View Full Version : Unable to breed Virtue and Night hybrids

04-07-13, 12:51 PM
I'm unable to breed Virtue with anything else to make any pink hybrids. By some odd coincidence I was able to get a Tiny dragon by breeding a light hybrid with some other random hybrid. I don't remember the exact combo. Is there something wrong with my game? I've tried too many times to breed Virtue and Night dragons separately in order to make new dragons without success. I keep getting random hybrids of dragons I already have. I pay for gold sometimes (to hurry breeding times) but I'm not about to pay a billion dollars for gold to have a dragon. I have to eat.

How many times can I say hybrids in one post....ugh.

04-07-13, 01:03 PM
Pink and Black hybrids are near impossible to get for nearly everyone.

I won't ramble about my Kite nonsense again because I'm sure every one has seen it by now.

04-07-13, 01:16 PM
I have Tiny, Chocolate and Origami. I have Bubble and Mask in the nests but these pink/black hybrids are super/ultra rare to get!! TL needs to look into this...

04-07-13, 02:11 PM
Of the pink hybrids all i need is unicorn (no diamond) and kite (if i already hated sunrises before, i hate them even more now). but I haven't gotten any black hybrids since this darned update. :(

04-07-13, 02:17 PM
Pink and Black hybrids are near impossible to get for nearly everyone.

I won't ramble about my Kite nonsense again because I'm sure every one has seen it by now.

I haven't seen it yet....point me to it. :-) Because misery loves company.

04-07-13, 05:29 PM
I've actually gotten a lot of these hybrids, but it took time. I have Origami, Kite, Tiny, Chocolate, Justice, Bat, and Moon.

I don't mean to sound like I'm bragging. It's more of a "I did it, so you can too!".

Personally I would never spend gold on a dragon because eventually I will breed one and I'll regret paying money for it.

04-07-13, 05:46 PM
I've actually gotten a lot of these hybrids, but it took time. I have Origami, Kite, Tiny, Chocolate, Justice, Bat, and Moon.

I don't mean to sound like I'm bragging. It's more of a "I did it, so you can too!".

Personally I would never spend gold on a dragon because eventually I will breed one and I'll regret paying money for it.

That's why I never buy dragons, because it wll tick me off if I get it as a fail.

04-07-13, 06:03 PM
I just managed to get 3 pinks and 2 night hybrids. How on earth are players going to get 20 gems each for crafting?
Rares, as they have been labelled, should be put as super rares. The colours of pink and nights break down most of the time, leaving players with dragons of basic colours. Very frustrating.How is TL going to solve this bugbear???

04-07-13, 07:24 PM
For pink i have been able to breed:
These were all immediately when pink was released.
For night i have bred the following:
I have tried since it came out and am just tired of long magic and island fails.

04-08-13, 11:01 AM
Still not a single night hybrid, here. Countless attempts. Almost out of patience.

04-08-13, 11:08 AM
I got a Goblin and Flower now. I still need..

Dark Angel

04-08-13, 11:09 AM
Well, I have a Deep and a Chocolate and that's it.

I want mah Mite already.

04-08-13, 11:12 AM
For pink I've been able to breed on this account:
Virtue (well duh)
tiny (a few while trying for chocolate earlier)
chocolate (got him during the countdown timer)

And for black, I've been able to breed on this account;
Night (duh)
Deep (actually got this first try with night/mist combo)
goblin (while trying for mask)

On my second account, for pinks, I've been able to breed:
Origami (actually have 2 now)
tiny (3 in total, traded one in while trying for chocolate when it came out)
Chocolate (got before he melted away)

and for blacks, I've been able to breed:

Mask dragons on both accounts took for abosolutely ever!

04-08-13, 11:22 AM
For all of you who have been able to breed Pink/Black hybrids, yay! But for me.. Ever since the first Night hybrid was released I have been unable to breed any Pink Hybrids or Black Hybrids. Luckily I was able to breed several pinks before the Blacks were released. My poor Night dragon I think is puckered out being constantly in the breeding den. So I gave them a break for a Helios which I was able to manage. But Pink or Blacks hybrids? Nada.. zilch.. nothing since Blacks were released.

04-08-13, 11:28 AM
I've only been able to breed Kite which I'm happy for because it one of my favorites. But no black hybrids, I've been trying for Mask for a few days, but haven't even gotten one pink/black hybrid as a fail. I got 11 hours and was excited but it was athlete (which I did need but still!) these dragons are hard!

04-08-13, 11:36 AM
I got a Goblin and Flower now. I still need..

Dark Angel

I Night & Sunrise just gave me Bat! :D

04-08-13, 11:56 AM
Thanks for the ideas. I actually have virtue - tiny (trying choco) and night - moon.. that s all.. :/

04-08-13, 03:47 PM
Does it matter which device everyone is using? I am absolutely frustrated. I have not been able to breed any pink or black hybrids with the exception of the Chocolate Dragon. For awhile I was trying night/pink + diamond, thinking at least if the night or pink broke down into a basic color I would have a rare chance at a diamond hybrid. No such luck. It seems like no matter what I breed my night with, I end up with pure water eggs. I took a break to try and breed the Easter and Mythic dragons, but of course I keep getting Firestorm dragons.

I understand that TL wanted to make dragons harder to obtain to increase the longevity of people playing the game; however, this is frustrating. I'm ready to throw in the towel and call it quits. I don't want to play a game unless it's fun.

04-08-13, 04:53 PM
I managed 2 Chocolates during the Chocolate sweepstakes. They were my first pink hybrids. A couple weeks later I got Flower after countless attempts. Thanks to duplicate Virtues and the Album prize of Lightening, I was finally able to fill two Pink Prairies and I left it at that.
My Mask? I bought it with prize gold - probably the only dragon I would ever buy because the pink-black combo proved virtually impossible. Mask plus Night and a Deep I got from one of many failed attempts at Illusion fill up my one Black Sands.
Pink and black hybrids really ARE dauntingly difficult. At least they are when you're trying for them.

04-08-13, 07:19 PM
I got a Goblin and Flower now. I still need..

Dark Angel

I Night & Sunrise just gave me Bat! :D

Night & Ice Cream = 31 hours Moon! :D