View Full Version : Farm Story Weekly Update 4-23-2013

kooky panda
04-23-13, 11:06 AM
New Update!

Limited offer-

Australian Cottage- 40 gems

OK, we have a Lentil 16 hours
Koala Tree 32 gems
Crocodile 16 gems
Kiwi 21 gems
Royal Bluebell 18 hrs
Australian Gazebo 18 gems
Aussie Wagon 78,000 coins
Australian Farmer - statue 60,000 coins (and I'll need some help from our Aussie friends to explain me the statue meaning)

TL Blog (http://blog.teamlava.com/)

This tiny wonder from down under may look like a fuzzy fruit, but don’t eat it! The flightless bird has a lot of troubles to deal with and being your afternoon snack should not be one of them. Pick up the cute new Kiwi in Farm Story (http://www.facebook.com/farmstory)!
Stay down under while being down on the Farm with these other items:

Aussie Wagon
Australian Cottage
Australian Farmer
Australian Gazebo

04-23-13, 11:17 AM
I can't begin to tell you how bummed I am that the stone cottage we kept asking for has a flag on it. It's very cute but for those of us who aren't Australian it really stinks. I've been dying for some new houses...

04-23-13, 12:13 PM
I can't begin to tell you how bummed I am that the stone cottage we kept asking for has a flag on it. It's very cute but for those of us who aren't Australian it really stinks. I've been dying for some new houses...

I second this.

But that kiwi and his chubby bum are too cute.

04-23-13, 12:21 PM
Look at that bum. Too cute.


04-23-13, 01:20 PM
Where's yanochka with more pics? Hello? Bueller?

04-23-13, 04:36 PM
Just look at that dumpy little kiwi. Too cute. Love the new crops.

04-23-13, 05:23 PM
Kiwi is New Zealand, not Australian

04-23-13, 08:04 PM
I can't begin to tell you how bummed I am that the stone cottage we kept asking for has a flag on it. It's very cute but for those of us who aren't Australian it really stinks. I've been dying for some new houses...

Same here. And it doesn't matter what flag is on it right now, I'd say the same if it were an American flag.

04-23-13, 08:43 PM
Glad they're making up for those couple of weeks with no crops. I like the flower. The kiwi is cute, but would probably be out of place on my farm.

04-23-13, 09:14 PM
We want a stone house with NO flag!

04-24-13, 04:49 AM
I have no problem with offering some things for our Austrailian players, but 3 weeks of excluding everybody else is just plain stupid. Another week of disappointement. Thanx TL.

04-24-13, 08:54 AM
The cottage wouldn't be so bad and I would've probably bought it if it didn't have a flag of a country I've never been to or have anything to do with.

04-24-13, 08:56 AM
Same goes for the barn from last week. I liked the windows and the colors of it.

kooky panda
04-25-13, 07:00 PM
Hey guys I moved the Mother's Day Update posts to a new thread here (http://forums.teamlava.com/showthread.php?50566-Farm-Mother-s-Day-Update-4-25-13&p=609957&viewfull=1#post609957)

04-25-13, 08:43 PM
The best part of this update is the blue flowers because you can use them to make water features! Yay! Suprised nobody has mentioned it yet since we all want water tiles. :-)