View Full Version : Fastest way to master food

04-23-13, 08:25 AM
Can someone please tell me the fastest way to master my dishes? Do i have all the same stoves or do i mix them up. Im level 23

04-23-13, 09:59 AM
To master a dish you need to cook/serve about 83 times. So it would be better to use all the same stove.

04-23-13, 02:58 PM
You can first master to lvl 2 and leave lvl 4 for later when you get 18 ovens.
also you can start with the highest level food and go down to get more stable income in coins. that is, to leave low level food also for later.because it gives small number of servings and coins per batch, so it's better to do it also with 18 ovens. all special ovens are low level.

If the food piles up then start more different dishes.. it doesn't matter in the end in which order you do them.

05-04-13, 08:44 PM
Its all about cooking the most of the same food at once, the more you have focused on one food the faster you max to 4. some may take as little time as a few hours other longer running foods will take longer depending on the food. remember its quantity lol