View Full Version : neighbours to expand?

05-04-13, 10:12 AM
How many neighbors are needed for the bigger expansions? I want to clean up my friends list, but want to be able to expand (when I can afford them).

05-04-13, 10:41 AM
I believe the maximum you need is 50 for expansion but don't trust my answer as I'm not completely sure. You might want to ask a moderator, they probably know this more than I do.

05-05-13, 02:49 PM
i THINK if you go in design mode and tap the expansion option you will see how many neighbors you need to expand up to whatever level

05-06-13, 01:37 PM
It seems, once you have enough neighbours, the number of neighbors needed is replaced by how many coins or gems you will need. Since I have more than enough neighbors, it does not show me. I want to reduce the number of neighbors I have, but don't want to remove too many.

Does anyone still have the number of neighbors showing?