would give me a chance to catch up slightly. I guess it is impossible for TL to keep everyone happy. As soon as they grant one request people moan about something else.

Hope you didn't think that I think it is unfair that you have got all the dragons cos I don't. Happy for anyone who manages to get dragons. It is just a game of luck at the end of the day.

Ok thanks, and yes I agree it is all about luck.

06-08-13, 07:31 AM
I have a suggestion. Think about your customer. You have players of all ages. Some quite young that cannot afford your gold digging ways. Stop being so greedy and go back to the game everyone enjoyed when it first came out. It was fun. Every now and then, we would actually get the dragon we were after. But this mass release of dragons to get us to buy gold needs to stop. Think of everyone, from the 13 year old playing to the retired fixed income players. Stop thinking about your own retirement that from the looks of it, you can do really soon since we seem to be funding your retirement funds, and think about letting your clientele enjoy the game again.

Is it too much to ask?

06-08-13, 09:48 AM
I have a suggestion. Think about your customer. You have players of all ages. Some quite young that cannot afford your gold digging ways. Stop being so greedy and go back to the game everyone enjoyed when it first came out. It was fun. Every now and then, we would actually get the dragon we were after. But this mass release of dragons to get us to buy gold needs to stop. Think of everyone, from the 13 year old playing to the retired fixed income players. Stop thinking about your own retirement that from the looks of it, you can do really soon since we seem to be funding your retirement funds, and think about letting your clientele enjoy the game again.

Is it too much to ask?

I agree with you! I'm 13 yrs old and my father won't let me buy ANY Gold even the one costs $0.99 (Costs RM 4 in Malaysia) I love this game and I played this game since it was released! Now TL is making everything harder....It's so hard! Espicially the Black & Pink hybrids....Look at the food amount for the new dragons....12500 apples at lvl 10,Are you kidding me? That much? If I was the creator of DS,I would make it fair and I would know how people feel when they caught thr game too hard for some reason! PLEASE TL! Change it back to the old times before you lose your beloved players!

06-08-13, 10:34 AM
Search option! to check out other peoples islands without having to add them as a neighbor! or at least a cancel request for pending neighbor requests.

06-08-13, 04:50 PM
breedable dragons that give golds ( at least 1 per week at lv 10)

06-09-13, 04:17 AM
We should be able to send gold to all of our neighbors at once then we should be able to collect gold 5 times a day. Also, at least put the neighbors from farthest day out first so we don't keep sending the same neighbors gold. Also, stop resetting the neighbor que, I try to visit all my neighbors and halfway through, I'm back at the A's it's silly.... At the very least allow people to buy a second nest with silver I think it use to be that way because I can't imagine buying a second one for gold and then anything after two for gold, same with the breeding dens, give us 2! Especially the way you keep limiting dragons. And if we have to feed these dragons so much food to get to 10, offer more food for the RIGHT amount of coins or offer more farms I prefer more food tbh. I agree with Khwals post, this game was far more economical when I first started, now I find myself spending money I swore I never would, as of now, I have disabled in-game purchases and banned myself because I've paid way too much in the last few months.

06-09-13, 04:47 AM
I have a suggestion. Think about your customer. You have players of all ages. Some quite young that cannot afford your gold digging ways. Stop being so greedy and go back to the game everyone enjoyed when it first came out. It was fun. Every now and then, we would actually get the dragon we were after. But this mass release of dragons to get us to buy gold needs to stop. Think of everyone, from the 13 year old playing to the retired fixed income players. Stop thinking about your own retirement that from the looks of it, you can do really soon since we seem to be funding your retirement funds, and think about letting your clientele enjoy the game again.

Is it too much to ask?
It seems that most changes in the game is aimed towards more gold purchases these days. Everything from the same breeding hours with multiple outcomes to making previously standard dragons limited. Obvious money grabbing techniques IMO. :(

06-09-13, 07:37 AM
New element suggestion!!!

Pure element
- Pure dragon (need 4 element that controvert, ex: black, light, red, blue, so Moon and Athletic or love and Deep, etc)
- Pure fire dragon
- Pure forest dragon
- Pure Air dragon
- Pure magic dragon
- Pure Night dragon
- Pure Virtue dragon

06-09-13, 09:18 AM
I would like to see more ways to get gold and for tree and Bush removed to be cheaper more attainable ....would like to give at least twenty friends gold.... like it is with map...

06-09-13, 04:33 PM
New dragons:
-Moon dragon: light+blue
-Sun dragon: light+air
- lunar eclipse: Moon+Sun
- Solar exclipse: Moon+Sun
-Pure Sun (two-headed dragon)
-a big dragon (deco): collect parts to summon the dragon.

06-09-13, 05:23 PM
New dragons:
-Moon dragon: light+blue
-Sun dragon: light+air
- lunar eclipse: Moon+Sun
- Solar exclipse: Moon+Sun
-Pure Sun (two-headed dragon)
-a big dragon (deco): collect parts to summon the dragon.

(edit details)
- legendary dragon: buy the habbitat (1/1) and collect parts to get the dragon. (the habitat is placed at the edge of an island and is unmoveable)
-Pure moon
-occassional dragons: available only once per year (there should be more one) every year

06-09-13, 06:51 PM
New dragons:
-Moon dragon: light+blue
-Sun dragon: light+air
- lunar eclipse: Moon+Sun
- Solar exclipse: Moon+Sun
-Pure Sun (two-headed dragon)
-a big dragon (deco): collect parts to summon the dragon.

I think we have a moon... Right ?

06-09-13, 11:17 PM
New Summer dragons:
Summer dragon (new element-summer obtainable by breeding yellow and blue)
Sunflower dragon (Summer+Yellow)
Sunshine dragon (Summer+Yellow)
Beach dragon (Summer+Yellow+Blue)
Picnic dragon (Summer+Green)
Cliffside dragon (Summer+White)
Holiday dragon (Summer+Yellow+Blue)

06-09-13, 11:44 PM
Why does everyone keep suggesting a new type of dragon -_- a lot of people can't catch up already

Please increase the farm limit from 6 to at least 8, or increase the amount of crops harvested, the huge increased feeding make it really hard to feed all the dragons to their epic form.

06-10-13, 03:02 AM
hay guys i really like this game but rather than just constantly throwing more and more dragons perhaps fix some of the functionality of the game. what i mean is why is it that if you sell a water dragon you get 1000 coins but a diamond is only 100 or 200? surely these very hard dragons should be worth about 1M coins.
Yeah, they should
TL, plz give us more habitats. Please. Check out this thread

06-10-13, 03:06 AM
That's only cos you don't seem to have any trouble breeding new dragons. Lol, I on the other hand have only managed to breed a pathetic 78 in 107 levels and several months. I am so behind a temporary hold on all new dragons PLUS a habitat increase would be great as I wouldn't have to trade dragons for gems I don't need. (Feel it is a waste to just sell them)
We all want a habitat increase, plz TL? Check out this thread

06-10-13, 03:07 AM
Oops, no hyperlink, I meant this

06-10-13, 03:12 AM
I have a suggestion. Think about your customer. You have players of all ages. Some quite young that cannot afford your gold digging ways. Stop being so greedy and go back to the game everyone enjoyed when it first came out. It was fun. Every now and then, we would actually get the dragon we were after. But this mass release of dragons to get us to buy gold needs to stop. Think of everyone, from the 13 year old playing to the retired fixed income players. Stop thinking about your own retirement that from the looks of it, you can do really soon since we seem to be funding your retirement funds, and think about letting your clientele enjoy the game again.

Is it too much to ask?
Yeah, I'm 10, I can't possibly buy gold! A habitat increase is all we want

TL, please give us more habitats. Check out this thread here thing

06-10-13, 03:20 AM
We should be able to send gold to all of our neighbors at once then we should be able to collect gold 5 times a day. Also, at least put the neighbors from farthest day out first so we don't keep sending the same neighbors gold. Also, stop resetting the neighbor que, I try to visit all my neighbors and halfway through, I'm back at the A's it's silly.... At the very least allow people to buy a second nest with silver I think it use to be that way because I can't imagine buying a second one for gold and then anything after two for gold, same with the breeding dens, give us 2! Especially the way you keep limiting dragons. And if we have to feed these dragons so much food to get to 10, offer more food for the RIGHT amount of coins or offer more farms I prefer more food tbh. I agree with Khwals post, this game was far more economical when I first started, now I find myself spending money I swore I never would, as of now, I have disabled in-game purchases and banned myself because I've paid way too much in the last few months.

No, no, that would make it a disaster, imagine you have 150 neighbours and 95 of them were regular players! You would be getting around 100 gold per day. It would make the game too easy!

TL, plz give us more habitats. Check out this thread

06-10-13, 03:35 AM
Yeah, I'm 10, I can't possibly buy gold! A habitat increase is all we want

TL, please give us more habitats. Check out this thread here thing (http://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?53420-The-More-Habitats-thread&p=655258#post655258)

Stop it! Don't say "check this thread.. bla..bla..bla.." it makes me sick! (Sorry...:()
Get a grip! It's just a game! Nothing to do with that. Remember, game made to entertain us, if you don't entertained anymore, stop playing. I always uninstall the game if I'm bored with that. Don't make yourself tired ..

06-10-13, 08:34 AM
Stop it! Don't say "check this thread.. bla..bla..bla.." it makes me sick! (Sorry...:()
Get a grip! It's just a game! Nothing to do with that. Remember, game made to entertain us, if you don't entertained anymore, stop playing. I always uninstall the game if I'm bored with that. Don't make yourself tired ..

Aren't they, Spamming?

06-10-13, 09:04 AM
I think we have a moon... Right ?

yup, we do have a moon dragon, but it's night hybrid.

06-10-13, 02:53 PM
Why are there no rewards for levelling up?

06-10-13, 03:24 PM
Why are there no rewards for levelling up?

Because that would be nice. But hey. Congratulations from us forum dwellers.

06-10-13, 04:09 PM
Because that would be nice. But hey. Congratulations from us forum dwellers.

I find it bizzare that they give us nothing to look forward to as we climb through the levels...it's just odd

06-10-13, 04:11 PM
I find it bizzare that they give us nothing to look forward to as we climb through the levels...it's just odd

I think it's because you can level up quickly, very quickly buy planting diamondates. So they figure, we would level up just for the prize. Needless wo say, we know why we really plant diamondates - the greedy dragons TL keeps introducing.

06-10-13, 04:44 PM
I think it's because you can level up quickly, very quickly buy planting diamondates. So they figure, we would level up just for the prize. Needless wo say, we know why we really plant diamondates - the greedy dragons TL keeps introducing.

Yes, level up too fast because of the Diamondates. I hope TL make it harder to level up.

06-10-13, 05:06 PM
I have another suggestion. Make the ratio of fails to successes equal for all players. It's not right that some players can breed new dragon after new dragon continuously while others can only get dozens of fails.

You read the threads, ooh I just got another one, while someone else gets there tenth fail. Breeding should be equal to all. Not just to the same islands every Monday and Thursday. But it is. The exact same names appear with success and the exact same names show up as fails, every day.

The statistics should be equal or spread out. Not just a handful of players succeeding (and complaining about habitat space). Sorry neighbors, but this isn't fair nor is it right.

06-10-13, 06:08 PM
I agree with you! I'm 13 yrs old and my father won't let me buy ANY Gold even the one costs $0.99 (Costs RM 4 in Malaysia) I love this game and I played this game since it was released! Now TL is making everything harder....It's so hard! Espicially the Black & Pink hybrids....Look at the food amount for the new dragons....12500 apples at lvl 10,Are you kidding me? That much? If I was the creator of DS,I would make it fair and I would know how people feel when they caught thr game too hard for some reason! PLEASE TL! Change it back to the old times before you lose your beloved players! I agree. i am medically retired. disabled living on fixed incone and home alone the 40 hours a week my husband works. i did spend money from my very very small svgs accout to speed up breeding and hatching. bought 250 gold. bred,hatched,bred ,hatched to get fairy tale all i got for my money was fruitfuls. imoney is hard for themajority of us to acquire. i was so upset ,disappointed and frustrated to spend what little i have for fruitful dragons. i am not finding this game to he much fun . i am trying to bred not so much for want i want. because i orobably wont get it but i try to avoid dragons i dont want. andbred combinations that will hopegully eliminate the unwanted. extrememy sick and tired of firestorms . corals and ESPECIALLY the dreaded FRUITFUL. how about eliminating those????

06-10-13, 07:37 PM
how about shipping all remaining fruitful,coral, .and firestorm eggs to bakery story. we could build dragon stoves and cook them in various ways. i would really like to scramble some fruitful eggs. would buy gold to have the pleasure of doing it. would give me some satisfaction!!! and relieve some frustration

06-10-13, 07:40 PM
how about shipping all remaining fruitful,coral, .and firestorm eggs to bakery story. we could build dragon stoves and cook them in various ways. i would really like to scramble some fruitful eggs. would buy gold to have the pleasure of doing it. would give me some satisfaction!!! and relieve some frustration

But, it's huge egg, they're dragon eggs not chicken egg, I think it's 20 - 50 times bigger than chicken egg