View Full Version : My Bakery Story is Stock up don;t know what to do. help me please

04-29-13, 05:26 AM
My Bakery Story is Stock up don;t know what to do. help me please

04-29-13, 06:44 AM
Can you give more information?

04-29-13, 04:45 PM
What do you mean by stocked up. with food? or stuck, as in no customers? if stocked with food then leave it alone and collect profits, if stuck as in customers wont come in then maybe you have something blocking you door, in which case you can go to the design mode and move it so customers can come in or come to the register.

05-01-13, 09:24 AM
If what you mean is, you've cooked more food than your counters can hold, just get more counters to place the food.