View Full Version : gift button dissapeared days ago

04-25-13, 03:33 AM
Hi, i run RS and BS on my ipad.
I have been doing these two years or more.

BTW, days ago, the gift button in main screen was dissapeared...
Now i can accept nbrs' gift but i cannot send to them.

Please let me know how to resolve this strange situation.


[S8] Regina
04-25-13, 05:39 PM
Thank you for reporting this! Which Gift button are you referring to? (The Social menu, a neighbor's shop, or the Telephone Icon)

If the Gift or Gift Back button is greyed out, it usually means that the neighbor had accepted all the Gifts for the day, and you cannot Gift them again until the next day.

04-26-13, 06:03 AM
Thanks for your reply.
I mean the one found when i visit neighbor's shop.
I checked the gift buttons in the social menu and telephone icon are all ok...

I have 1500 neighbors and in the past, i gifted back all i got from neighbors.


05-08-13, 03:58 AM
Dear TL

Sorry. I was very busy with work, so could not follow up this thread.
BTW, the issue I posted up was resolved yesterday!
I do not know what TL helpe me but my RS and BS are now returned back
normal, that is I can see and use my gift button when I visit my nbrs...

Now I can gift back immediately when I got some gift from nbrs.

Thanks for your help.


[S8] Regina
05-08-13, 05:14 PM
Cool! I am glad that the Gifting matter is resolved. The engineering team had been investigating this issue. Thanks for your patience! :)