View Full Version : Refund?

04-29-13, 02:24 PM
My friend told me he spend over a 1000 gold trying to breed the treasure dragon because someone on the forums said they bred it. He doesn't post but he said he would like a refund. Is that possible?
Also, why... Oh why.. Would anyone lie about how they got it?

04-29-13, 02:28 PM
There are no refunds to my knowledge. Haven't heard or known of anyone who got one. I didn't.

04-29-13, 02:29 PM
Just... Why would they lie. Someone out there is going to use gold breeding for the treasure dragon. Is there no empathy on this forum?

04-29-13, 02:30 PM
They don't do refunds, apparently.

[S8] Elsa
04-29-13, 03:41 PM
If you have a question regarding Gold on your account, you can contact support@teamlava.com.

Please note that the Treasure Dragon can not be bred. The Dragon can only be bought from the Market for 800 Gold. It gives 1 Gold per day.